jnthn tomboy64: Don't know anything about that, sorry. :( 08:53
tomboy64 jnthn: i think i figured it out. it was lib64 being set without / what made it a security issue. 08:54
jnthn: i changed that in my patch.
jnthn ah, ok :) 08:57
tomboy64: Left some comments on your MoarVM PR. Looks good overall. 09:04
dalek arVM/reframe: 8b642e4 | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMThread.c:
Mark tc->thread_obj of unstarted threads.

Otherwise, if a GC happens between thread creation and thread start, we'll end up with a TC that has an outdated ->thread_obj pointer.
arVM/reframe: 2a022fb | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMThread.c:
Use MVM_load with an AO_t, to be on the safe side.
jnthn That was by far the most common thing we blew up over in S17 tests 10:27
Fixing it makes various tests happy, and moves various ones on to their next problem 10:28
nwc10 is that a general bug, or one specific to your changes? 10:30
jnthn nwc10: That one was a general bug
nwc10 aha. *interesting*. That might be why sometimes tests hang for me under ASAN 10:31
time & retesting will tell
I'd not been bothering you about this
(and it was way beyond my ability to diagnose quickly)
jnthn gist.github.com/jnthn/2996cce212da...60e71fe5a5 is latest status 10:36
dalek arVM/reframe: 0861a76 | jnthn++ | src/core/exceptions.c:
Missing rooting of frames in backtrace formation.
jnthn That one actually was due to my changes :)
jnthn Gosh, S32-exceptions/misc.t takes an eternity under GC torture 11:33
But provided it doesn't explode, that'll be all the ones with a bad object inside an MVMHash fixed
moritz it's a big file
I guess parsing alone is an ordeal :-) 11:34
jnthn aye
It's up to test 370 by now :)
nwc10 something you just did fixed the nativecall tests 11:35
timotimo GC torture really is extra-bad because we only promote things to the gen2 when they've survived a generation
jnthn :)
timotimo so i expect we'll end up doing two GCs back-to-back with almost nothing freed in between quite often
jnthn Aye, though that's in part why it catches quite a lot of bugs
timotimo btw, do we have any code in place to make sure that when the nursery didn't shrink after a gc run we don't asplode directly after the GC run?
jnthn Yes :) 11:36
timotimo good
jnthn Pretty sure that's been in there since day 1
timotimo not like we'll ever hit that code path in regular user code :)
um, actually ... the string split case could hit that
jnthn Or, the first day we allocated objects :)
timotimo when we split a gigantic string into a crapton of chunks
jnthn For the first while there was no GC, so it was like "4MB should be enough for everyone" :) 11:37
timotimo :D
we wouldn't have gotten far in rakudo code with that attitude
jnthn It did run quite a few of the NQP tests though :) 11:38
Noting that we "cross-compiled" them 11:39
timotimo not so important any more :) 11:40
jnthn lunch & 11:42
dalek arVM: 2e059d9 | timotimo++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c:
"this type" will now actually mention the type
arVM: 350a1ba | timotimo++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c:
"missing serialize" and "rebless" also mention type now

Uninstantiable will now error with debug name
timotimo ^- i decided the code's good enough to get merged, as we just had the release
timotimo This improves a bunch of error messages, especially when they used to 11:50
say "this type", but not *what* type. On top of that, some additional
errors gained a bit more detail, like in P6opaque's compose. And also
errors like "this type doesn't support associative operations" (and
same for positional) now tell you what operation was attempted.
jnthn timotimo: Sound like nice error-reporting improvements 12:05
timotimo i hope people find it useful 12:10
jnthn I suspect so :) 12:17
arnsholt That definitely sounds useful! timotimo++ 12:18
timotimo the errors in the compose thing are probably useless unless you write your own object system
but i figured i might as well.
jnthn S32-exceptions/misc.t ran to completion under torture
moritz \o/ 12:19
arnsholt timotimo: Just because it's not likely that "ordinary" users will be doing it doesn't mean that we have to make it as painful as possible =)
I'm generally in favour of having as specific errors as possible
jnthn So, which ones next...
timotimo :) 12:24
oh, "which ones" wasn't refering to error messages :D
jnthn no, which things from my list of GC torture failies 12:25
jnthn hunted down another one 12:56
Bah, so S07-hyperrace/race.rakudo.moar is now a reliable deadlock rather than a reliable crash :P 12:59
timotimo yeah, race was rather fragile to begin with :| 13:02
jnthn hyper.rakudo.moar too
It either runs to completion or deadlocks 13:05
timotimo aye :\
jnthn Whereas before it fairly reliably SEGV'd due to a GC issue
timotimo when reading a perl6 source file we could totally catch a "invalid character in utf8", re-encode with utf8-c8 and give a bit of context around the place to help people figure out what went wrong 13:07
someone on reddit reported they put an é (or è?) in a source file and that reliably crapped out, but only later found out that for some unknown reason the editor they used decided to use some non-utf8 encoding even though they always saved as utf8 otherwise 13:08
so when the user expects they've saved something as utf8 and rakudo complains, they'll be convinced rakudo is bugged 13:09
jnthn S17-procasync/basic.rakudo.moar now seems to reliably fail to crash under torture, so at least I get that one off my list :)
timotimo whereas when we show the user the wrong bytes in question, they have a much better idea of what went wrong
oh yay :)
moritz timotimo: would be awesome
timotimo i'll think about that more today; right now i'm off towadrs the sauna :3 13:10
arnsholt Yeah, that definitely sounds reasonable (and a good idea!)
timotimo in addition to that, it'd be swell if we could do a bit more "encoding guessing"
like "did you expect one of those characters to appear here?"
"[PILE OF POO] - your file is probably cp1234 13:11
[UNICORN] - your file seems to be iso-1234-99999"
"almost every other byte of this file seems to be a null-byte; did you pass a utf-16 or ucs-16 file by accident?"
don't forget that 2-byte encodings are (allegedly?) really common in at least one of the CJK areas 13:12
dalek arVM/reframe: 7d51049 | jnthn++ | src/core/frame.c:
The instrumentation level barrier may allocate.

Therefore, root collectables around it.
arnsholt timotimo: I guess there might be useful code to be snarfed in Python's ftfy module? 13:34
jnthn That one changed the status of 8 things in the list (3 seemingly fixed for good) 13:38
timotimo arnsholt: The goal of ftfy is to take in bad Unicode and output good Unicode, for use in your Unicode-aware code. This is different from taking in non-Unicode and outputting Unicode, which is not a goal of ftfy. It also isn't designed to protect you from having to write Unicode-aware code. ftfy helps those who help themselves. 13:46
dalek arVM/reframe: 2698ba7 | jnthn++ | src/core/threads.c:
Correct cleanup of temp roots at thread exit.

Fixes a crash that could occur when doing GC of an exited thread.
timotimo the problem that user had on reddit was when we didn't get any unicode out of the encoded blob we read
jnthn Current state of play: gist.github.com/jnthn/2996cce212da...60e71fe5a5 13:48
arnsholt timotimo: Oh, that's right of course. I got it confused a bit
timotimo but it was a good suggestion anyway :) 13:49
jnthn: nice!
dalek arVM/reframe: c0ffff2 | jnthn++ | src/core/frame.c:
Mark frame in unwind data, now it's GC-able.
jnthn That one related to the frames change.
timotimo right 14:03
jnthn So far, 2 issues I was hoping to tease out with this torture testing fixed, and 3 others that showed up along the way :)
dalek arVM/reframe: 3fce8d7 | jnthn++ | src/gc/debug.h:
This debugging macro is better with panic.

Since otherwise, the exception can be caught. Been using it the panic way all day, and it's been rather easier.
arVM/reframe: 32643d1 | jnthn++ | src/core/exceptions.c:
Missing root of exception message in `die`.
timotimo oh, that's rather a bad miss :) 14:25
jnthn Yeah, and another one that's not thanks to the frames thing
But, a fix is a fix. 14:26
timotimo yup 14:27
jnthn Betting this CUnion one will be nothing to do with frames also... 14:28
timotimo sounds likely 14:32
nine_ jnthn++ # hard to imagine that rakudo even ran with so many bugs 14:39
timotimo haha 14:40
jnthn nine_: It's a matter of probability, really
These *could* all come up in user's programs and absolutely want fixing, but each rely on GC happening in a very specific place.
And when you've 4MB of allocation between each collection, along with the fact that many of these places aren't highly common code-paths, it's not so surprising 14:41
timotimo with many user programs finishing before ~20 GC runs in total, it's hard to hit something so perfectly
jnthn Right. Of course, it sucks to be the unlucky user who ends up with the SEGV or weird internal error. 14:42
timotimo yes. very.
jnthn And it sucks to be us faced with such a bug report, because details like the number of env vars they had could be enough to hide it 14:43
timotimo we really ought to be able to build some kind of instrumentation (at the C level) that traverses callframes whenever an allocation call is made and checks to see if variables have been rooted or not
nine_ Like the NaticeCall temp root bug a year ago that took months just to reproduce with an attached gdb 14:44
jnthn The CUnion one could also explain a little flappiness we saw in the nativecall union tests a while ago 14:45
dalek arVM/reframe: 6733e92 | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs/CUnion.c:
Fix CUnion layout computation GC issues.

An unfortunately-timed GC in the middle of that could end up leaving dangling pointers. Just allocate this layout-related bits in gen2, as they'll probably live for a while anyway.
jnthn gist.github.com/jnthn/2996cce212da...60e71fe5a5 updated, for those following along :) 14:51
moritz jnthn: did you ever do a similar torture run in master? 14:53
jnthn moritz: Quite a while ago 14:55
moritz: It kinda wants automating.
jnthn moritz: But it ties up my quad-core box for the at least half a day 14:55
So not like we could run it on travis or something 14:56
moritz jnthn: understandable :-) 15:00
jnthn Gee, S15-nfg/many-threads.t is pretty upset... 15:02
tomboy64 grml
masak .oO( no freading good )
tomboy64 somehow i managed to break rakudo compilation
and i'm really struggling to understand how 15:03
bpaste.net/show/639b63cc1986 15:04
jnthn I don't think it's anything to do with NFG
Given it's a bogus ->outer pointer that it's tripping over
Darn, this one is proving a good bit trickier to find too... 15:25
timotimo tomboy64: you shouldn't expect rakudo-jvm to build and run properly today 16:00
jnthn I thought it built fine but had a bunch of test fails?
tomboy64 timotimo: the very same package built and ran fine a couple of days ago 16:01
timotimo we didn't have a 2016.04 a few days ago; was it perhaps the 2016.01 release?
i'll be AFK for a bit 16:02
tomboy64 rakudo.org/downloads/2016.04/rakudo....04.tar.gz 16:03
but true, i might have tried the 2016.03 one
jnthn Urgh, think I'll leave this one for today and come back to it when less tired from all the other fixes. :) 16:27
mst NOT ALLOWED 16:40
mst injects jnthn with amphetamines
dalek arVM/reframe: e52d1bb | jnthn++ | src/gc/roots.c:
Mark tc->thread_entry_frame.

Now that frames are collectable, and so can move, this pointer must be marked so it is kept up to date. Otherwise, it points to junk that may one day align with the address of an actually executing frame, causing a worker thread to silently exit and typically resulting in a deadlock because another thread is blocked on its work.
jnthn That took some darn finding.
[Coke] jnthn++ 20:15
timotimo wow, god damn it 20:16
that sounds *nasty*
that'd be hyperrace right there?
jnthn Well, a bunch of tests went from "exploding" to "usually deadlock" 20:17
Those were two of them
timotimo well, did it go from deadlock to works fine with that last commit? is what i meant 20:19
jnthn timotimo: yes
timotimo awesome!
jnthn Well, as fine as it works on master
timotimo :)
jnthn I was a little suspicious something in the changes I'd done was causing new deadlocks to appear 20:20
It seemed like an odd new failure mode. 20:21
Especially when I'd expect regular nursery collects to make them less likely rather than more likely.
timotimo :D
jnthn Along the way, I found that there's probably a bug in handling of the "in a gen2 inter-gen set", and that Promise is vulnerable to a spurious wake-up 20:22
timotimo urgh
jnthn (Got a local patch for the first and know how to fix the second) 20:23
timotimo i have to read up on what spurious wakeups are and what causes them and such
jnthn Looks like the deadlocking S17-procasync/no-runaway-file-limit.t doesn't any more either. Alas, it does exhibit a different problem. 20:30
timotimo that just means it's still worth something :) 20:31
jnthn aye
timotimo twitter.com/loltimo/status/725413721921753089 - did you see my little shiny? :) :)
jnthn ooh, nice 20:32
timotimo \o/
and jnthn++ for utf8-c8
dalek arVM/reframe: d956008 | jnthn++ | src/gc/roots.c:
Fix clearing of "in inter-gen set" flag.

Previously, we toggled it. However, multiple threads can have the same collectable in their inter-gen set, and may end up considering it. All the flag does is avoid duplicate additions, so it's safe to clear it when it could be set. However, before this fix we might have ended up with it set when it should not have been, which would be bad.
timotimo oh lord 20:59
jnthn gist.github.com/jnthn/2996cce212da...60e71fe5a5 # final update for today :) 21:05
timotimo great progress! 21:06
ilmari jnthn: wouldn't gen2roots[i]->flags &= ~MVM_CF_IN_GEN2_ROOT_LIST; be sufficient?
instead of the & and ^=
jnthn ilmari: Hm, yeah, that'd be another way to write it, and get rid of a branch. 21:08
dalek arVM/reframe: 42654cc | jnthn++ | src/gc/roots.c:
Simplification thanks to ilmari++.
jnthn OK, really enough for today :) 21:14
timotimo in that case, i wish you a good rest :) 21:15
jnthn Thanks! 'night all 21:16