dalek arVM: 151b7f7 | jnthn++ | src/spesh/graph. (2 files):
A better fix for leak on inlining handlers.

This one doesn't wrongly free handlers that came from another spesh candidate, which was the cause of problems with the previous attempt to fix this leak.
jnthn I valgrund the CORE.setting build this time :) 17:33
Which of course took forever, especially as I did leak tracking. 17:35
dalek arVM: b05f0e6 | jnthn++ | src/mast/driver.c:
Don't leak buffer when saving bytecode to file.

We'd exit very soon after this anyway, but good to keep a clean sheet.
arVM: 90648b3 | jnthn++ | src/6model/serialization.c:
Some missing cleanup in bounded serialization.
jnthn Those were the biggest leaks in CORE.setting compilation
dalek arVM: 81d7f3b | jnthn++ | src/6model/parametric.c:
Fix leak in type parameterization.
lizmat jnthn: so it's time for a MoarVM / nqp bump ? 18:06
jnthn Might be wise to do a build/spectest with the changes first 18:08
But I think it should be pretty alright
lizmat ok, I'll give it a try 18:09