brrt \o 11:44
timotimo o/ 11:45
today i'll be visiting the museum (free entry on fridays) and then watch Ant Man, so probably not much progress on the graph.c parser
brrt :-) it's a holdiay, after all 11:46
timotimo oh?
i didn't even realize
silly me
what not having a day job can do to you ... 11:47
brrt i can imagine 11:48
anyway, you can always just put it on a gist somewhere, if you want, but i probably won't look at it this weekend 11:51
timotimo mhm 11:52
jnthn o/ brrt 11:54
brrt \o jnthn
nwc10 \o/
brrt \o nwc10 11:56
hmm, i think i know how to construct a tree matching DFA 11:58
hint: it's about making tons of hash tables
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 4a0c219 | brrt++ | / (3 files):
Take S-EXPR parsing into module

Now I can reuse it for the tiler table generator.
brrt bbl 12:13
brrt back 13:20
jnthn ah shit the builds busted on msvc again 14:04
brrt :-( 14:07
dalek arVM: 08d3a43 | jnthn++ | src/profiler/log.c:
Fix build on MSVC.
arVM: 8a7f7f8 | timotimo++ | docs/ChangeLog:
A few more changelog entries
timotimo oh god damn it, i did the variable thing wrong again
be back tonight or tomorrow 14:10
jnthn No worries
It looked nasty 'cus msvc-- managed to turn one small mistake into 10 errors :/
[Coke] ISTR there's a gcc compiler warning we can add and turn into an error so that stuff like that doesn't build anywhere. 14:50
Pretty sure alester got that working for us on parrot back in the day
japhb That would be mighty useful indeed. 15:22
lizmat # just in case it didn't get mentioned here yet 16:19
"Tracing JITs and modern CPUs: double trouble, or, a problem shared is a problem halved?" 16:20
moritz lizmat: heh, I just came here to past that link :-) 16:22
lizmat :-) 16:23
moritz some of the comments might also be worth reading 16:24
dalek arVM: 7f81b97 | jnthn++ | VERSION:
arVM: 430da2a | jnthn++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Finish up ChangeLog.
jnthn Release done: 17:35
masak: ^^
[Coke] let me know if I need to do the macport for that. 17:42
jnthn [Coke]: I've done the portfile updated just now, about to push 17:45
[Coke]: But if you could submit the ticket that'd be great.
[Coke] ok. I can do the open ticket etc. if you like.
dalek arVM: a6b5dd3 | jnthn++ | ports/macports/Portfile:
Bump VERSION in Portfile.
jnthn Please check I did it right too; I didn't see anything to update besides the version.
[Coke] jnthn: the hashes.
it's doc'd in the readme. I'll get it, no worries. 17:47
if someone wanted to MDify ports/macports/README, that'd be cool. 17:48 is out of date. 17:49
also, iwbni sorted in reverse.
jnthn [Coke]: ah, sorry, I should learn to read 17:52
Yeah, I didn't update the website yet. Will get to it after diiner, which I hope will be delivered soon 'cus I'm really hungry :)
[Coke] jnthn: no worries. you don't have an OS X box to do this on, do you? 17:53
I haven't had anything but coffee, cream, and splenda today. still not hungry.
I am kind of wondering how long that's going to take to catch up with me. :)
jnthn [Coke]: No OS X box locally, no 17:54
[Coke]: I fixed (I think) the sort order to do what you asked 17:55
[Coke] much better, now it's latest first. jnthn++ 17:59
jnthn: (os x) so you couldn't do that part anyway, then. (checksums, testing port) 18:00 - ticket opened.
jnthn [Coke]++
dalek arVM: 4f7decd | coke++ | ports/macports/Portfile:
Update checksums for macport for 2015.07
masak jnthn: great, thank you. 18:02
jnthn yay food time \o/ 18:05
dalek href=""> 78ddaa9 | jnthn++ | / (2 files):
Update site for 2015.07 release.
href=""> 4b01a1c | jnthn++ | features.html:
We have Unicode 8.0 now.
href=""> e0c6a8d | jnthn++ | roadmap.html:
Update the roadmap.

Also, stop guesstimating dates on these things. MoarVM's reason to exist is Perl 6, and the foucs needs to be on doing what we need for the Christmas 2015 release. The things on here are all good to have, but given the almost total overlap between the MoarVM and Perl 6 teams, it's best to let Perl 6's needs drive the priorities.
jnthn OK, release stuffs all done :)
nwc10 jnthn++ 19:10
jnthn: I take it that you're now at this step: 19:13
masak jnthn++ # no dates 19:59
jnthn nwc10: I retired to my castle for a stroll :) 20:04
And I'm about to pour a beer :) 20:05
timotimo oh, brrt, today wasn't a holiday after all 22:30