japhb__ .ping 02:18
No message bot? Dang.
FROGGS morning 08:21
hoelzro morning FROGGS 08:23
timotimo (that's better now) 09:39
dalek arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: 5a67c94 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/math/bigintops.c:
unb0rk shift-left.
timotimo though the bitshifts don't exercise bigints any more now. 09:42
i think 92500 is the new low for "say 1" i've found 09:43
i wonder when exactly it reaches that peak
dalek arVM: 49d9109 | (Rob Hoelz)++ | src/ (3 files):
Implement link op
arVM: bc4fc22 | timo++ | src/ (3 files):
Merge pull request #76 from hoelzro/op-link

Implement link op
timotimo okay, so mod is misbehaving with negative RHS 10:04
to be fair, that's also the case on master, but we fail a few more tests on the bigint_opt branch 10:09
it seems like we want a different behavior from the normal % operator that C offers?
C says 2 % -3 is 2, whereas the test suite expects 3 10:10
oh, i read that wrong
it expects 13 % -4 to be -3, whereas C gives a result of 1 10:12
hoelzro neat
timotimo -13 % 4 ought to be 3 according to the test suite, but it's -1
so what's the rule here?
hoelzro I'm trying to remember the rules... 10:13
timotimo that would be most helpful :)
hoelzro because there's modulus, and there's remainder
and they're different wrt negative numbers, iirc 10:14
timotimo libtommath implements a way to get the remainder from a division and has a separate mod function
so maybe i ought to use the remainder from the div function there
and come up with some extra crazyness on the smallint side 10:15
hoelzro "When either a or n is negative, the naive definition breaks down and programming languages differ in how these values are defined." 10:16
C89 doesn't define a result if either side is negative
timotimo m) 10:17
so i'd have to implement that based on another operation?
hoelzro probably?
timotimo c * b + d == a is the definition of mp_div that i'm using 10:18
i'm plopping a and b as in a % b and then taking out d instead of c
is that the correct interpretation for our perl6 needs?
seems like no. 10:19
i wonder ... did this ever work? 10:20
hoelzro probably not 10:21
timotimo for some reason, it's still regressing as compared to maste
hoelzro wtf
that's odd
timotimo even if i throw out the smallint case completely
oh 10:22
i was wrong :)
hoelzro how so? 10:23
dalek arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: aab5cda | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/math/bigintops.c:
throw away our smallint mod calculation for now
timotimo i *think* it ought to not regress at all by now.
jnthn: there are no more spectest failures, but a bunch of functions are still not implemented with a working smallint fastpath
("no more failures than master has" i should say)
at what point would you like to merge the branch?
hoelzro timotimo: wanna go through the review and merge thing again? =) 10:29
timotimo i guess :)
that seems pretty straightforward. 10:30
dalek arVM: 2133d9d | (Rob Hoelz)++ | src/ (3 files):
Implement symlink op
arVM: 50dfcc1 | timo++ | src/ (3 files):
Merge pull request #77 from hoelzro/op-symlink

Implement symlink op
timotimo getting the file-stuff in moar going correctly is a good thing
hoelzro \o/
I'm just grepping for NYI =P 10:31
timotimo fair enough :)
there's lots of NYI in the unicode database 10:35
hoelzro timotimo: there's one for NQP too
hoelzro yeah, I'm ignoring those =P 10:36
timotimo hoelzro: did you see how much memory smallbigint saves on arrays of Ints? :D 10:42
with 200_000 numbers it goes to 201544maxresident -> 139164maxresident, 0:00.78elapsed -> 0:00.60elapsed 10:43
for comparison, the same code on parrot takes 646980maxresident and 0:02.19elapsed 10:46
so ... fuck yeah moarvm :)
off to a great start, i'd claim! 10:47
tadzik \o/ 10:48
FROGGS \o/ 10:52
tadzik: btw, I made a moar-support branch in panda
tadzik FROGGS: yeah, I noticed in the backlog, but didn't have a chance to look at it yet 10:53
FROGGS: does it work? :)
FROGGS tadzik: not yet
it really needs IO::Socket::INET
for example to fetch its projects.json 10:54
tadzik right
well, you can fallback to wget/curl :P
FROGGS and there is this bug that it does not compile a module, but it works when you do the steps manually
we had that already on parrot
tadzik: ya, I've got a wget hack locally
timotimo i wonder what's keeping const_i8, const_i16, const_i32 from being implemented 10:55
would the implementation be anything more than GET_REG(cur_op, 0).i* = GET_I*(cur_op, 2); ? 10:56
masak: are you planning to unbust macros on moarvm? 11:16
jnthn timotimo: At this point, though, everything that doesn't have a smallint optimized path will force_bigint? 11:24
masak timotimo: I'm planning to get to macros in general, but I want to finish up p6cc first...
timotimo: I didn't know macros were busted on moarvm.
timotimo jnthn: that's right
masak: at least unquoting and another file are aborting
jnthn timotimo: Aww...I get a load of compile errors. 11:25
timotimo jnthn: i think i can also toss get_bigint now
oh no, msvc stuff again? :(
jnthn timotimo: Ummm 11:26
timotimo: Yeah, you just declared in a bad place :) 11:27
timotimo i tend to totally forget about that >_>
should i go through it or can you do it quickly?
moarvm test suite run peaks at a third of the maxresidentk of parrot and takes about 1/2 the wallclock time
dalek arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: f4641f5 | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs/P6bigint.c:
Unbust build on MSVC.
arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: b7a4887 | jnthn++ | src/math/bigintops.c:
Toss now-unused function.
timotimo thank you :)
jnthn uh ;) I think this needs some review:
/* write the "is big" flag */
writer->write_varint(tc, writer, 1);
/* write the "is small" flag */
writer->write_varint(tc, writer, 1);
timotimo gah! :D
jnthn such confuse!
timotimo i wasn't even drunk when i wrote that %)
jnthn Clearly you shoulda been :P 11:29
timotimo i can fix it if you're not already doing it 11:35
jnthn go ahead 11:36
timotimo done. 11:37
dalek arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: 0296255 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6bigint.c:
fix the small/big flag for P6bigint serialization
timotimo jnthn: if you have an idea how to implement mod properly on top of C's broken mod operator, i'm all ears 11:38
and for performance reasons, lcm and gcd should get a smallint implementation, since i believe most rats will have nums and denoms in the 32bit range 11:39
jnthn Yeah. I don't think either of these need block a merge though
I'm doing a build and spectest run now 11:40
timotimo sounds good :)
masak timotimo: I don't have tuits to look at it now -- but thanks for letting me know. 11:45
timotimo: I do plan to get back on top of macros eventually.
timotimo i'll look at the exact failure mode
maybe it's something very simple? 11:46
Specified code ref has no outer
No such method 'STORE' for invocant of type 'Mu' 11:47
this is how quasi-blocks fails
jnthn timotimo: I see lots of new spectest failures. :( 11:49
timotimo you do? :(
hoelzro timotimo: I haven't seen it!
jnthn timotimo: Yeah 11:50
t\spec\S02-literals\numeric.t is the first file with a new failure
not ok 16 - very long Num literals
# got: 22.2797654333337
# expected: 3.141592
timotimo i get only ok there :( 11:51
jnthn C:\consulting\rakudo>perl6-m -e "say 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510e0"
timotimo that ought not be a rat. why does it fail like that? 11:53
jnthn No idea
.WHAT on it gives (Num)
hoelzro are you two on the same OS?
timotimo no
hoelzro could that be it? 11:57
I'll give it a whirl on my machine
timotimo thanks
hoelzro it's the jnthn_bigint_opt branch, right?
jnthn yeah
hoelzro whirls
timotimo i wonder what's keeping const_i8, const_i16, const_i32 from being implemented / would the implementation be anything more than GET_REG(cur_op, 0).i* = GET_I*(cur_op, 2); ? 11:58
jnthn: should that always be .i64 = GET_I*, or should the numbers match up there? 11:59
jnthn timotimo: Not sure, which is why it's not implemented yet ;) 12:01
timotimo that'd explain it :)
how about the truncate/expand operations? would those just be casts between the integer sizes? 12:02
hoelzro I get a pi-esque value
FROGGS jnthn: shall we wait for your IO refactor before we start getting socket ops in place? 12:03
jnthn FROGGS: yes 12:04
timotimo nap time.
jnthn: if you find any other little jobs for me, i can probably do a thing or two :) 12:05
jnthn FROGGS: And now I'm done traveling for a while, I can actually work on this...
FROGGS ahh, great :o)
jnthn timotimo: OK...will ponder. And try to fix this thing. :)
The problem is showing up in radcalc in Actions.pm, fwiw. 12:07
nwc10 FROGGS: is it easy (and worthwhile) to bodge Panda to use wget/curl to get stuff, to make progress on the next things blocking the ecosystem? 12:11
FROGGS nwc10: if this will work out, then this could be a nice fallback for all backends
nwc10: and using lynx for example should be doable pretty easily 12:12
tadzik: shall I work on that? 12:13
tadzik FROGGS: I don't see why not :) 12:14
FROGGS k, will tackle this when I'm done dayjobbing
FROGGS does CDD (Comment Driven Development) right now 12:15
JimmyZ evening, long time no see
FROGGS hi JimmyZ! \o/
JimmyZ :)
jnthn o/ JimmyZ 12:17
JimmyZ I just spent The Chinese Lunar New Year
FROGGS all this time? :o) 12:18
JimmyZ yeah 12:20
hoelzro "cannot stringify this" o_O 12:30
FROGGS "o_O" <-- here you are 12:32
hoelzro heh =)
how can I print an MVMObject's type from within C land? 12:38
jnthn Think I found it...
hoelzro I get as far as obj->st.WHAT
jnthn mp_set_long(i, result);
hoelzro: There's no good way to do that, really...
hoelzro I know that's the type object, but I don't know how to ask it for its name
jnthn hoelzro: Given it involves a method call like $obj.HOW.name($obj) 12:39
hoelzro: It involves finding that method, setting up a call to it, and arranging a callback to handle the result.
hoelzro yikes. 12:40
jnthn Yes, well, we don't do inferior runloops in Moar 'cus those are even mroe painful than making things like this hard.
hoelzro I want to know *what* can't stringify
jnthn What're you actually tyring to do?
hoelzro well
I'm compiling a module (--target=moar) 12:41
jnthn Ah..can you not just shove a .HOW.name(...) at an appropriate point?
hoelzro jnthn: that's the thing...I only get ""cannot stringify this"
so I don't know what an appropriate point would be
jnthn Did you add --ll-exception? 12:44
hoelzro hmm
hoelzro tries that
ah, thanks! 12:45
that's great
jnthn :)
In other news, I think I found the issue with bigint stuff 12:46
hoelzro so perl6-m doesn't seem to be able to compile JSON::Tiny::Grammar 12:53
hoelzro .oO( is this moar appropriate for #perl6? ) 12:54
jnthn How does it fail? 13:02
dalek arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: b78fa4f | jnthn++ | src/math/bigintops.c:
Fix data loss on platforms with 32-bit long.
arVM/jnthn_bigint_opt: 426d424 | jnthn++ | src/math/bigintops.c:
Fix a memory leak.
hoelzro jnthn: I'll paste the trace 13:03
jnthn: pastebin.com/0cyfTwiU 13:08
I'm looking at the NQP code where the problem occurs, but now I don't know how to modify it to print useful info =/ 13:11
oh, there we go 13:12
jnthn --target=moar 13:13
That should be --target=mbc
hoelzro ugh 13:21
jnthn Error wsa still crappy though
Feel free to ticket that
It's meant ot say "no such stage" or so
hoelzro here's a moar fun one: 13:25
jnthn: pastebin.com/FhfbqbfK 13:26
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 40 commits to MoarVM by jnthn 13:27
jnthn o.O
Does the file exist? 13:28
timotimo: merged the branch
hoelzro jnthn: hmm, apparently not 13:29
dalek arVM: 79c084e | jnthn++ | src/core/interp.c:
Fix mod_n on negatives.
arVM: 1f165c8 | jnthn++ | src/ (3 files):
Implement Num fallback case of pow_I.
jnthn FROGGS: So, now I've time to look: is there something for me to review wrt openpipe? 14:20
FROGGS jnthn: just basic sanity
I did a change to the MVMOSHandle struct, did I miss something?
(like serialization) 14:21
jnthn We dont' serialize those
Is there a reason we can't use uv_process_close off Wikndows? 14:24
FROGGS it is not defined I think
jnthn Ugh...the symlink test added in NQP doesn't detect Windows...and so explodes now. 14:31
FROGGS: What Rakudo spectests is the openpipe stuff meant to help?
ah, I see... 14:32
FROGGS: Does system.t pass test 1 for you?
FROGGS hold on 14:33
JimmyZ jnthn: Do you know how to step into moar.dll by using msvc2012 debugger?
jnthn JimmyZ: Yeah, you need to hack makefile target for moar.dll and add /pdb:$@.pdb to the link line 14:34
FROGGS jnthn: no, it segfaults
JimmyZ jnthn: thanks 14:35
FROGGS jnthn: and fails when I comment the others
jnthn FROGGS: Ugh. I guess that wants fixing before we merge openpipe stuff, then... 14:36
jnthn FROGGS: On Windows it just comes back with error code 255
FROGGS interestingly shell() works there 14:38
jnthn afk for a bit 14:40
timotimo hoelzro: did you read that? your symlink test explodes on windows 14:45
fixing string concatenation to no longer be terribly slow due to gremlins isn't an LHF, is it? :\ 15:00
i suppose i should get my gdb helpers up to snuff, so that they can be of assistance when trying to make ropes work 15:01
it's very sad to see the performance drop so harshly in the benchmarks including concat 15:02
jnthn timotimo: Not LHF, no. 15:07
timotimo: Though may be able to get some easy-ish wins.
I can take a look maybe.
I'll dig into the IO stuff once the openpipe patch is in shape and lands.
timotimo if the rope is made up of two same-typed ropes, memcpy could be used instead of a for loop with "get codepoint at" 15:08
hoelzro timotimo: nooooo 15:12
what's it supposed to do on Windows? 15:13
timotimo has no idea :)
i thought libuv would be able to make symlinks on windows
at least on ntfs devices
jnthn hoelzro: Maybe just skip the test on Windows.... 15:14
hoelzro timotimo: I know nothing about symlinks and Windows
iirc, symlinks don't work on Windows 15:15
timotimo oh, i must have been thinking of NTFS Junctions, which is not a symlink, but a hardlink 15:16
hoelzro I could make a PR to skip the test, but it would probably take someone less time without having to worry about merging 15:17
timotimo no, thanks :P
i mean 15:18
no thanks to me doing that :P
jnthn hoelzro: Do you not have an NQP commit bit?
hoelzro still not, I think
hoelzro tries
jnthn hoelzro: Added you 15:19
hoelzro cool, thanks!
can I also haz commit bit for Moar?
jnthn hoelzro: done 15:21
hoelzro great, thanks! 15:22
I just need a Rakudo one now =P
ok, test skipped on Windows 15:25
jnthn: thanks for the commit bits 15:28
jnthn hoelzro: np; thanks for the patches :)
Confirm things look better here 15:29
hoelzro \o/
timotimo should i implement gcd in terms of the mod operator, or will that give me crap if one of the numbers is negative? 15:41
actually, can i just remove both signs and put a - if there was only one - in the signs?
or something similarly simple?
nwc10 what would Macgyver^WPerl 5 do?
timotimo i'd prefer not having to look into perl5's guts, thank you :) 15:42
nwc10 sure, but if you don't want to make the same mistakes...
anyway, I think that there isn't a direct answer for gcd here 15:44
but if C's % is ill-defined for negative values (which I think that it is) then you're going to get crap
so make everything positive, and then deal with signs yourself
timotimo aye. 15:46
how are the signs expected to work? the way i described?
t/spec/S03-operators/gcd.t .................................... Failed 1/16 subtests ← oh no :( 15:56
nwc10 I don't know the answer to that. Sorry.
timotimo looks at the exact failure 15:57
it would appear it only expects the sign to be restored if it was on the right hand side
hm, actually 15:58
why would the gcd ever be negative?
if something is evenly divisible by -3, it's also divisible by 3 and 3 is greater
ok 10 - :Punctuation chars# TODO unicode 6.0 punct characters ← any reason to leave this fudged? 16:02
not ok 278 - unicode whitespace (\s) ← huh. 16:04
not ok 823 - Rat.Rat yields correct Rat 16:09
# got: '301281685344656669 1250'
# expected: '301281685344656640 1250'
did we use to fail this test? S32-num/rat.rakudo.moar
masak timotimo: Wikipedia says that gcd is defined to be a positive integer. 17:31
jnthn timotimo: That Rat test passes here on Windows, but does fail in the daily roast, it seems. 17:32
FROGGS hoelzro: you are working with the wip-openpipe branch on moarvm and rakudo, right? 17:33
hmmm, run() explodes when C-stringifying the args 17:37
japhb__ FWIW, very much agree re: irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2014-02-08#i_8251965 and following -- panda should in general have several ways to talk to the network, and use the sanest one it can. 17:44
lee__ that is how cpanm handles it. falls back to wget/curl, defaults to LWP 17:47
japhb__ jnthn: Why do you use 'tmp[0]' instead of '*tmp' in github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/42...58e807R136
jnthn japhb__: Insufficient coffee to be consistent with two lines below, I guess... :) 17:49
p6: say loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $i } 17:53
camelia rakudo-parrot 8e44be, rakudo-jvm 8e44be, rakudo-moar 8e44be: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Word 'loop' interpreted as a listop; please use 'do loop' to introduce the statement control word␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤------> say loop⏏ (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) …»
..niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method from in type P6+{infix:sym<⊆>},{infix:sym<≼>},{term:sym<∅>},{infix:sym<∈>},{infix:sym<(elem)>},{infix:sym<∉>},{infix:sym<∋>},{infix:sym<(cont)>},{infix:sym<∌>},{infix:sym<∪>},{infix:sym<(|)…»
jnthn p6: say do loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $i }
camelia rakudo-parrot 8e44be, rakudo-jvm 8e44be, rakudo-moar 8e44be: OUTPUT«False␤»
..niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
FROGGS jnthn: do I need to decont the @args? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/wip-...ol.pm#L195 17:54
jnthn: because MVM_repr_get_str explodes here github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ops.c#L227 17:55
jnthn FROGGS: I would, yes
timotimo jnthn: i re-implemented gcd for smallint, that's why i had a failing test 18:24
FROGGS ohh, yeah, run() does work now... pushing in a bit 18:35
timotimo that's great! 18:36
jnthn: my gcd implementation of the smallint branch is only very slightly faster, but saves a surprising amount of memory in the maxresidentk department 18:42
0:26.95elapsed / 243960maxresident and 0:26.80elapsed / 244000maxresident ← smallint gcd 18:43
0:27.30elapsed / 303704maxresident and 0:27.25elapsed / 303720maxresident ← bigint gcd
for 5..500 X 1..500 -> $a, $b { $a gcd $b } ← benchmark code
japhb__ Nice win! 18:44
jnthn Wow :)
timotimo why would it win us as much, though? 18:45
unless it's otherwise leaking memory?
jnthn Well, you can allocate a lot of Int objects in the nursery before you get around to a collection, and we only free the mp_int at that point
timotimo doesn't store_bigint_result free the mp_int if it fits in a smallint? 18:46
jnthn Should do, yeah...
timotimo yeah, it does
jnthn Hm, that is odd.
jnthn is hunting various code-gen sub-optimalities. 18:47
timotimo oh, cool! :)
jnthn Found that the _n -> _i opts in NQP didn't apply to comparators (islt, etc.) 18:48
so native $i < $n just became a lot shorter after fixing that. :) 18:49
timotimo \o/
jnthn Now hutning a place we do a box only to throw it away
timotimo i imagine that'd happen in a bunch of places unless we're very careful 18:50
i suppose those would help on all backends, too? 18:52
jnthn The native int one was an NQP::Optimizer improvemnet, so it helps all, yes. The box one I'm hunting is Moar-specific. 18:53
timotimo OK 18:54
since my gcd implementation causes no new spectest failures now, i'll go ahead and push it 18:57
dalek arVM: e47fc4d | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/math/bigintops.c:
gcd implementation for smallint.
timotimo seems like i'll already have to run a new benchmarking session :3 19:00
dalek arVM/wip-openpipe: af96e73 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/io/procops.c:
make run(), shell() and qqx{} explode less

Somehow we need to make sure that the calloc()-ed process gets freed when libuv is done with it.
timotimo t.h8.lv/Perl_6_what_can_you_do_toda...audio.webm ← it does sound a lot better than it did before, but it's still pretty bad 20:05
dalek arVM/wip-openpipe: c2b3c94 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/io/procops.c:
protect objects against movement
arVM/wip-openpipe: 6d6e388 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/io/procops.c:
free() before throwing exceptions
hoelzro FROGGS: you fixed it? 21:02
FROGGS I dunno
hoelzro I had to leave *right* after I found that bug
FROGGS I don't know what is wrong on your side
I just tried to make t/spec/S29-os/system.t pass 21:03
hoelzro I'll try it out
hoelzro that fixed it 21:06
every time I try to do something, you beat me to it, FROGGS! 21:07
FROGGS ó.ò 21:08
hoelzro: I hope you're not sad or so
hoelzro no no =)
I'm joking =)
FROGGS pheeew
hoelzro but I was excited to find such a great bug
FROGGS yeah, I fear there are still some left in :o)
hoelzro and I had to leave a few minutes later!
FROGGS: well, I'll keep testing =)
jnthn such bug! much greatness! 21:10
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 67 commits to MoarVM/wip-openpipe by FROGGS 21:11
FROGGS jnthn: I am spectesting wip-openpipe now, but it feels good 21:12
jnthn FROGGS: Does system.t pass? 21:13
jnthn \o/
FROGGS I'd even like to unskip the first test for jvm...
jnthn is wrestling with jvm code-gen at the moment...
FROGGS kill it! 21:14
(with fire perhaps)
jnthn Well, the real issue is that asm gives shit errors. 21:15
timotimo it wouldn't be efficient enough if it would check for correctness all the time! 22:18
FROGGS jnthn: am I allowed to merge? or are going to do it? 22:19
jnthn FROGGS: Merge...openpipe? 22:21
FROGGS: Does it pass system.t on Windows also?
FROGGS jnthn: yes, and yes it does
jnthn FROGGS: OK. Go for it, I'm doing JVM bits ATM :) 22:22
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 31 commits to MoarVM by FROGGS
timotimo jnthn: should i kick off a new benchmark run for {nqp,rakudo}-{parrot,moar}?
or will you have something new for the non-jvm backends soon, too? 22:23
jnthn timotimo: You could. Or maybe wait until tomorrow, when I probably have JVM bind stuff done too?
timotimo: No, not today.
timotimo well, if you're only going to change JVM until tomorrow, i can do a non-jvm benchmark run now :) 22:24
the jvm part takes by far the longest
jnthn OK :)
timotimo i imagine the performance of concat on moarvm causes noticable feelings of slowness on the REPL if you try to print out large-ish results 22:58
jnthn yeah
timotimo made it a quest on questhub 23:01
hoelzro I found some odd behavior 23:51
a test that passes when not using precompiled modules
timotimo do tell
hoelzro but fails when using them
I'll paste the output 23:52
timotimo aaw, those are always bad :(
i hope i didn't break serialization recently when i introduced varints
hoelzro hmm 23:53
I'll try an older branch
timotimo "recently"
hoelzro how recently?
timotimo Jan 26, 2014 23:54
hoelzro and the Makefile: pastebin.com/qy99rtzMM^H 23:55
timotimo "this paste has been removed!"
hoelzro which?
timotimo the makefile paste
hoelzro pastebin.com/qy99rtzM 23:56
too many Ms
timotimo heh
thank you for spending so much time on checking the star-related modules on moarvm!
that's going to make actually doing a star release (maybe even next month?) so much more pleasant 23:57
hoelzro timotimo: I have JSON::Tiny passing atm!
timotimo \o/
hoelzro it's also providing me a source of things to do with Moar =P 23:58
timotimo that's great
hoelzro I'll try building perl6-m with your branch reverting 23:59