Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
01:35 lizmat_ joined 01:38 lizmat left 02:14 MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke so the two bytecode dumps from t/02-rakudo/reproducible-builds.t have the same number of lines. and the difference doesn't start showing up until the lexicals. but *many* of them are in different frame numbers 02:23
hm. probably unrelated, but something i noticed while investigating stuff. during the build of CORE.c, we do a lot of allocating via MVM_free_at_safepoint. and then in MVM_alloc_safepoint (which frees all the entries) the max size of the list was 22k 03:26
i wonder if it would make sense to statically allocate a giant array of pointers and just assign and increment an index instead of adding to a linked list 03:29
07:39 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 08:16 sena_kun joined
jnthn Booleans tend to be quite transient anyway (produced and soon tested, rather than storing loads of them in arrays). An MVMRegister is a union of different types that are maximally 64 bits, and CPU registers are also 64 bits. 09:00
13:05 Woodi left 13:09 rypervenche left 13:19 Woodi joined 13:23 rba left, rba joined
ab5tract jnthn++ thanks for the explanation, it makes a lot of sense to me 14:01
japhb There *are* uses for byte-boolean arrays that are situationally more efficient than bit-packed or fully-unpacked bools, but I think we just haven't hit them yet. 14:34
20:11 rypervenche joined 22:15 sena_kun left