Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Nicholas Servus #moarvm 06:13
MasterDuke: Perl 5 can't not compute the hash code for a very long string - if it's used as a hash key, the code is needed 06:14
jnthnwrthngtn morning o/ 10:17
lizmat jnthnwrthngtn afternoon :-) 10:28
japhb Nah, pretty sure it's still morning. If the total jerk of a songbird outside my bedroom window is any indication. :-P 12:56
[Coke] Spouse refilled the feeders out front, it's almost 18:30 and the birds are still going strong. 22:21
japhb I rather like birds in general (we have several feeders), but that one that likes to make neighborhood-piercing noises at 4 AM from the tree out front ... THAT one has my ire. 22:22
Worse, it comes back to that same tree every year, and goes on for weeks on end. 22:24