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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
timo trying desperately to get my desktop out of its OOM thrashing (because somehow i just can *not* get the oom killer to react in a timely manner). trying to ssh in to "killall firefox" for example, but i'm always getting "connection reset by peer" after roughly 4 and a half minutes; something involved in the login process is running into a timeout. so i thought, what if i try ten times at the same 01:56
time? maybe the stuff that's needed is pulled into ram "from front to back" and enough to let at least one connection go through? well, ten times isn't enough
that just gets me a lot of "kex_exchange_identification: banner line 0: Exceeded MaxStartups" meh. 02:08
well, i decided to use the power button 02:23
nine timo: in the future, try alt+sysreq+f to invoke the OOM killer manually 08:44
timo oh cool sysrq actually does work on my system 14:29
just need to switch the "allow process kill related keyboard combinations" bit on 14:30
i forgot that i was on a neo2 keyboard so pressing what i thought was "f" to test if the oom killer would trigger was actually pressing "o" for "power off" 14:41
timo yes, i am very smart, thank you for asking. 14:41
.oO( the ultimate OOM killer )
[Coke] that'll do it! 15:36
timo don't need to free up memory if i'll just rig my desktop with some C4 and blow it up every day when i'm done with work 15:45
lizmat I guess that's one way to reduce power consumption :-) 15:46
timo > please be aware that for this position you will be required to wear bomb-proof clothing while stationed at your work device
Internal Compustion Engine
Combustable Processing Unit 15:47
to be fair, all CPUs are combustable
timo huh, interesting. how did this BB fall out of the dominance tree i wonder 22:16
Geth MoarVM/main: 70756c4671 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/update_ops.raku
include sp_ and prof_ ops in tools/lib/MAST/Ops.pm
MoarVM/main: c830cc41df | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/update_ops.raku
save Ops raku module as .rakumod instead of .pm