dalek arVM: b8952a0 | (Andrew Egeler)++ | src/6model/reprs/CArray.c:
Fix CArray bind_pos during array expand.
arVM: e447faa | jimmy++ | src/6model/reprs/CArray.c:
Merge pull request #82 from retupmoca/master

Fix CArray bind_pos during array expand.
arVM: 0cbadbc | jimmy++ | src/6model/reprs/CArray.c:
Fix potential segfault
jnthn notices JimmyZ++ fixed the MSVC bustage in b8952a also :) 10:18
timotimo i'd like there to be some way for an embedder of moarvm to expose functions hassle-free that get the whole moarvm-internals-stuff, like a ThreadContext and MVMObjects 14:06
so kind of like extops, but more like NativeCall
brrt hi folks... is there a moarvm mailing list anywhere, where i can send longer-form questions and thoughts? 14:13
timotimo hm. i don't think so 14:14
maybe the github issues tracker would be an acceptable substitute for the time being?
brrt ok, fair enought
timotimo :) 14:15
jnthn timotimo: We basically don't have an embedding API yet. 16:05
timotimo oh, you want to specify something stable and stuff?
jnthn At some point we probably should do that, yeah. 16:06
nwc10 most curious, I was just typing into my file of notes about that
jnthn Though it's probably good if it's use-case driven.
timotimo i was under the impression that MVM_vm_create_instance and friends are good enough :P
jnthn Well, they may well be part of it. 16:08
But we don't have an ideal way to do what you just asked for, for example.
timotimo right.
jnthn Easy trip to Oslo was easy... Nice and cool up here too :) 16:13
timotimo the current use-case i'm thinking of is having a Rakudo::Debugger frontend that talks to a process that embeds MoarVM 16:40
for example via a queue
but the queue would have to be made known to the embedding process in some way
and NativeCall doesn't support passing around things with reprs that don't start with C 16:41
though that gives me an idea
isn't the repr for the queue "ConcurrentSomethingQueue"?
starts with C, too!