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dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 48f0e19 | jnthn++ | src/core/fixedsizealloc.c:
Fix accidental disabling of Fixed Size Allocator.
arVM/even-moar-jit: a0869ee | jnthn++ | docs/ChangeLog:
ChangeLog for 2016.02.
arVM/even-moar-jit: e4a316a | jnthn++ | VERSION:
arVM/even-moar-jit: f8b82c5 | brrt++ | / (3 files):
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into even-moar-jit
MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 071e5c6 | brrt++ | src/jit/ (5 files):
MoarVM/even-moar-jit: Add logging of tile list, pseudotiles for ALL/ANY
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brrt good * 13:43
FROGGS whatever 13:59
jnthn: if I MVMROOT root, do I have to re-obtain body at all when body is OBJECT_BODY(root)? 14:09
I thought MVMROOT-ing stuff makes things *not* move
jnthn FROGGS: No, MVMROOT-ing things means the address will be updated if the GC moves it 14:40
That is, it adds the address as a temporary root
brrt (good to know that) 14:47
something is off with my values, which are not set correctly
otherwise, alsmost back at safe compilation with linearised tiles 14:48
timotimo yay 14:50
jnthn brrt++
jnthn should be returning to more active Moar/Rakudo hacking from next week :)
brrt it's just kind of sad i have to spend time fixing a register allocation systme that i know i insufficient 14:51
*is 14:52
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FROGGS jnthn: aha 16:04
nine How can loading a precompiled NativeCall error out with "Missing or wrong version of dependency '&return_hash_for'" when return_hash_for is defined _in_ NativeCall?
jnthn nine: That looks like epic corruptio 16:06
nine: It's read a bogus string heap index. 16:07
nine From the work I do it's probably caused by loading an outdated dependency. Still the error is quite confusing :)
timotimo yeah, i don't think it'd ever voluntarily try to put the name of a sub there
nine Also I'm not sure where exactly it would find this outdated dependency... 16:08
Is the memory/disk layout of precomp files documented somewhere? 16:09
timotimo hm, that one environment variable we've got for module loading and such doesn't help, eh? 16:11
nine We actually have 2: RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 RAKUDO_LOG_PRECOMP=1 probably because TimToady didn't know about the former when adding the latter 16:12
jnthn nine: The MoarVM bytecode format is documented under docs/ somewhere, and afaik is up to date. But the serialization blob, which is what you're having issues with, is just a section in there. 16:13
It's not so well documented, though I think there's a doc in the NQP repo that gives some idea of it 16:14
timotimo hmm. is there actually information that could easily be gleaned from the serialized blob that a moar --dump-serialized-blob could output in human-readable form?
nine jnthn: thanks! I'm gonna have a look.
And since we're on the topic: I've been wondering for a while why we link precomp files statically but load the dependencies dynamically. Why not include all dependencies in the bytcode file when there's no way a different bytecode file could satisfy the dependency? 16:17
jnthn "link statically" isn't true in the "we copy all the things" sense 16:19
Only repossessed objects end up with their own copy
It actually is dynamic to some degree 16:20
A module's precomp file will reference things in the CORE.setting, for example
But it references them by index
nine What I mean with that is that there doesn't seem to be any kind of indirection there. Only a 100 % identical bytecode file of a dependency will work. 16:21
jnthn That's not really true. It's not about the bytecode file so much as the serialization blob
But yes, that only has the indices level of indirection 16:22
nine But now that I think of it, I guess I can also answer my own question: wouldn't work that well if every bytecode file would include the whole setting or other libraries that are used by multiple modules
jnthn Right :)
And we'd *still* have to link
Otherwise one module's Int would not be equivalent to another's
The reason we can't be much looser, though, it because in Perl 6 we don't have any absolute name for anything 16:23
It's not like in, say, C#, where every class fits into a single namespace
nine Makes sense, yes. 16:24
Ok, it's definitely an issue with compilation, not with loading. When I have all NativeCall::* modules be precompiled recursively starting with NativeCall, loading works. When have .install precompile them individually, I get the error on load. 16:54
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timotimo so, i'm wondering: when we have an object that we can't serialize, like a VMError or VMException or what it's called, can we go through the bytecode to find what frames refer to the SC Index/ID of that particular object and output these names? 19:28
hm. though i guess that kind of problem mostly happens in the mainline 19:29
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FROGGS also in EXPORT subs 19:46
timotimo i expect it'll be rather a bit of work to get that to give any indication of where things went wrong, so it'd be interesting to know if it'll actually help 19:49
FROGGS it would certainly help 19:50
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jnthn I'm not sure that will work out 21:12
Because the exception probably wasn't serialized due to a direct mention
But due to being referenced by something that was mentioned
timotimo mhh 21:32
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