llfourn is there a way to inspect serialization from rakudo? I'm sorta after something that tells me how many Str constants have been serialized during compile time. 00:33
lizmat llfourn: moar has a --dump option, perhaps parsing that could give you that info 00:36
llfourn lizmat: so perl6-m --dump?
lizmat no, moar --dump foobarbaz.moarvm 00:37
llfourn lizmat: ah gotcha. Thanks!
timotimo that doesn't really help you here 00:39
however, i've written some code some time ago that does just what you want :)
gimme a sec.
gist.github.com/timo/49dcb80d6ce40e0613f5 - this script used to be fed output from a printf i put into moar's "demand an stable/object to be deserialized NAO!" 00:40
but you can just use the inner loop portion to iterate through index 0 through however many and print out what the type is
llfourn timotimo: thanks. taking a look. 00:47
food & 00:48
llfourn what is the easiest way to determine a SC handle? look at moar --dump? 02:09
I seem to have got something working using that. Not as hard as expected. Thanks all. 02:24
diakopter llfourn: what curiosity are you poking at? looking for an optimization opportunity? 02:33
llfourn diakopter: I am fixing a pod bug. It seems that after my parsing pod has a slightly higher peak memory usage 02:34
also just curious to poke around at serialization for fun :) 02:35
konobi yo 05:41
hoelzro o/ #moarvm 16:30
timotimo o/ 17:50
hoelzro o/ timotimo 17:51