masak read that as "party-initialized callsites" 03:20
timotimo it didn't really look like the benchmarks improved between yesterday and today (with regards to how well rakudo is doing) 10:07
i tried to look out for the hash optimizations lizmat put in, but they weren't obvious 10:08
jnthn: you don't keep the timings .json files around, do you?
jnthn um...they may be somewhere...don't copy them anywhere yet 10:35
timotimo normally you get multiple ones by virtue of extracting individual commit ids and getting one folder per build-folder as well as one folder (or json file?) per thingie 10:47
but since you just build over "master" every time, that'll not happen, i expect
but i do think the json files gobble up more and more info the more they are "used" 10:48 - did i see this link here or somewhere else?
wow, liz says your optimizations and memory-leak-plugging for moarvm "could have dramatical memory savings for some applications" 10:49
i didn't realize it was this big of a deal
jnthn timotimo: There was a serious I/O leak that could affect programs that did many slurps. 10:53
Rest ranged from "minor leak" down to "missing cleanup at shutdown" 10:55
timotimo ah, i see! 10:58
brrt good * 14:08
hey timotimo, that rr thing, looks really cool :-)
timotimo i wonder how unhappy things like a GC collection make that 14:10
brrt hmm 14:18
isn't gc pretty deterministic?
i mean, most JIT crashes are pretty deterministic
you run over a threshold after a certain allocations, and that typically always happens 14:19
timotimo well, i just mean it has to track all this data so that reversing/replaying works properly, no? 14:24
i actually have no clue how this thing works :)
brrt neither do i
my suspicion: 14:25
- copy all disk io
timotimo i just mean the semi-space copying gc will cause a lot of churn
brrt - set timestamps and random seeds to known values
yeah, but why would you have to do that? 14:26
timotimo no clue :)
as i said, i know nothing
brrt if it would have to copy all your computations, then that would become too expensive
neither do i :-)
timotimo mhm
brrt but it looks cool
timotimo i'm thinking about perhaps adding some benchmarks to perl6-bench that stress nativecall 18:52
maybe just one for some function that takes no arguments and returns an int, and one for some function that takes like ten arguments or so? 18:53
jnthn timotimo: Could do, yeah 20:36
japhb timotimo: +1 21:07
timotimo i'm definitely not going to be able to write the perl5 equivalent of that 21:10
and i'm not sure it'd be easy to write the same thing for nqp?
japhb timotimo: By "perl5 equivalent" do you mean old-school XS or something like FFI or P5NCI? 21:11
timotimo hopefully something modern 21:12
japhb isn't even sure what's used most often by new perl5 projects these days ....