Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke maybe set_size_internal() should adjust the nursery? 00:54
nine What do you mean by adjust the nursery? 07:13
timo nine: when we create objects that have some amount of unmanaged memory to go with them, we also move the nursery limit back a little bit, so that the next GC comes sooner, because otherwise GC won't start by itself when memory runs low 09:28
since an VMArray's object is so small, you could easily accidentally use up gigabytes of memory in unmanaged allocations with only a tiny fraction of the nursery used up 09:29
of course you can still make an array that's a hundred gigabytes big with just one array, but the "adjust the nursery" is for the case when you have many many medium-sized objects, especially when they are short-lived, you need gc to step in earlier to ensure you don't run out 09:32
spesh bug, spesh bug, what'cha gonna do, what'cha gonna do when it comes for you? 09:55
doing the usual spesh osr disable, spesh inline disable, plus spesh blocking and maybe spesh bisect could be helpful 09:59