01:00 benabik joined 02:07 FROGGS_ joined
hoelzro timotimo: I don't know what you mean by that 02:20
FROGGS_: I took a brief look, but my moar fu is not good enough 02:21
I'm hoping to get someone to fix it for me =)
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FROGGS_ hoelzro: same here :o) 06:29
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[Coke] diakopter: any changes to host06's security today? 19:53
(my key is no longer working) 19:54
moritz [Coke]: you haven't misspelled the username by chance? that's usually what happened to me when my keys don't work anymore :-) 20:01
timotimo usually puts a "Username" line in the matching section of the .ssh/config 20:09
benabik (.ssh/config)++ 20:11
timotimo MVMStaticFrame [================================================== 1312 - does this seem sensible? it's from a long-running t/spec/integration/advent2009-day06.rakudo.moar 20:38
[Coke] moritz: I never type the userid, so that'd be hard. 21:11
the change to host06 was that I can't use it anymore, btw. trying to get setup on host07.
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