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brrt \o 12:33
sleep & 12:37
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timotimo oh hey brrt :) 18:35
catching up on sleep after coming back from bulgaria?
18:37 zakharyas joined
brrt aye 18:59
timotimo ah you're back online :) 19:00
brrt yes :-)
uhm, you can haz segfault iirc?
timotimo that's right
japhb [Coke]: I know you said it days ago, but I still smile when I see your 'mentees: the frosh maker.' pun, having recently said goodbye to our summer mentee. 19:01
timotimo it happens about 11 minutes into running the spesh_diff script on the spesh log for the core setting :(
brrt oooh... that.. blows 19:02
timotimo yup
but it was while i was trying to get a profile done 19:03
so it *could* have been due to that
brrt hmm
timotimo haven't tested it without the --profile, because i only ran the spesh_diff to profile it in the first place :)
did you get a chance to further your work on param_* stuff?
brrt no, i had to leave home and hacking wednesday afternon aleady 19:04
let me see if i can get that branch to crash earlier 19:06
timotimo that's fine :)
brrt it's possible we have a gc missassignment somewhere 19:12
if the value you have is garbage
breaks quite a few spectests, too 19:22
timotimo "that" branch refers to what exactly? 19:24
brrt the jit_getcodeobj branch 19:25
timotimo oh, that's mine isn't it? 19:28
i couldn't get anyone else to reproduce failures with it :(
(except the failures that also happen without the branch) 19:31
(those also happen with the branch, of course)
19:32 Ven joined
brrt hmmm 19:33
well, i can reproduce failures fortunately
albeit only in spectests
and if it compuer=dependent and it causes segfaults because of corrupted objects then i seriously suspect gc corruption 19:34
although that is still just suspicion :-)
timotimo perlpunks.de/paste/show/53f4ba0e.5b59.14 ← so
brrt i have more i think 19:35
but i rebased it on top of master
timotimo hm, ok
brrt oh i do have a little bit of a nitpick, i'm going to fix that right now 19:38
dalek arVM: 74883b4 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | src/jit/emit_x64.dasc:
Use nz rather than ne when testing for NULL

They are aliased to the same flag, so this is a nitpick; however nz implies that we want to test for non-zeroness and ne implies that we want to test for equality.
brrt tl;dr - use nz when testing for zero, ne for equality, it makes your intentions much clearer 19:44
btw timotimo++ for fixing both sp_boolify_iter_arr and sp_boolify_iter_hash
brrt is afk 19:46
19:46 brrt left
timotimo i fixed them? 19:52
didn't you fix them?
FROGGS who cares when it works :o) 19:55
timotimo .o( ist doch egal, solang der sound gut ist! ) 19:57
FROGGS that covers it pretty much 19:59
20:00 klaas-janstol joined
timotimo if you find sillyness acceptable, you can listen to the K.I.T.T. Cut, which is the source for that quote 20:11
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP_i5C4bByA 20:12
FROGGS omg *g* 20:20
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timotimo battery is about to shut down 20:41
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tgt m: say do for 1..50 { default { $_ } } 20:52
camelia rakudo-moar c793d8: OUTPUT«1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17␤»
tgt When using default it only prints 1 to 17 20:53
It works correctly with MVM_SPESH_INLINE_DISABLE=1
when * works correctly
(Opened a bug: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/127) 21:03
timotimo i ... don't even know what default { ... } is for 22:12
oh, that's for given/when, duh
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