Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke perf says 53% of the time is spent in `__memmove_avx_unaligned_erms` for `my $str; $str ~= "$_\n" for 0..300000` ?!?! 09:40
Nicholas if true, that seems LTA 09:54
good *, *
Geth MoarVM/remove_callsite_flat_named_flag: 2c776f530e | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 3 files

If both the FLAT and NAMED flags are set, this means exactly the same as the FLAT_NAMED flag, so we treat them the same. Later on we can free up the FLAT_NAMED flag. Doing this in two steps to avoid bootstrapping issues.
MoarVM/remove_callsite_flat_named_flag: cab24960ca | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 6 files

The flag is superseeded by the combination of MVM_CALLSITE_ARG_FLAT and MVM_CALLSITE_ARG_NAMED. Freeing it up, so we have a flag available for unsigned integers.
nine Bootstrapping is da worst 13:06
lizmat curryworst > 13:34
lizmat runs 13:37
Nicholas nine: that (plus the NQP branch) works on "my" machine 13:50
nine And just 3 hours later I've finally managed to build the fix_unsigned branch after rebasing on top of remove_callsite_flat_named_flag 13:54
Nicholas \o/
ASAN yawns at your work so far.
(the branch I tested. Not the unsigned epic)
timo you've had the worst, now try the THIRST......... QUENCHER! 14:13
nine I hope there is a way to avoid this uglyness: $!strings.write_uint8(my uint $zero := 0) 17:48
[Coke] add a new literal type with prefix u? 17:54
<-- Me, not helping. 17:55
lizmat nine: maybe we need more candidates for write-uint? 18:07
m: dd Buf.new.write-uint8(2,767) # this seems to work ok? 18:09
camelia Buf.new(0,0,255)
nine lizmat: on fix_unsigned branches 18:21
lizmat nine: the code now says: "# for simplicity's sake, these are not multis" 18:22
they could well turn into multis afaics
m: multi sub a(int $a) { dd }; multi sub a(Int $a) { dd }; a 42; a my int $ = 666 18:23
camelia sub a(Int $a)
sub a(int $a)
lizmat m: my uint8 $a = my Int $ = 767; say $a # the non-native candidate would only need to do something like that? 18:25
camelia 255
nine Ends in "No applicable candidates found to dispatch to for 'write_uint8'." 19:09
Nicholas you need more curry? 19:16
lizmat nine: is that really _uint8 ?? or -uint8 ? 19:17
nine _uint8 19:54
I have version for uint8, int8, uint and int but none seem to match 19:57
lizmat but but in Rakudo they're called with kebab-case ? 19:59
lizmat is confused
nine Logical consequence: I'm talking about NQP ;) 20:08
[Coke] . 20:22
MasterDuke nqp::radix_I includes the radix ** number-of-digits-converted (github.com/Raku/nqp/blob/master/do...own#radix) as one of its return values, but that doesn't seem to be used all that frequently 23:21
i haven't benchmarked it yet, why couldn't that just be number-of-digits-converted? then the more common cases that don't use the value don't have all those extra bigint multiplications occurring, and the few users can do the exponentiation themselves 23:23
oh, it looks like it might speed it up a bit 23:33
m: use nqp; my $i; my int $r = (2**12).Int; my $l = ~(7**(+$r)); my $s = now; $i = nqp::radix_I(10, $l, 0, 0, Int)[0] for ^1_000; say now - $s; say $i
camelia 1.482196017
MasterDuke locally that usually takes ~1.3s. if i strip out calculating the radix ** number-of-digits-converted and instead just return a bigint set to 1 (only slightly less work than actually required), the time drops to ~0.8s 23:36
of course not quite as big a difference with smaller strings. if i use 2**5 as the range in the above example (and increase the iterations to 100_000, the time drops from ~0.16s to ~0.12s 23:39
it's too late now, but maybe tomorrow i'll try creating a moarvm/nqp/rakudo trio of patches 23:45