dalek arVM: 48da760 | larry++ | / (2 files):
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rurban_ The moarvm gc looks much better than the parrot gc. Very similar to the potion gc. The gdb plugin is cool 18:06
[Coke] who did that... timotimo? 18:11
jnthn The gdb plugin is timotimo++ 18:12
Overall GC design was mine, of course standing on the shoulders of the GC handbook :) 18:13
[Coke] also nwc++ for helltesting 18:24
er, nwc10++
jnthn Yes, most certainly. And diakopter++ contributed stuff to the implementation also.
TimToady so we link linenoise in, but we don't call it yet? 18:31
jnthn TimToady: Yeah 'cus it spow prompts on Linux...
TimToady: Feel free to investigate :) 18:32
timotimo the next step on my gdb plugin todo list is analyzing the overflows 18:56
do we have a clue how many we would be expecting? 18:59
jnthn I think STs may overflow