rjbs You folks ever have any luck with the problem described here -- www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5....23113.html ? 02:10
hoelzro o_O 02:17
rjbs: my policy of late has been "valgrind first and ask questions later", but I'm guessing that p5p has tried that already =/
diakopter rjbs: are you having a problem on mac? 02:29
rjbs: I mean, isn't that post more than a year old?
rjbs Still a problem. only with threads + debugging 02:59
timotimo valgrind runs on mac? 08:38
rjbs yup 13:00
Tony Cook thinks he has a diagnosis. 13:01
diakopter rjbs: where's that being discussed? 14:34
rjbs p5p, let me find a link 14:35
www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5....33192.html 14:36
and www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5....33189.html
diakopter rjbs: oh, I thought you meant lizmat's reference to "rakudo on MoarVM on OS X has some sort of memory corruption issue as well." 14:42
diakopter (from a year ago) 14:43
rjbs diakopter: Sorry, I meant that I was still having the problem, a year later, that I had then -- which Liz had said, then, that youse also had. 15:13
jnthn Generally, I've found that concurrency bugs that only show up under debugging are still bugs that *could* happen in release builds, but timing issues make them less likely. 15:16
dalek arVM: 6913bf4 | (Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker)++ | Configure.pl:
Add UBSAN support to Configure.pl
arVM: d0e9bd1 | FROGGS++ | Configure.pl:
Merge pull request #309 from ilmari/ubsan

Add UBSAN support to Configure.pl
timotimo i wonder why that had to add an "-fsanitize=address" in there 19:43
i mean, asan worked before, right?
ilmari timotimo: because it removed it from the -fno-omit-frame-pointer line 19:51
although I'm not certain ubsan requires it 19:52
timotimo oh! 19:53
travis-ci MoarVM build passed. Tobias Leich 'Merge pull request #309 from ilmari/ubsan 20:03
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/95651818 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/1...e9bd1372c4
[Coke] jnthn: I never got back to debugging output. 20:05
jnthn [Coke]: No worries :) 20:06
My teaching duties for the year are complete, so after a little rest I'll have time to look into it :)
[Coke] jnthn++ 20:13
dalek arVM/line_based_coverage: 6ade816 | timotimo++ | src/instrument/line_coverage.c:
panic if allocated slots weren't enough

really shouldn't happen, but if it does, don't try to go ahead and corrupt memory.
MoarVM/line_based_coverage: 118e5d4 | timotimo++ | src/moar.c:
MoarVM/line_based_coverage: open coverage log in append mode
MoarVM/line_based_coverage: because you'd usually want to merge coverage for a whole
MoarVM/line_based_coverage: test suite anyway. rather than asking the user to set a
MoarVM/line_based_coverage: new environment variable per invocation or somehow collect 21:07
timotimo didn't even push my last few commits at all
diakopter it probably did but dalek squished them 21:08
timotimo no, i mean i made these commits the day before yesterday 21:09
[Coke] seen in the daily test run: ^[[6~^[[6~*** Error in `/home/coke/sandbox/perl6-roast-data/rakudo.moar/install/bin/moar': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00007f69a814c120 *** 22:13
of course it's completely divorced from whatever the failure was. 22:14
jnthn urgh
hoelzro oh joy 22:15
[Coke] hopefully it will on one of the failed tests and I can pin it down. 22:25
(this is on hack.p6c.org, even, not my OS X box)
TimToady m: 1,2,3 RX+= my $b; say $b 23:27
camelia rakudo-moar c27a00: OUTPUT«6␤»
TimToady m: 1,2,3 XR+= my $b; say $b 23:28
camelia rakudo-moar c27a00: OUTPUT«6␤»
TimToady oops, ww