Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #790:
Add even more jit templates
brrt MasterDuke++ 06:45
brrt notes that i have to implement some tiles before we can merge your patch
tile implementation has been a 'lazy' effort so far
Geth MoarVM: 3055debefd | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 3 files
Add tiles for binary XOR and NOT

We had them as nodes, but never as tiles, so any attempt to compile these would probably fail.
travis-ci MoarVM build errored. Bart Wiegmans 'Add tiles for binary XOR and NOT 07:18
timotimo how can these tiles be missing and still the branch passes spectest i wonder 08:22
brrt these templates are not ever compiled, then
timotimo thought so :\ 08:23
hey while you're here, can we remove PHI from the "made tree out of [a, b, c, d]" output?
nwc10 NQP build fails for me
brrt where? 08:24
nwc10 make: *** [gen/moar/stage2/nqpmo.moarvm] Error 1
brrt timotimo: can, i might miss them at some point, but whatever
nwc10 backtrace started:
brrt :-)
nwc10 Expected native int argument, but got num
at gen/moar/stage1/QRegex.nqp:1624 (gen/moar/stage1/QRegex.moarvm:!cursor_pa
brrt hmmm 08:25
timotimo brrt: but does the exprjit even do anything with them?
nwc10: i've seen that already the last few days, hum.
nwc10: can you try the different env vars we have to see what it's sensitive to? 08:26
also, can we build a script or something that does the env var testing for us?
nwc10 I was just testing that
having just wondered about it
timotimo thanks :)
brrt: i'll remove it :)
brrt timotimo: sure, go ahead 08:27
it doesn't do anything with them yet, but i plan to use them for the multiple-block building machinery i'm thinking of 08:28
Geth MoarVM/master: 15 commits pushed by MasterDuke17++, (Bart Wiegmans)++
brrt (i'm merging the commit, btw)
timotimo ah 08:29
so maybe only skip them at the very beginning?
brrt they should always be at the beginning :-) 08:30
timotimo not if you merge multiple blocks?
brrt but they're not useful now, so yeah, drop'm
oh, that's right, yes, but then this format is not going to work anyway, will it 08:31
Geth MoarVM: 8f194be2bc | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
better error in boxed ref for repr_id mismatch
MoarVM: 783a4f07c7 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/expr.c
don't output PHI in expr jit log
nwc10 timotimo: yep, export MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 08:34
NQP build fails for me with that, passes without
but that was with MoarVM at 3055debefd4019f3d74f63e0e1ee8bd1d93012d8
will try with new master
timotimo i'll be mostly afk for the rest of the day :| 08:35
nwc10 have fun.
(I hope)
timotimo probably not ;( 08:37
nwc10 oh :-(
still goes boom on new master
will try to bisect what caused it
but I might have a meeting soon...
brrt is that on linux? 08:38
nwc10 yes 08:42
brrt hmm, i'll have to spin up a VM then 08:43
travis-ci MoarVM build errored. Bart Wiegmans 'Merge pull request #790 from MasterDuke17/add_even_more_jit_templates 08:44
timotimo t/nqp/049-regex-interpolation.t ........ 1/37 Expected native int argument, but got num 08:44
so i can reproduce
but afk etc 08:47
travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Timo Paulssen 'don't output PHI in expr jit log' 08:57
nwc10 bisect says: 8210fb733ce14149c95f82a1f2a5e6c525149497 is the first bad commit 09:17
Add JIT template for box_i
brrt hmmm
looks decently normal to me 09:18
nwc10 it's very strange how it also needs MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 09:24
or maybe that's not strange
brrt what about MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING 09:29
can you make it happen with blocking and without nodelay
nwc10 will do that next 09:31
without any env vars, ./nqp-m t/nqp/049-regex-interpolation.t
Expected native int argument, but got num
so it's a bug :-)
brrt hmmm 09:34
it sucks, but that works for me 09:35
nwc10 nqp builds and tests with MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 09:49
brrt :-( 09:50
and it works for me with MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 even 09:51
jnthn MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 is most usefully used with MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 10:06
brrt still doesn't fail on my machine :-( 10:10
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 10:22
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 2 days and ≈23 hours (2018-02-03 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See
MasterDuke hm. box_i had problems at first, but when i rebased to master (after nine++'s most recent JIT related commits) it was fine 11:38
brrt well, turns out some are still seeing errors, but not consisently unfortunately 11:39
MasterDuke ugh. i'll see if i can force and errors here 11:40
dogbert17 stumbles upon a SEGV when running 'MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 ./perl6 t/spec/S02-types/num.rakudo.moar' 12:06
#0 0x00007ffff76da6f5 in MVM_multi_cache_find_spesh (tc=0x6760c0, cache_obj=0x42ccb50, arg_info=0x7ffff6372330, type_tuple=0x7ffff0e2b9a0) at src/6model/reprs/MVMMultiCache.c:500 12:09
#1 0x00007ffff771fc1b in optimize_call (tc=0x6760c0, g=0x7ffff0950130, bb=0x7ffff0e0b3e0, ins=0x7ffff1087c68, p=0x7ffff0d04f90, callee_idx=1, arg_info=0x7ffff6372330) at src/spesh/optimize.c:1513
#2 0x00007ffff772169c in optimize_bb_switch (tc=0x6760c0, g=0x7ffff0950130, bb=0x7ffff0e0b3e0, p=0x7ffff0d04f90) at src/spesh/optimize.c:2038
gist for any interested parties: 12:18
jnthn: I'll report the SEGV above unless it's a known problem 14:24
jnthn dogbert17: Please do 14:26
dogbert17 will do, one advantage, at least on my system, is that it is 100% reproducible 14:30
brrt damnit that still doesn't break for me 14:56
MasterDuke t/nqp/049-regex-interpolation.t ? haven't gotten it to error for me either 14:57
dogbert17 added 15:10
AlexDaniel dogbert17: it's the first time I use bots to bisect something like this, so maybe you should double-check… 15:37
also, if that's the one, then you can probably bisect moar with that
although maybe that won't tell much 15:39
MasterDuke can the ops in rakudo (e.g., p6bool) be jitted? 15:42
brrt some of them, yes, but probably not by the expr JIT 16:06
not yet at any rate
MasterDuke ok, thanks 16:07
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: cool, I'll take a look at those commits 16:14
AlexDaniel: not that it's any proof but one of the listed commits (388a769) matches the row where the crash occured 16:40
AlexDaniel :) 16:41
well, I just got bisectable to point to the same rakudo commit
so it's definitely that bump
dogbert17 do you want to add that info to the issue? 16:42
AlexDaniel sorry, what info exactly? :)
your comment is probably useful, yes 16:43
dogbert17 I added a note containing some pure speculation 16:48
I'm unable to repro the problem that nwc10 reported though :-( 16:50
AlexDaniel which problem is that? 16:51
“NQP build fails for me” 16:52
yea, that's going to be hard to reproduce :D
MasterDuke hm. `(template: box_s! (callv (^func &MVM_box_str) (arglist (carg (tc) ptr) (carg $1 ptr) (carg $2 ptr) (carg $0 ptr))))` breaks the rakudo build 19:43
Cannot look up attributes in a VMNull type object at src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:4016 (blib/Perl6/Grammar.moarvm:termish) 19:44
#0 MVM_exception_throw_adhoc (tc=0x555555758c40, messageFormat=0x7ffff776b160 "Cannot look up attributes in a %s type object") at src/core/exceptions.c:861 19:45
#1 0x00007ffff7664120 in MVM_interp_run (tc=tc@entry=0x555555758c40, initial_invoke=0x0, invoke_data=0x5555557c59a0) at src/core/interp.c:2064
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #792:
Yet more jit templates
bart__ notes that both box_i and box_s allocate memory 20:18
brrt and hence, can cause GC 20:19
MasterDuke should they be :invokish? 20:24
brrt no. but there's a mechanism in there that should stop this from being a problem, and it might not be working 20:38
MasterDuke ah 20:46