diakopter jnthn++ # fixing my 10% build improvement to make it fixed 03:04
konobi jnthn: you're one linux, right? 03:05
diakopter jnthn develops on Windows, and has a Linux VM 03:59
lizmat jnthn: do you see comments on the gtk-simple repo ? 10:44
github.com/vendethiel/moarvm-gcerr-gtk # repeatable GC error 10:45
timotimo isn't 100% sure .schedule-on + .tap is right; wouldn't it have to be .schedule-on + .start? 10:50
lizmat regardless of being wrong or right, there shouldn't be a GC error, no ? 10:53
timotimo hm, i wonder 10:55
it shouldn't, no 10:56
jnthn .schedule-on + .tap means "run tha tap callback using the specified scheduler" 11:58
So makes good sense in a UI program where that's exactly what you need: to run UI-updating handlers on the UI thread.
timotimo OK
jnthn That aspect of the code looks correct 11:59
And yeah, getting a GC status error means something is very bust 12:00
konobi: What diakopter said...though in the last week I did about 80% of my work inside my Linux VM. :) 12:04
diakopter win10 + virtualbox latest + ubuntu 16.04 finally seems like a stable/free combination for me 14:07
free as opposed to VMWare Workstation, I mean, though I guess I could just use VMWare Player also. 14:08
jnthn win7 + virtualbox + ubuntu 14.04 here... 14:31
timotimo ah, i see, you're taking care that moar works on ancient linuzes, too :P 18:58
geekosaur hey now, not everyone's modern linux is bleeding edge 23:29
(mint 17.3 is ubuntu 14.04 with updates. they'll get the next ubuntu lts in mint 18) 23:30
timotimo wow, 2018, that's a long time to wait for a linux update :P 23:31
geekosaur I did say "with updates"
that said, some people prefer their OS not to radically change every week or so 23:32