02:48 ilbot3 joined
Geth arVM: e167934e83 | TimToady++ | src/6model/reprs/NFA.c
Allow for fate offsets when unique fates in use

Prior to this, fates were always numbered starting with 1 for protos and starting with 0 for alts. We are moving to a model in which all fate numbers are unique across the process. Every NFA now knows its own range of fates, in the range of fbeg ..^ fend. Most of this is handled in nqp, but MoarVM has to know about fate offsets for dealing with the results of alts. Conveniently, for both protos and alts, the 0th fate name entry was already unused and set to 0, so we encode the new fbeg and fend into the 0th fate name. (For alts, these fate names were set to 0,1...*, and the array was only used by MoarVM to determine how many different fates might be returned. But importantly, ... (2 more lines)
diakopter TimToady: lolwut 03:42
Geth arVM: d197cf0822 | TimToady++ | src/6model/reprs/NFA.c
clean out ancient "remove after rebootstrap" line

This could've gone away a long time ago already.
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dogbert17 any ideas why 14:56
ignore that comment
where should I put a breakpoint in order to catch the following message? 14:57
*** Error in `/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/bin/moar': malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0xb5381484 ***
Geth arVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #500:
Fix typo in comment
arVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #501:
Fix warnings during compile
arVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #502:
Fix order of args in mvm callocs
arVM: b988616ea2 | MasterDuke17++ | src/6model/reprs/SCRef.h
Fix typo in comment
arVM: 1fd5d64973 | niner++ | src/6model/reprs/SCRef.h
Merge pull request #500 from MasterDuke17/fix_typo_in_SCRef.h

Fix typo in comment
15:48 zakharyas joined
Geth arVM/master: 4 commits pushed by niner++ 15:48
15:57 zakharyas joined
dogbert17 jnthn: wrt the second part of RT #128833, does the following gist provide any useful information? gist.github.com/dogbert17/6deb8bdd...e7bbfa477c 18:14
timotimo when you get "double linked list corrupted", it's already too late 18:19
you need something like valgrind or asan to make the code explode the moment it does an incorrect write to corrupt that datastructure 18:20
dogbert17 timotimo: so the SEGV is to late in this case then? 18:21
timotimo it's not a segv, it's an abort most likely 18:23
but yeah, it's too late 18:24
dogbert17 are you looking at the gist or my earlier comment from a few hours ago? 18:25
timotimo looking at the gist now 18:27
not very helpful, no :(
you're doing something multithreaded in that code? 18:36
dogbert17 :(
code is here: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=128833
timotimo 2016? that's already a year old! :P 18:37
dogbert17 indeed, it's getting harder and harder to find new ones :-)
timotimo: do you know how to enable ASAN? 18:40
timotimo yeah, just give --asan to moarvm's Configure.pl and make install again 18:42
dogbert17 cool, will try that since using valgrind will take forever 18:43
jnthn I suspect there'll be some dodgy code-gen somewhere that means a hash gets shared between threads where it shouldn't. 19:00
The Perl 6-level stack trace will probably tell us which hash 19:01
timotimo something like that, yeah
jnthn Then we can audit its use locations and look at code-gen some
Oh, the cross-thread write logging is also useful for these and make cut out the audit step :)
dogbert17 hmm, ==20137== ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x0000000c (pc 0xb57f3626 sp 0xa3577dc0 bp 0xa3577e48 T1) 19:17
timotimo whoops :) 19:18
dogbert17 that was on the 4th attempt to run the program in loop 15 times 19:19
timotimo doesn't seem like a useful explosion 19:20
dogbert17 no, it did provide some info but it almost seems that there is no debug info available, see gist.github.com/dogbert17/8d728478...ea4269da38 19:22
here's my configure cmd: perl Configure.pl --no-optimize --debug --asan --prefix=/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/ 19:23
timotimo, jnthn: I might finally have gotten something: gist.github.com/dogbert17/8d728478...ea4269da38 19:36
20:43 Ven joined
dogbert17 I have updated the gist above again, it now contains everything logged by ASAN and MVM_CROSS_THREAD_WRITE_LOG 20:55
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samcv jnthn, do we care about the Unicode database being small ( as a c file ), or only care about its final compiled size 21:43
timotimo as long as it doesn't cause the compler to take minutes to compile it, i think having a bigger .c file doesn't matter 21:54
samcv ok cool
timotimo we can't get much worse than interp.c on clang 21:55
moritz [X] challenge accepted! 21:59
.oO( same for me, but more like X challenge accepted :-)
as I'm working on speeding up infix:<X> atm
timotimo nice!
jnthn samcv: Compiled output size is the more important of the two by a good way 22:49
samcv yeah. i mean i have a 12MB text file compiling to 8.5K
right now
jnthn samcv: With the "don't blow up the compiler" caveat :)
samcv yeah
timotimo not going to be able to compile moarvm on my n3ds, i don't think 22:50
jnthn Well, on the one hand CORE.setting needs a bit over a gig to compile
On the other, you can build that on another box and ship it onto a smaller machine, provided MoarVM is a sensible build. 22:51
timotimo of course 22:52
i'm not sure anybody wants to port libuv to the n3ds :)
jnthn Oh the other issue is that we check the generated C source into git
Because it only needs regenerating very occasionally 22:53
Not to mention you'll need a Perl 6 to regenerate it :P
timotimo you can at least have threads, the device has 4 cores, one is nommed up by the OS
jnthn But git compresses stuff on the wife.
on the wire
timotimo other than that, the n3ds is so memory-starved that you won't be running rakudo on it 22:56
not to mention the CPU is quite weak
well, it has two CPUs, but the other one is much less likely to run anything moarvmy
jnthn aye :) 22:57
timotimo it doesn't have bluetooth so if you wanted to REPL or code-edit on the go with it ... tough luck, use the stylus on the touchpad :) 22:59
jnthn :) 23:00
Time to rest up for whatever the next week decides to throw at me. :-)
timotimo gnite jnthn 23:01
804 MHz ARM11 MPCore quad-core + extra weaker single-core (one reserved for OS)[citation needed] 23:03
256 MB (64MB dedicated to the OS), 10 MB VRAM 23:04
lizmat night jnthn
timotimo i *thought* you could clock the arm11 core up to almost 1ghz 23:11
but the 804 MHz is apparently the upper limit 23:16
which is absurdly low-power, even for a mobile gaming device that's meant to just be a slight upgrade for a device 5 years old