samcv ugh 02:05
this is what i have so far. need to figure out why i'm getting segfaults still 02:06
MasterDuke need moar MVMROOTS? 02:09
samcv hm 02:15
ok well ifound one issue 02:18
hmm yeah it seems to die when i try to get MVM_string_graphs on the returned string 02:53
added an MVM root to the whole area but idk seemed to do nothing 02:55
yep as soon as i try that it dies 02:57
MasterDuke, so i set out to the string here 03:02
and then i return. and i added prints and the same pointer is in both places but it causes a fault as soon as i access the graphs
and i wrapped the whole area in MVMROOT(tc, renormalize_rtrn, { hmm 03:03
maybe because it's not set to anything when i call MVMROOT... yeah that could do it maybe
it only gets set to the right value when the function is called
err god i'm dumb 03:05
i gave the integer to MVMROOT not the pointer
samcv facepalms hard
MasterDuke heh 03:06
samcv well no segfault now. now it just hangs. so that's in improvement 03:08
and all my printf's get triggered
it returns and then who knows what occurs 03:11
oh it seems to loop in MVM_string_gi_get_grapheme somewhere someplace 03:12
MasterDuke what's the 'gi' mean?
oh, grapheme iterator, right? 03:13
well i'm outa here, good luck 03:17
samcv yep
well it's somehow not composing it properly or something 03:19
samcv well ok i got it not GCing me all the time. made it a MVMString ** instead 04:49
now need to fix it trying to iterate past the end of the graphemeiterator
now that i'm not getting corrupted information 04:50
okay making some progress. not segfaulting and working in certain cases ;0 05:42
though semi limited
brrt good * 06:35
samcv good * 06:40
brrt is seeing your progress 06:48
brrt doesn't know any better 06:51
samcv i'll get more to work on it tomorrow 07:09
issue right now is handling when due to the string concatenation, some of the strands turn out to be set to the same start and same end codepoint 07:10
in which case it panics because it's not meant to handle that case so doesn't go to the next strand 07:11
but i am pretty close i think
it's at least working in certain cases so that's a whole lot better than failing horribly in 110% of cases :) 07:13
brrt so, meta-thing i learned yesterday 08:08
i've become somewhat of a heavy user of org-mode over the last few years
for me it's an awesome way to manage and organize attention over an increasing set of jobs 08:09
but yesterday i realized
that's not an improvement per se 08:10
it's an adaptation
i used to be able to manage all these things in my head, and now i cannot
samcv brrt, what's org-mode? 08:31
brrt why, it is awesome 08:41
it is an emacs 'major mode' that allows you to manage all sorts of stuff in a text file 08:42
calendars, to do lists, papers, dependency chains, even has a spreadsheet
exports to HTML, ODT, LaTeX 08:43
jnthn morning o/ 08:53
nwc10 good *, * 08:55
jnthn samcv: MAX_STRANDS is a soft limit so far as I recall; the idea is that if we end up with a huge number of strands then we'll collapse them
brrt moarning jnthn, nwc10, samcv 08:58
jnthn is looking at the callsite thing and thinking, surely this can be done in a simpler/more robust way 09:55
samcv brrt, is it worth using emacs if i don't use it jsut for that? 10:14
jnthn Grr, after trying some changes I now see more of why it's the way it is :S 10:15
brrt well, that is useful, isn't it? 10:21
samcv, i can't say that for you. using emacs makes sense if you can get your brain to agree with it 10:22
if you're a hardcore vim user, maybe not
jnthn Sorta, just means I can't get the simplificiation I expected. Now trying a different way.
samcv we i know how to use vim. but i mostly use atom
not a hardcore anything 10:23
brrt right. if you use atom, then at least emacs isn't going to feel slow for you
emacs has all the convenience you might expect, if you're willing to write bits of lisp :-P 10:24
nwc10 and you can run vim inside it./ 10:36
oh wait, that's not the point. :-)
timotimo for vim there's vim-journal or something. i've had it open in a tab for multiple months now, never actually tried it >_< 10:37
brrt oh, you can have a vim-mode for emacs, yeah 10:46
i sometimes try to use vim for serious editing...
just doens't agree with my brain as well as emacs does 10:47
jnthn Hm, it seems that the only way spesh may be involved in the bug in question is that due to its logging, it keeps some MVMCallsite objects alive for longer than they otherwise would be 10:48
And so they actually live long enough to be marked
dogbert17 jnthn: are you looking at the destructuring issue? 10:54
jnthn dogbert17: Yeah 10:55
dogbert17 looks like you managed to do some code cleanup yesterday 10:56
dogbert17 wonders where all the 'one line patch bugs' has gone 11:00
nwc10 welcome to a mature project 11:01
jnthn OK, interesting, it seems the extended lifetime is not, after all, an artefact of spesh logging, in that if I make sure we never log a call capture we still end up marking them 11:02
huh, turns out that I can golf the issue a good bit further 11:11
I think when I did it before my criteria was "does it SEGV"
But if it's "does it make valgrind unhappy" then a bunch of stuff goes away 11:12
What notably does not go away is that it seems to need to be a multi-dispatch *and* to use destructuring
My suspicion is starting to fall upon invokewithcapture 11:13
And the effective callsite mechanism
nwc10 you've giving it a long hard stare? :-)
brrt n
nwc10 (don't forget the marmalade sandwich) 11:14
brrt jnthn: have you checked if it's not JIT-specific
jnthn brrt: Yeah, it shows up just the same with MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1
But goes away with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1
brrt bummer...
jnthn Which must be part of the puzzle too 11:15
nwc10 what does your golf case look like currently?
Also it's possible to remove the @a and just flatten in the list 11:18
And to remove the logging
uh, the $i
nwc10 ASAN finds this code worthy of excitement:
jnthn Yeah, that's exactly the same finding valgrind has
Like, precisely the same 3 stack traces 11:19
nwc10 OK. Good, in as much as we've quickly established that there wasn't anything missed.
missed by valgrind but seen by ASAN
so it's purely a heap error
jnthn Yeah 11:21
So the ingredients seem to be all of spesh, multi-dispatch, and destructuring
Multi-dispatch and destructuring being notable in both using MVMCallCapture 11:22
nwc10 ponder it over lunch?
jnthn Yeah, think it's time to eat :)
bbiab 11:23
timotimo when you have it open in rr, you can step forwards and backwards between where it gets created, where it gets freed, and where it gets overwritten later, and where the gc stumbles upon the bogus data in it 11:27
i didn't know what the next step in actual debugging should have been, though
it might be interesting to have a debug mode where we allocate everything in gen2 (so that nothing moves) but we still gc every now and then (as if we were running normally) 11:29
since this bug relies on having things gc marked in order to asplode at all
gotta go 11:30
jnthn back 12:11
brrt \o 12:13
jnthn Turns out that commenting out MVM_spesh_log_add_logging hides the issue 12:20
Commenting out instead any of the differnet optimization phases spesh does has no effect on hiding the bug
So it seems that it *is* that spesh logging elongates lifetimes, and so shows up something that'd be an issue anyway 12:21
It just isn't that it's a call capture itself that is being logged, but presumably something that references it
That also fits with the output in that we get an error from valgrind but then can continue without errors 12:22
Yeah, my hunch that it might be about invokewithcallcapture seems to be it 12:27
Got a working fix 12:31
Downside being that it makes frames a pointer larger for a relatively uncommon case 12:32
Geth_ MoarVM: 7c5aaa3546 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMCallCapture.c
Remove out-dated comment.
MoarVM: 6aa01090e7 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
invokewithcapture must keep the used capture alive

The frame's argument processing context will come to reference the effective callsite. If it were to be collected before the frame was executed, then the frame would get a dangling callsite pointer. This was most noticable because a further MVMCallCapture could then come to refer to this same callsite, be marked, and the mark would cause a use after free.
Making sure that it stays alive costs an extra pointer in MVMFrame, which is a bit of a pity, but less of one than SIGSEGV.
MoarVM: 3d59fac35e | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMCallCapture.c
Remove more leftovers from capture use-mode.
lizmat jnthn: apart from using more memory, do you see any other downsides ? 13:03
jnthn Not really, but I think this only kicks the can further down the road 13:06
In that there's still a way to get a dangling pointer
lizmat :-( 13:07
.oO( damn danglers )
jnthn Which is fixable by just making sure we *always* copy the callsite, never reference it
Perhaps with an exception for those that are interned 13:08
It's plausible that we can also use a copying approach to get rid of the extra pointer in frame too, thinking about it
jnthn Always copying the callsite seems to work out 13:18
(for fixing the remaining potential dangling pointer issue)
It also makes MVMCallCapture 4 or maybe 8 bytes smaller (depends on alignment)
*And* gets rid of a bunch of logic 13:19
grr, some spectest issue 13:21
jnthn does a pull on Rakudo just in case, 'cus it may have been a hang in a set test 13:22
Though gotta go for langauge lesson now
brrt (is the callsite a large thing?) 13:26
nwc10 That (unconditionally) doesn't matter, does it? (for a delta value) The question is "are there lots of them?" 13:28
(I think)
jnthn Callsites in common use are interned. And no, they ain't so large. 14:54
Spectset was clean with HEAD Rakudo
So guess I was missing a fix
Hm, only question now is "why was that sepctest run so slow" 14:55
timotimo 90% time spent in copy_callsite? :o 14:56
Geth_ MoarVM: 3dd74960ac | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 4 files
Always copy callsite into an MVMCallCapture.

Rather than trying to reference it. That turns out to be reliably fragile, and it's not a big thing to copy. The reward is that we get to eliminate a bunch of logic, making for clearer code, and also lose a flag that - after alignment considerations - will save 4 or 8 bytes per call capture.
jnthn Probably a debug build or some GC flag turned on :)
timotimo i tend to have optimize in gcc turned off, gives about 2x difference
jnthn does a non-debug build and fires off another run just in case 15:05
Zoffix hm, I too had a 40%-slower-than normal spectest run :/ 15:06
timotimo hmm, cosmic rays? 15:07
jnthn huh, no, it was super slow again 15:09
jnthn Hm, startup maybe got a bunch slower? 15:10
Zoffix parse was slower for me. 87s vs ~67s in the past
jnthn 40% is what I@m seeing too
Geth_ MoarVM: 67202501f4 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/args.c
Clean up some duplicated code.

The bind error handling can just call the code to save the arg capture instead of repeating it.
timotimo i pulled latest moar and my time went up from 53 to 61 (stage parse) 15:24
brrt correctness is costly... 15:25
Zoffix brrt: is that what is is? 15:26
jnthn I...can't imagine it being *that* costly o.O
timotimo did we accidentally throw out spesh logging? 15:27
jnthn If we did, I can't see wehre 15:28
timotimo right
jnthn I mean, can't see any evidence I comitted that by accident
I'll take a look shortly
timotimo yeah, my theory was you perhaps acidentally left in a line or something
didn't glance the diffs yet 15:29
anyway, a perf report doesn't show something massive
jnthn Turns out I can shave another 4 or 8 bytes off MVMCallCapture too 15:30
Geth_ MoarVM: 321eee7cb4 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 6 files
Remove now-unrequired effective_callsite.

It's always the same as the callsite pointer inside of the argument processing context, so don't duplicately store that.
jnthn Anybody else working on hunting the slowdown? 15:34
timotimo not really 15:35
jnthn tries 2f9be082 which is before his work today 15:36
Ah, that's fast 15:37
Anyone want the SEGV back? :P 15:38
jnthn tries 7c5aaa3 15:39
Also fine 15:41
dogbert17 doesn't notice any slowdown but that might be due to running on 32 bit 15:43
jnthn Testing 6aa01090 now 15:44
Minor slowdown perhaps due to larger MVMFrame or perhaps noise, certainly not the huge one we're hutning 15:45
That only leaves 4 more commits 15:46
Trying 3d59fac
Which would be an odd one to cause it 15:47
I suspect it may turn out to be 3dd7496
dogbert17 notices that the number of tests being run have increased by several thousand in the last few days 15:48
jnthn Nope, not 3d59fac
Seems it is that one 15:50
Ohhh 15:52
So it turns out if we always copy the callsites...we never end up with an interned callsite being seen on various code paths 15:53
timotimo oh, *always*
i thought we never copy interned ones
still after today's work i mean
jnthn No, I figured that was an optimization for when I'd got things working
Turns out that I was right. :P
brrt hehe
jnthn Didn't realize it'd regress so much 15:54
timotimo :D
jnthn But it turns out that it means we will never insert into the multi-cache
timotimo right, ouch :)
multi dispatch can be expensive, yeah
jnthn Having done all the previous cleanups, it was easy to put the don't-copy-on-intern change it. 16:00
Yeah, that fixes the perf regression :) 16:02
Geth_ MoarVM: 2e683f95f7 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Don't copy interned callsites.

Not only is it not required because their memory management is simple
  (they live so long as the VM does), but also a callsite that is not
interned will not be entered into a multi-dispatch cache - meaning the earlier change to copy always introduced a huge performance regression that this commit addresses.
jnthn And the thing I set out to fix in the morning is still fine :) 16:07
dogbert17 jnthn++, that means that you've at the very least fixed MoarVM issues #612 and #608 16:10
jnthn Yup :)
dogbert17 and perhaps more considering you found a missing MVMroot yesterday
jnthn Yeah, maybe so 16:14
Closed those two 16:16
Probably also 16:19
And wow 16:21
So, 4 issues down :) 16:22
dogbert17 and perhaps RT #128553
synopsebot6 Link:
jnthn looks like, yes :) 16:26
Maybe the gist linked in there can be turned into a spectest :) 16:27
Not by me right now though, I think it's time to rest and dinner :)
I think I'll also work on putting MVMFrame on a bit of a diet later in the month also 16:28
Given I added one more thing into it today :)
afk for a while 16:31
samcv it's alivvvveeee! 22:02
jnthn o.O
samcv heh. it's working when concatenating things if it copies or doesn't copy 22:04
yesterday i finally got it working but it only worked when there were no copies
of strands
jnthn :)
Sounds good 22:05
Rest time, 'night 22:06
samcv doesn't pass all tests though hm 22:17
gonna run spectest and hopefully will find something i can easily test and replicate 22:19
\o/ yay it passes my concat test now :) 22:37
MasterDuke and it's faster? 22:38
samcv as long as both things are CCC 0 then we can do the shortcut and not re_nfg
well it's gotta be faster
it doesn't have to run re_nfg every single time renormalization is needed
for now it only works when it joins into two codepoints, it won't trigger if the CCC isn't 0 for both codpoints. but it still catches most cases 22:39
MasterDuke CCC?
samcv i will time it once i make sure that spectests all pass
canonical combining class
though i might be able to only trigger it if the ccc on one side is higher than the other but this is pretty decent for now 22:42
MasterDuke so you created a fast(er) path for concatenating strings where the CCCs are the same and renormalization is required? 22:43
samcv yep. it will combine the last codepoint of string a and the first codepoint of string b 22:44
and leave the rest alone
so can save loads of renormalization depending on the length of the strings
MasterDuke but that is a slightly special case, right? i.e., `my $a = 'a' ~ 'b'` won't be any faster? 22:47
but will `my $a = 'a' ~ "\n"` be faster? 22:48
samcv hmm it seems to make something fail and i'm not sure why. but it occurs if it's \r + \n 22:50
and i just confirmed that it does generate the right synthetic grapheme
but tests in t/spec/S17-supply/lines.t fail
the test name is: "handle chunked lines"
MasterDuke, looks like it will be probably faster for concetting two codepoints which concat into 1 as well 23:01
like "\c[BOY]" ~ "\c[ZWJ]" for example
if it consumes string a and string b then it returns early
well since they stick together
gonna update the whole toolchain and then try rerunning tests 23:08
MasterDuke, but yeah simple cases aren't going to be faster. it's only renormalization gets triggered 23:10
and i already made it trigger much less often, and now trying to make it so it doesn't have to renormalize *the entire of both strings* when you concat when it's triggered
MasterDuke cool 23:40
samcv oh no MoarVM panic: Internal error: invalid thread ID 10787 in GC work pass 23:46
timotimo hooray :\ 23:47
samcv happening on a lot of roast files 23:49
not sure if my changes have anything to do with it
ok i don't get it with master. odd 23:50
why would my changes do that...
it's always the same thread id. maybe i'm passing some wrong value as a thread id somewhere? 23:51
ugh 23:52