samcv thanks timotimo 00:26
thanks perlawhirl for reporting
timotimo goes to bed 00:27
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samcv o/ timotimo 01:17
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lizmat .ask jnthn would it make sense to also auto-generate BUILD_LEAST_DERIVED ? 10:58
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
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timotimo - monstrous heap snapshot from the heap snapshot analyzer analyzing a single snapshot inside another heap snapshot 14:48
something may still be wrong; path tells me that an IntPosRef is a Heap Snapshot Entry from a comp unit 14:52
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timotimo i might need a 32gig ram workstation to effectively work on the heap analyzer :D 14:59
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timotimo i hoped to get the memory use down considerably by using a channel to move data over from the parsing part to the analyzing part for the collectables 15:21
because i was assuming it'd be bad to have around two million 64bit integer lists with 6 entries each around before starting to go through that data 15:22
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[Coke] pokes timo with a stick 18:39
timotimo oh hey [Coke] 18:50
[Coke] check ur mail
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timotimo "an item on your steam wishlist is on sale"!! thanks, [Coke]! :) 18:53
Zoffix :D 18:56
[Coke] 18:57
is it half life?
timotimo is it just fantasy? 19:05
(but don't worry, i saw the mail you meant) 19:07
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MasterDuke timotimo: ooo, was your grant proposal accepted? 22:30
timotimo it was! 22:34
i linked to the post in #perl6
MasterDuke timotimo++ very cool
timotimo my wrists need to recover double-time 22:36
MasterDuke got any good voice-to-text software? 22:37
timotimo i own a copy of dragon 12 22:40
it's windows only :\
i do have a vm now, though
MasterDuke wine is pretty good these days 22:41
timotimo it wasn't good enough to install the program two years ago or so 22:42
MasterDuke;iId=2077 22:43
timotimo i *think* i have 12.5
MasterDuke looks very dependent on the version
timotimo yeah, not only which version of the program, but also which version of wine 22:44
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