Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
nine I finally know why the builds of MoarVM master on the OBS failed. Apparently git submodule update is not enough. Neede a git submodule update --init to actually get 3rdparty/ryu populated with files 19:51
lizmat nine++ 19:57
MasterDuke huh. then why does it work elsewhere? 19:59
nine I have no idea. Didn't have the same problem on my desktop 20:02
But all the script for the OBS does is git pull ; git submodule update
MasterDuke odd 20:06
old version of git on OBS? 20:07
timo anything in particular about the URLs in the .gitmodules file? 20:09
nine URL is lacking the .git suffix, but that is true for libtommath and libatomicops as well 20:40
MasterDuke: the script is running on my server on openSUSE Leap 15.2 20:41
Script creates tar ball and .spec file (build description), OBS just builds
That's why one never has build failures due to failure to fetch some git repo
MasterDuke hm, that was the extent of my ideas 20:44
vrurg Full submodule update cycle in rakudo is 'submodule sync', 'submodule init', 'submodule update'. 21:13