nwc10 jnthn: turns out to be a missing write barrier in MVM_sc_get_sc() 11:29
timotimo nwc10++ :) 12:13
can you commit the proper fix?
TimToady nwc10++ 16:08
[Coke] nwc10++ 16:22
timotimo can't be much left %) 16:25
diakopter nwc10: how heroic of you :) 16:48
timotimo: nick doesn't have a github nick
TimToady did someone else nick the nick nick? 16:49
timotimo probably just in the nick of time 17:54
jnthn nwc10: Thanks for the patches; I'll take a look over them/apply them tomorrow, most likely :) 23:38
timotimo hey, actually 23:47
i have a friend who knows about compiler stuff and debugging and automated bugfinding and stuff 23:48
*maybe* he can help me whip something up to automatically find gc and write barrier problems in moar?
i should ask him
jnthn Well, the more bugs we find, the better :)
timotimo sure
he'll be back to this table in a few minutes i hope 23:49