Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke nice 02:19
lizmat FWIW, it appears I got a ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /Users/liz/Github/RAKU/Needle-Compile/t/01-basic.rakutest 12:18
MoarVM panic: Internal error: invalid thread ID -1913322176 in GC work pass
more often recently
wonder whether the in-situ string changes are related to it somehow, e.g. by tickling an underlying bug 12:19
nine I have struggled with segfaults due to NULL pointers in objects collected by the GC recently. Tried finding any recent change responsible for that but it was not caused by anything since 2024.03 12:31
Except, maybe it was! The one change I couldn't easily revert without recompiling rakudo and losing my semi-reproducible test case was ab5tract's commits on spawn result and file handle mode. 12:36
And lo and behold, commit f1173cb26a19ecee14c0577931cd1ab8a3bbe0bd "Attach the spawn_result when it contains an error code" does look fishy when looked at from a GC correctness perspective. 12:37
linkable6 (2024-05-26) github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/f1173cb26a Attach the spawn_result when it contains an error code
ab5tract Dang :( 12:54
IIRC that change was reviewed pretty thoroughly. Since I clearly don’t have a grasp on it, would you mind explaining what makes it fishy WRT to GC? 12:55
nine MVM_repr_box_int can allocate. Thus arr created in the same block needs to be anchored somewhere, lest the GC thinks it's unreferenced and collects it or even if it doesn't, it will move the object, causing that local pointer to become out of date. 13:20
My favourite fix would be: 13:21
- MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, MVM_repr_box_int(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTInt, spawn_result)); MVM_repr_push_o(tc, ((MVMAsyncTask *)async_task)->body.queue, arr);
+ // Add spawn result only after arr got pushed to the queue to anchor it for the GC
+ MVM_repr_push_o(tc, arr, MVM_repr_box_int(tc, tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTInt, spawn_result));
But I'm not 100 % sure if that's correct. Depends on whether it's ok to push an incomplete array to the task queue. No problem if there's only one thread accessing that queue but may be a problem if a different thread is consuming that queue. 13:22
timo nine, is that gcc plugin that looks for missing gc roots still runnable, or did it rot too much? should we perhaps make that part of our CI? 13:55
nine I guess it's still ok. It just needs integration into the build system and the hard coded list of allocators could maybe use an update. 14:06
Geth MoarVM/main: c2ca1c0088 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | .gitignore
add .su files and .cache folder to gitignore
ab5tract Ah, I see, makes sense 14:30
Do you want me to push a fix or is already in your line of sight?
nine Well someone would need to affirm that my proposed fix is ok 14:51
lizmat fwiw, jnthn is offline for at least another week: holiday afk! 14:52
[Coke] good for him, hope it's something fun! 15:18
lizmat knowing jnthn I'm sure he and Iryna will 15:20
timo does something speak against just adding one more MVMROOT? 16:55
i think "only ever have valid objects in the task queue" sounds like a reasonable default? 16:56
nine Yeah, if in doubt, an MVMROOT would be preferable 17:32
timo i'm still wishing for a way for our MVMROOT to not cause trouble with debuggers, since the whole MVMROOT line plus its code body is supposed to be considered a single "line of code" 17:36
gcc offers a variable annotation called "cleanup (cleanup_function)" which "runs a function when the variable goes out of scope". it "can only be applied to auto function scope variables", i don't know what that means? 17:38
clang also supports this attribute with the same semantics it looks like 17:39
probably no chance to have it in MSVC though 17:41
oh ... hmm ... i have a *terrible* idea ... 17:43
oh, this is *evil*
nine Oh noes! Hide the children!
timo ok how terrible does it sound to no longer be able to "continue" or "break" inside the body of an MVMROOT block? 17:44
nine That may suck 17:46
timo if we had a way to warn if that happens ... 17:47
hey wait a minute 17:48
MVMROOT already puts a do { ... } while(0) around your block, so continue and break already don't work when used inside MVMROOT 17:49
so there is not even a regression there
yeah this looks usable 17:54
nine Oh you meant the C statements, not gdb commands! 18:02
timo yes right 18:04
do you know a quick and easy way to find every MVMROOT and, crucially, the exact }); that goes along with it? 18:16
nine don't think so
timo ok i'll go with the trivial solution and fix any trouble by hand 18:17
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: 53a77fd383 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 97 files
An alternative to MVMROOT macros

where we don't have to put the code block inside the macro's argument list, which means the whole block is no longer considered a single statement by tools like gdb, profilers, and so on.
timo check it out!
i'll try to put all the temp root pushes into the for (...) arguments, but the first attempt to do that didn't work in a mysterious way 19:51
grrr, the syntax of for forces me to put an assignment, but i'm not allowed to just assign from a void function without an error 19:59
and now all these "unused variable" errors for my dummy variables that i was forced to create olololo 20:00
ugh i hate this :) :) :) :) :) 20:11
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: e963b52b4d | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/gc/roots.h
Fix the coolroot macro to expand to just one thing

Prevents unexpected results when you put it on, for example, the line right after an if, for, or while without curly braces
timo i actually made it work. it's not pretty to look at though. 20:31
the optimizer better make all these silly variables completely free ... 20:33
MasterDuke you're a braver man than i with that macro work 20:44
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: a00e6101d5 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/gc/roots.h
Fix copy-pasto in coolroot macros
timo haha, it just means that the pain was getting sufficiently big to make me push through the nonsense 20:46
sure hope the name COOLROOT doesn't stay around for like 10 years even though i explicitly made it up to be unreasonable to keep the same
timo a trodder of hos? 20:53
if we use MVMROOT* for the new impl, anything that uses MVMROOT in its own code that relies on it will break. i don't think that's anything apart from rakudo's extops? not sure if MVMROOT can be considered public API? 20:54
MasterDuke greppable6: MVMROOT 20:55
greppable6 MasterDuke, Found nothing!
MasterDuke it's corpus hasn't been updated in years, but that's at least a good sign
lizmat rak MVMROOT -n 21:01
no entries
with -n being: --paths=~/Github/nqp/src
MasterDuke only one use in rakudo 21:02
timo gist.github.com/timo/297e2a5844ee1...987869f10e there's also the ad-hoc grammar i wrote to replace MVMROOT with COOLROOT in moarvm's source without b0rking on things like nested MVMROOTs and comments and strings and such
so, other names? WITH_ROOTS? WITH_ROOTED? ROOTED? with MVM in front? ROOT_BLOCK? 21:03
or i guess we steal MVMROOT
MasterDuke one use in Inline::Perl6 21:04
none in Inline::Perl5 or Inline::Python 21:05
looks like it wouldn't be too much trouble to just replace MVMROOT
lizmat nine might have some idea bout Inline::Perl6 though 21:07
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: 39419ac5c6 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 98 files
COOLROOT is now called MVMROOT.
timo for the time you're not sure which kind of MVMROOT macro the moar you're compiling against has, you can just write the MVM_gc_root_temp_push and _pop function calls by hand
Geth MoarVM: timo++ created pull request #1828:
Replace MVMROOT(... {...}); with MVMROOT(...) {...}
timo the pull request also has a screenshot of something i came up with to give helpful errors when someone puts the code block inside instead of outside the MVMROOT 21:24
MasterDuke fyi, it's used in Inline::Perl6, not 5
timo oops :) 21:25
MasterDuke which i suspect is not used as much
timo i edited the text to put it in
MasterDuke could you add a temp commit that modifies tools/build/checkout-repos-for-test.pl or azure-pipelines.yml (don't remember exactly if either of those are the correct locations) so rakudo builds moarvm from the branch? 21:29
otoh, maybe just building moarvm is proof enough
timo maybe keeping MVMROOT as before around with a new name like MVMROOT_OLD would be good so replacing the code doesn't require any changes that go beyond a single line 21:31
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: 4a82aa4b6c | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/gc/roots.h
Anticipate errors from the MVMROOT change

and give a direct hint for how to fix it
timo this also puts MVMROOT*_OLD in
MasterDuke i don't see the *_OLD? 21:37
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: b6a554a857 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/gc/roots.h
Put MVMROOT*_OLD macros back in

Because it's much easier to search&replace just the name of the macro, otherwise you have to also chase the closing brace and its parenthesis.
timo that should be better
uhhh i'm not sure how i could find output from the azure builds 21:40
MasterDuke dev.azure.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/_build...ew=results 21:41
timo i guess i have to wait for it to fail again before i get to see any logs?
oh there is one!
MasterDuke you can click on the jobs
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: 877dfcddbe | (Timo Paulssen)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
Try building a coolroot rakudo on azure for now
timo let's see if that does it 21:49
> error: pathspec 'coolroot' did not match any file(s) known to git 21:52
MasterDuke i think github caches some things. so the moarvm pr might not see the new rakudo 21:53
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: e5722e2274 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
Try building a coolroot rakudo on azure for now
timo no there's actually something further up that is meant for this purpose i think
MasterDuke ah yeah, that's what i was thinking of 21:54
timo not like this clearly 21:56
i guess it has to be rev-coolroot 21:57
no it needs a - in there somewhere, it has to be a full long name 21:58
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: 1b7df6fe41 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
Try building a coolroot rakudo on azure for now
timo oh, the - is supposed to give a http url to check out from 22:03
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: 4e0d60d357 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
Try building a coolroot rakudo on azure for now
timo looks promising 22:11
so what exactly are the _reloc targets? do we still need them? 22:12
MasterDuke builds a relocatable rakudo 22:15
ugh, figuring out all the steps to concat two strings into an in-situ and not be less efficient than before is annoying 22:47
though it does get a lot simpler if i just ignore strands for now... 22:51
timo ok cool it's all green 22:58
MasterDuke uh, building rakudo there were 650k in_situ_8 + in_situ_8 string concats that i now have as just two memcpy's into the resulting in_situ_8 22:59
i didn't expect that many
and nice for the macro work. i wonder how that will change the perf results i look at occasionally? 23:00
timo i hope it'll give more helpful outputs 23:01
MasterDuke good deal
timo i hope it also gives better results for things like heaptrack 23:02
MasterDuke `nqp-m -e 'my str $a := "foo"; my str $b := "bar"; my str $c; my int $i := 0; while $i++ < 1_000_000 { $c := nqp::concat($a, $b); }; print($c); print("\n")'` goes from ~830k instructions to ~771k instructions. wall clock is pretty much the same. heaptrack reports 1m fewer allocation functions 23:13
oh, ~830m and ~771m instructions, not k
afk for a while, hopefully will PR at least this minimal change later tonight 23:14
if i up the repetitions to 10m, the time difference is more pronounced, ~0.47s to ~0.42s 23:16
timo i haven't tried your branch yet, but when i perf record -g -F 100000 i get 5.6% time spent in mi_free; i assume it's a whole lot less with your branch 23:57
i wonder if we can get a bit better performance out of the temp root pushing if we do multiple at once, since it does some checks inside like "does the temp root array need to be grown?" with a shortcut for when it's less than the static minimum size 23:58