raiph stefan-marr.de/papers/pldi-marr-et-...ogramming/ 01:20
"Dispatch chains are a generalization of polymorphic inline caches ... and allow optimization of metaprogramming at the virtual machine level." 01:21
jnthn Yay, valgrind spots the same explode ASAN did too 10:36
dalek arVM: 2d09987 | jnthn++ | / (9 files):
Fix use-after-free if hash iter block frees nodes.
jnthn yay, clean valgrind is clean 11:06
Urgh...but loads of fail in spectest 11:12
arnsholt Code depending on hash ordering perhaps? 11:14
jnthn No, SEGVs... 11:15
arnsholt Oh. Not hash ordering then, I agree =) 11:21
jnthn Something very strange/confusing. 12:15
dalek arVM: fcf977f | jnthn++ | 3rdparty/uthash.h:
Be consistent with paren-ing in macro.
arVM: f323d27 | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMHash. (2 files):
Eliminate a single-use macro.
arVM: 0c052ea | jnthn++ | 3rdparty/uthash.h:
Correct head replacement logic.

Apparently, I need my head logic replaced... If we have a hash with only one bucket filled with two things in the same bucket, we of course need to consider both items in the bucket when seeking a replacement head if the head gets deleted.
jnthn That took altogether too long to find... 12:52
nwc10 OK, so I should test *that* one? :-)
jnthn Please. Valgrind is quiet on the spectests I've thrown at it that exploded before.
ut_hash is horrible to debug since it's a load of macros
They are in serious danger of being replaced by static inlines. :)
nwc10 I was wondering whether it's viable/time to replace it with 12:53
what you said
jnthn Not *trivially*, but should be possible
nwc10 jnthn: was that a bug in your changes/additions to UThash, or the original code? 12:57
jnthn nwc10: My changes 13:00
nwc10: It had logic that solved the same problem, but it used the addition order chain, which I was getting rid of
nwc10 aha, that explains a lot 13:01
jnthn Anyway, will leave you to do the ASAN run and have a (later than intended) lunch now I've debuggered that issue... 13:11
nwc10 t/spec/S17-promise/allof.t and t/spec/integration/advent2013-day14.t appear to be flapping under ASAN, but that's not new news. 13:18
everything else passes
"We have normality. I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem."
jnthn++ # well earned lunch
timotimo i am going to put valgrind annotations into the allocators we have so that helgrind and drd output more sensible descriptions of the allocated chunks 23:04
we *could* introduce redzone support into our allocators, too 23:05