japhb jnthn: I had an excuse for the crickets. I was teaching a promising young programmer a short history of interpreters and JITs for his future study. 00:02
Also: \o/ for the merge. :-)
jnthn japhb: Cool :) 00:07
timotimo yay merging moar-conc 01:20
jnthn: is now-ish a good point in time to consider implementing a bit of the async i/o stuff we already have on the jvm on moar? 01:22
(that is: if i can figure out how to make it work at all :P) 01:25
timotimo it's especially clever to rebuild nqp and *then* git pull the important changes :P 01:35
dalek arVM: 78f9ab0 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque. (2 files):
make helper public that gives us a replaced MVMP6opaqueBody

We need this helper in rakudo too, for example when we need the replaced body of a list after something get mixed into it, which results in a growth (and therefor a replacement) of the body.
dalek arVM: ba1c829 | jimmy++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c:
Minor optimization

This helps improve startup time and reduces CORE.setting about 9KB
JimmyZ This patch needs to rebuild nqp/radkuo ... 12:25
dalek arVM: eb2ba07 | jimmy++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque. (2 files):
FROGGS JimmyZ: why do you rename it to MVM_p6opaque* when everything starts with MVMP6opaque? 12:39
dalek arVM: 0b08db7 | jimmy++ | src/6model/serialization.c:
Small cleanup to serialization

  [read|write]_int[16|32]_func will be removed in the near future once nqp-m gets a new bootstrap
JimmyZ FROGGS: Global function always starts with MVM_* 12:42
FROGGS hmmm, okay
JimmyZ FROGGS: I think it needs s/MVMP6opaque_initialize/MVMP_6opaque_initialize/ too 12:43
jnthn: ^^ how do you think it?
jnthn JimmyZ: Well, apart from the REPR initialize ones, which don't.
But yeah, the rest do
JimmyZ OK :) 12:44
jnthn MVM_iter_blah, for example
I'd leave the initialize ones, tbh.
JimmyZ fine to me
jnthn But yeah, MVM_p6opaque_real_data fits better.
timotimo JimmyZ: did you measure startup time speedup for that optimization patch? 18:15
jnthn has been making progress on his bytecode specialization preparations for Moar. 23:26
Expect I'll have something to push/show within the next week, perhaps within a couple of days.
FROGGS I guess not only brrt is eager to see that :o) 23:27
timotimo ooooooh 23:44