timotimo m: say 119 * 24 + 96 * 16 + 63 * 32 + 62 * 96 + 49 * 40 + 36 * 128 + 36 * 104 + 31 * 88 + 25 * 8 + 21 * 48 + 15 * 112 + 14 * 72 + 13 * 56 + 13 * 80 + 8 * 64 + 8 * 368 + 3 * 184 + 3 * 152 + 3 * 120 + 2 * 312 + 2 * 240 00:00
camelia rakudo-moar 855de7: OUTPUT«36992␤»
timotimo m: say 19768 / (19768 + 36992) 00:01
camelia rakudo-moar 855de7: OUTPUT«0.348273␤»
timotimo so about a third of deserialized p6opaque reprdata space used for auto_viv_values have nothing but zeroes in them
there's already a flag that says "should the auto_viv_values be grabbed from the serialized blob at all?" 00:10
a varint
it could easily store an extra value that says "build the array out of zeroes, please"
that'd save one ref per attribute, which is at least one byte for the descriminator and in this case probably nothing else ... hmm. 00:11
so the first number above divided by 8? 00:12
timotimo ^- i should add that this was for a perl6 -e 'say "hi"' with lazy deserialization turned off 14:25
TimToady join perl6-release 20:14
jnthn I already did! :P
nwc10 me too 20:15
TimToady that'll teach me to type without putting my glasses on, or more likely, not