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tony-o moar(63281,0x700003cbc000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fdd4e6765b0: pointer being freed was not allocated 02:29
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
hey all. i'm going to dig into that more but i believe it's coming from Proc::Async - if that's already a known thing please let me know otherwise i'll dig further into that 02:35
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timotimo tony-o: well, that's just memory corruption. could be caused from anything at all. run it with valgrind or with a moarvm built with --asan to figure out more 09:40
or if it's very new, i could have f'ed up the code that sets strings to "do not free this" when they are set to share memory with compunits 09:42
i thought i made sure it's fine, though
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timotimo tony-o: anything i can help you with? code i can try out or something? 10:27
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brrt \o 12:34
nwc10 o/
brrt how are things? we are a release further again, I see 13:10
lizmat brrt: indeed 13:38
brrt time flies... 13:40
jnthn Indeed, couldn't believe it was our 35th release already o.O 13:42
brrt :-o 13:43
almost 3 years?
jnthn Yeah 13:44
14:06 domidumont joined
timotimo i put in my branches and directly afterwards someone complains about a non-malloced pointer getting free()'d 14:22
this is making me uneasy :)
other things making me uneasy: a tiny splinter of what i believe to be glass being stuck in my foot 14:23
brrt that sucks, yes 14:33
timotimo it doesn't seem to stick out, and i can't seem to figure out which way it went :|
brrt hhmmm 14:35
tony-o timotimo: i'm getting it with overwatch - i was in a hurry yesterday but i'm just sitting down to see if i can reproduce 14:36
timotimo i played overwatch a bit on the free weekend ... i don't think i'll get it, though ... :P 14:37
tony-o haha, how was it?
timotimo it was mildly fun
jnthn tony-o: Are you using Proc::Async with binary or char streams? My $dayjob project is tripping over something that I think I narrowed down to a long-standing phaser scoping bug :/ 14:38
(The phaser in question being the LAST one inside of the whenever in the bin => chars supply thingy) 14:39
tony-o jnthn: github.com/tony-o/perl6-overwatch/...h.pm6#L106
it's using char streams 14:40
jnthn Yeah, could be that we're seeing the same kind of issue then
I'll see if I can look into it tomorrow or so
tony-o what day job do you have that is using perl6? is it being used in production environments now?
tony-o crawls out of his cave 14:41
jnthn A team at $dayjob will be starting on a new project from Jan which I'll very likely be architect on, and I wanted to explore the problem domain a decent bit beforehand. And there's various places stuff will want to be done concurrency. 14:42
So I've been working on a prototype. 14:43
Of course, prototypes have a history of escaping :P
tony-o nice
jnthn Though I suspect it won't happen in this case.
Though I suspected that before and was wrong so... :P
timotimo \prototype 14:44
tony-o i should try to find a gig using perl6 rather than node 14:45
timotimo don't worry, soon we'll have perl6 code running on node, too :P
tony-o excellent, the bay area isn't huge on perl
14:59 zakharyas joined 15:33 FROGGS joined
brrt the bay area has a culture all of its own 15:48
FROGGS o/ 15:49
yoleaux2 21 Nov 2016 22:58Z <|Tux|> FROGGS: hpux.connect.org.uk only ships 32bit objects :( :( - I will install libffi by hand
[Coke] has been using perl 6 for getting-stuff-done work at $dayjob, very nice. 15:59
FROGGS did so too just lately :o) 16:01
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[Coke] anyone have instructions on how to regen the unicode_db? trying to find how to put the files into UNIDATA/ that the tool expects. 21:34
diakopter I did it
[Coke]: you unzip it from unicode.org/Public/zipped/ 21:35
[Coke] trying to track down if we're including the information unicode.org/reports/tr14/#Descripti...roperties, but I think having the UNIDATA/ files would be very helpful answering that question.
diakopter: awesome, thanks. 21:36
diakopter is the latest built from 8.0?
might as well put that link in the generation script
[Coke] diakopter: no, we're on 9 already 21:37
diakopter oh cool
[Coke] jnthn++
jnthn Yeah, you still just unzip it into UNIDATA in your MoarVM build directory, nothing's changed there. 21:41
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[Coke] jnthn: it's just not written down anywhere - if you don't mind, I'll throw a comment into the p5 script. 21:58
also, I think we're not processing LineBreak.txt, which is making dmaestro sad. 21:59
(it says that 0x2014 is a B2 (Break_Both), but we're not processing that yet, I don't think. 22:00
diakopter a couple of the files actually duplicate values from the other property files, or did at one point
they might have de-duped it
[Coke] I don't see that particular bit of info elsewhere, but am just n00b. 22:01
diakopter can you still query a property directly? did you try asking it about Break_Both 22:02
dalek arVM: c2af75c | coke++ | tools/ucd2c.pl:
Add comment about where to find UNIDATA
[Coke] m: "\C[EM DASH].uniprop('Line_Break'); 22:04
camelia rakudo-moar 689da7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unrecognized backslash sequence: '\C'␤at <tmp>:1␤------> "\⏏C[EM DASH].uniprop('Line_Break');␤Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' ␤at <tmp>:1␤------> "\C[EM DASH].uniprop('Line_Brea…»
[Coke] m: say "\c[EM DASH]".uniprop('Line_Break');
camelia rakudo-moar 689da7: OUTPUT«BK␤»
[Coke] m: say "\c[EM DASH]".uniprop('Break_Both'); 22:05
camelia rakudo-moar 689da7: OUTPUT«BK␤»
[Coke] Break_Both ~~ B2
diakopter [Coke]: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...c.pl#L1580 22:06
looks like it needs B2 added
actually it needs several added
[Coke] AH. I was looking for the name of the file, didn't realize it was not a literal. 22:07
diakopter heh, there are only 3 characters with B2 22:08
[Coke] there's a list at the top of the LineBreak file, I assume we could just pull all of them?
diakopter I think so, but some of those have some interpreted meaning 22:09
for instance, I don't think it's currently handling ID and XX correctly as defaults 22:10
[Coke] Heading out now, thanks. 22:11
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