konobi timotimo: yeah, should be able to get something sorted thanks to a friend 00:03
timotimo much appreciated!
cognominal I have trouble to understand how moar get from the serialization context handle to the path of the corresponding file 02:15
when I dump a moarvm bytecode, I see the sc handles allright but what about the pathes? 02:17
cognominal probably tracking where the MVMLoadedCompUnitName type is used will give me the answer 03:59
ok, now everything makes sense. There is explicit code using loadbytecode to load the said other bytecode files :) 04:07
brrt konobi; i'm going to look at it asap 07:43
i'm not going to promise you a solution though
it's also always possible to require a system lua if minilua won't work on illumos
timotimo o/ 08:11
brrt \o timotimo
brrt is somehwat embarrased by how much better virtualbox works with illumos than qemu
lizmat hoelz.ro/blog/tracking-slowdowns-in...-processes # seemed interesting for here 20:41
timotimo i have it open already :) 20:43
[Coke] multiple hangs in jvm test run today. Need to consider giving up the eval server so I can more easily call time on something that's hung. 20:56
ww 20:57
hoelzro yay! someone read my blog post! 22:15