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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
timo1 slurping a very big file into a buf is very inefficient because we only grow our arrays to twice their size up to 4096 entries 19:20
actually, i'm not using binary slurp, just .IO.slurp, so it'd give me a string, but first it slurps everything into a buf to decode it afterwards 19:21
recording samples from the first few minutes it spends 75% in memmove, which comes from the realloc 19:22
in fact, 96.6% time spent in set_size_internal 19:23
with a change to "double the size always" it finishes quite quickly, but i do get some warnings from mimalloc 19:25
mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (1082130432 bytes, address: 0x7ffa1b800000, alignment: 33554432, commit: 1)
mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (2860515328 bytes, address: 0x7ff96f800000, alignment: 33554432, commit: 1)
m: say 1082130432 / 1024 / 1024
camelia 1032 19:26
timo1 m: say +("x" x 100000) 19:35
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
timo1 ^- this outputs a hundred thousand bytes of characters from the string it couldn't convert :D
ask me how i figured that out
parsing a pretty large json file with in situ strings + the string deduplication thing has a pretty good hit rate for the cache 19:41
oh wow, the silly little json parse benchmark i have here used to spend 12% time in gc_worklist_presize_for, but making presize_for use size doubling instead of exact sizing makes it go to 0.2% 19:46
i might have been working with a moar with --optimize=1 or 0 LOL 20:50
MasterDuke timo1: very interesting! do those numbers change much with an optimized moarvm? 21:24
and yeah, i've noticed we spent *tons* of time in set_size_internal and wondered about how best to improve that 21:32
timo1: are you using a system mimalloc? because we're a couple minor versions behind (we're at 2.0.9, their last release is 2.1.7). the differences haven't looked major, but they do mention alignment a couple times so maybe now is a good time to bump 21:45
timo1 i think i'm using built-in mimalloc 21:46
MasterDuke might want to try bumping that locally and seeing if that changes anything 21:48
timo1 what workloads were you seeing much time in set_size_internal with, do you remember? 21:52
MasterDuke building rakudo (compiling CORE.c is my default workload to benchmark). reading in large files. i feel like it shows up in a lot of places 21:53
timo1 yeah reading large files, depending on how exactly you do it, probably tickles the same issue i saw 21:54
but really, any time we add a boatload of elements to an array in either individual additions, or with large chunks and splice, we'd be resizing an unfavorable amount of times 21:55
with the IO::Path slurp path, we can perhaps get the right size up front and do almost no resizes later on 21:56
MasterDuke for one, doubling is a bad choice, we should be using 1.5 or anything other than doubling 21:57
timo1 2.1x is not doubling! :P
you got a specific source for that?
MasterDuke github.com/facebook/folly/blob/mai...y-handling 21:58
timo1 cool thanks 22:05
MasterDuke i'm pretty sure there's an issue or PR for moarvm that mentions this
well, i thought there was, but i can't find it 22:08
btw, what do you mean about getting the right size for IO::Path slurping? 22:10
probably afk for a while, hope to be back later this evening 22:11
timo1 i saw the PR now 22:14
well, the IO::Path slurp i was working with was adding slurp-size sized chunks to the array, and it was growing by little bits a whole bunch of times 22:15
if instead the buf it's been appending into had been the size of the file from the start, growing would not hav been needed