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dalek arVM: 5ef6691 | jimmy++ | / (8 files):
Add CArray REPR
arVM: 3ef8643 | jimmy++ | / (8 files):
Add CStruct REPR
arVM: b0aa29f | jimmy++ | src/6model/reprs/CStruct.c:
small fixes
arVM: 87bacef | jimmy++ | src/6model/ (3 files):
small refactor
06:41 vincent22 joined
dalek arVM: 840ab82 | jimmy++ | src/io/ (3 files):
change MVM_stat_* macro to uppercase
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jnthn hmm, a tcg todo is "- Add float and vector support." :) 09:59
nwc10 tcg? A JITting type thing? 10:00
jnthn The float support is quite a missing thing :)
nwc10: Yeah.
nwc10: Got some interest from somebody to work on it in GSoC, so pondering options a little :)
brrt here's the interest :-) 10:07
although i've learned that i only have a week! left to apply 10:08
10:09 woolfy left
jnthn :-O 10:20
Well, we can make that.
I'm willing to mentor. :)
brrt fortunately so :-) 10:22
i hope to have some time for it this weekend
many things to be planned, worked out 10:24
nwc10 I thought that the real "skill" in proposal writing is to figure out a description which sounds good, is actually viable, but is sufficiently flexible it doesn't commit to any kind of hard pass/fail deliverable 10:25
ie, as long as the student works reasonably hard and diligently, something will be delivered which is useful 10:26
brrt ā€¦. i have slightly higher hopes than 'something' personally 10:27
but not really the brain space left to think too deep about it 10:28
jnthn So long as you have moar brain space in the summer :P 10:31
brrt is finally going to look up the word 'moar' 10:32
ah i see
jnthn Stands for Metamodel On A Runtime :) 10:33
Sicne the VM came out of taking 6model and sticking a runtime around it :)
brrt that i knew
timotimo is there something that must be done on moarvm to flush stdout when we're breaking off execution with a stack trace? 10:34
or is that something for nqp?
brrt ā€¦ one of my ideas for now is that you might need / want to represent a JIT-ed call frame / stack somewhat different from a non-jitted one 10:45
and that you might want to use a REPR for that so that the gc can trace it 10:46
.. probably call frames are already REPRS
timotimo MVMStaticFrame is a repr at least 10:51
well, and there's MVMCode, which seems to be something different, but is contained in MVMStaticFrame as a pointer 10:54
brrt uhuh 10:55
i'll need to check that out, haven't really got time for that
but thanks for the pointer :-)
timotimo i didn't invest much time in the analysis either >.<
brrt off for lunch 10:57
jnthn We should keep JITted ones the same at first. 11:24
'cus it makes your deopt a lot simpler.
JimmyZ jnthn: how hard to add float support? 11:44
timotimo probably depends on the number of supported backends? :\ 11:47
12:04 brrt joined
brrt back from lunch 12:12
jnthn JimmyZ: No clue. :) 12:29
JimmyZ: But my question is, "if that's missing what else is"
JimmyZ: Not to mentin that it has the extra abstraction layer problem, which I think might help us at first, but hinder us in the long run. 12:30
12:30 lizmat joined
JimmyZ jnthn: agreed, I like the dynasm one if the generator is written by perl 6, but by lua :P 12:32
btw 12:33
not serious
jnthn It's not a runtime dependency, though 12:34
It's not even a buidl dependency
JimmyZ yeah
jnthn In so far as we can check in the .c file
JimmyZ just developer needs it :P
jnthn So then it's only a tiny dependency for anybody who is going to hack on the JIT :)
A full Lua is 200KB or so :)
JimmyZ yeah, to me, dynasm is much easy than tcg 12:35
because it has less abstraction 12:36
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brrt not that it is super-important, but lightning doesn't seem that hard, even if a bit RISC-y 14:51
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jnthn brrt: lightning gives us licensing issues though :( 15:51
brrt oh
i see
fair enough 15:52
actually, no, that is not fair though
one free software project not being able to use another free software project because of licensing is just madness
15:52 lizmat joined
brrt we're working together, people! 15:53
jnthn Apart from when we aren't.
If you're Stallman, LLVM is a "huge setback".
'cus it's not GPL'd. 15:54
If your interest is in "enforcing freedom" then the GPL makes sense.
brrt ā€¦. i'm sorry but i had to laugh about that
jnthn I'm more in this because I like making nice things and sharing them. :)
brrt 'i thought i could organise freedom'
didn't know stallman was scandinavian
jnthn So my concerns/motivations for doing open soruce are entirely different.
brrt well, yeah, i guess mine too 15:55
japhb__ jnthn: That would presumably be why you call it 'open source' instead of 'free software'. :-/
jnthn japhb__: Right.
japhb__ (That :-/ was about the war of words, not you, of course.) 15:56
jnthn japhb__: Well, I know I choose licenses that folks who want to own the meaning of "free software" would get upset about, so it's easier to just say "open source" :)
japhb__ nodnod. I sometimes end up just using 'FOSS' as a "Look, I don't plan to grind your axe either way. That's irrelevant to the current discussion." 15:57
jnthn *nod* 15:58
brrt it is hardly ever relevant 15:59
but anyway 16:00
japhb__ brrt: Yep. But some otherwise good to work with people will get their hackles up if you "wear the other gang's colors" 16:02
brrt people and their tribes 16:03
japhb__ I wonder how many metaphors I can mix there.
brrt some people will get angry when i telll them i have - gasp - perl5 programs
can't make everybody happy :-)
japhb__ LOL
japhb__ has a plan to make everyone happy -- which involves nitrous oxide 16:04
jnthn Well, it's getting towards dinner time here... :) 16:09
.oO( nitrous...that's slang for nutritious, right? )
brrt right :-D 16:13
jnthn Time to find a drink/nom and head home... bbott * 16:23
16:25 lizmat joined
brrt yeah, me too 16:27
16:27 brrt left
FROGGS be back old time traveller? 16:32
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TimToady yes, back when he's a trainee again 17:42
FROGGS I hope not, I like him as he is :o) 17:43
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jnthn "on the train" :) 18:21
TimToady as I said, when you're a trainee :P 18:31
jnthn :D 18:32
dalek arVM: c1b60eb | jonathan++ | build/Makefile.in:
Install missing dyncall headers.
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nwc10 jnthn: All tests successful. 19:18
jnthn nwc10: For...Rakudo? 19:27
nwc10: Assume this means "above patch fixes the Rakudo build on latest Moar"?
nwc10 yes. 19:30
jnthn Grr...looks like Moar's shell is blindly turning /s to \s... 19:53
cognominal a moar shell? what is that? like a unix shell? I thought that moarvm was the meat not the shell. 20:16
jnthn cognominal: the shell op 20:18
cognominal jnthn++ 20:21
20:25 tgt joined
dalek arVM: f3599cb | jonathan++ | src/io/procops.c:
Don't \ every / on nqp::shell on Windows.

Otherwise we screw up args like /nologo and so forth.
21:02 rurban joined
nwc10 ./moar --version 22:40
This is MoarVM version 2014.02-77-gc1b60eb
the key part being: Linux raspberrypi 3.10.25+ #622 PREEMPT Fri Jan 3 18:41:00 GMT 2014 armv6l GNU/Linux 22:42
and it's old - only 256M of RAM
(no swapping. onto NQP...) 22:43
jnthn yes, but can it build NQP? :P
nwc10 no.
MAST::Local index out of range
jnthn ugh 22:45
nwc10 at gen/moar/stage2/QAST.nqp:4818 (src/vm/moar/stage0/QAST.moarvm:assemble_to_file:19)
and a lot more ugh
I should go to bed
about an hour ago
jnthn 'night 22:47
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dalek arVM: f8fdc70 | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs.c:
Register CStruct.
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