MasterDuke my branch names keep getting longer and longer 00:16
timotimo don't use the x operator for your branch names :D
MasterDuke and then i try and distill them down to a title for the commit, that takes longer than the actual coding! 00:18
timotimo yeah, naming things ... ugh 00:19
MasterDuke .tell samcv it appears using nqp::getstrfromname in Rakudo broke the JVM build: Stage jast : Error while compiling op getstrfromname (source text: "nqp::getstrfromname(nqp::atpos(names, $i).trim)"), no registered operation handler 02:02
yoleaux2 MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to samcv.
samcv hey MasterDuke 02:03
yoleaux2 02:02Z <MasterDuke> samcv: it appears using nqp::getstrfromname in Rakudo broke the JVM build: Stage jast : Error while compiling op getstrfromname (source text: "nqp::getstrfromname(nqp::atpos(names, $i).trim)"), no registered operation handler
samcv it compiled the last time i checked
maybe something changed? i know i compiled jvm when i added that in
which file is it failing the build on MasterDuke ?
MasterDuke 02:04
at HEAD on nom
did a `make realclean` and restarting the build 02:06
a `git grep getstrfromname` in Rakudo and NQP don't return any hits in .java files 02:07
samcv yeah cause in has a #?if moar 02:13
MasterDuke src/core/ isn't wrapped in `#?if moar` 02:17
commit 5c1761a6486317da6cef52bace348d3d5f350676, Author: Zoffix Znet [email@hidden.address] 02:19
IOninja: from the JVM build. nqp::getstrfromname isn't implemented for the JMV. for reference, it's wrapped in a `#?if moar` here: src/Perl6/Actions.nqp:9254: 02:21
*broke the JVM build
oops, that was supposed to be in #perl6-dev
samcv ah ok so it wasn't me then :P 02:48
brrt good * #moarvm 07:43
yoleaux2 3 Mar 2017 23:07Z <MasterDuke> brrt: fyi, if you're interested in the JIT bug, there's a bunch of discussion here:
samcv hey brrt 07:44
brrt hey samcv, MasterDuke 07:47
samcv :)
happy brrthday 07:48
brrt i'll take a look at it, but i think the problem is that the semantics of div had been changed
thank you
(how did you…?)
samcv it's not your birthday is it?
i just thought it was clever wordplay
brrt well, it was my birthday just two days ago 10:02
so it was recent enough that i let it ocunt
jnthn Happy belated birthday :)
brrt thanks :-)
jnthn morning #moarvm o/
brrt i'll try to take a look at the JIT div bug then..
but i suppose this resolves to native int div, doesn't it? 10:03
jnthn brrt: So far as I've followed 10:09
timotimo habby birrthday, belatedly! 10:10
is that jit div bug the one where a patch to infix:<div> makes things randomly fail unless you turn off jit? 10:11
brrt well, not randomly 10:12
i have a test case :-)
timotimo oh, ok, that's good, then.
dogbert17_ happy birthday brrt 10:20
dogbert17_ suudenly remembers that he promised to write a MoarVM issue, gets to work ...
tada 10:31
brrt (because of the XOR, that is surprisingly complex in assembly language) 11:28
that said, it appears it's 'always' been this way 11:31
at least, before the JIT was there 11:32
so it's a dumb codegen bug
samcv morning jnthn 11:47
jnthn o/ samcv 11:48
El_Che <-- camelia on page 7 14:16
crossposting from #perl6 14:17
dogbert17 my $waiter ="echo", :args<Hello World>).start; await start { await $waiter } 19:37
^^^ the above piece of code has a tendency to hang, how would one go about debugging this, btw, this is RT #122709 19:38
synopsebot6 Link:
jnthn What happens if you stick "use v6.d.PREVIEW;" at the start of it? 19:40
dogbert17 will try
seems to work a lot better at first glance 19:42
200 runs with no problem using 'use v6.d.PREVIEW;' 19:43
jnthn Nice, figured that'd sort it out
The reason it ends up in bother at the moment is due to a scheduler bug of some sort 19:44
It doesn't start enough threads
dogbert17 mysterious
nwc10 jnthn: new! never seen before!
jnthn Our scheduler is...uh...not very smart. 19:45
nwc10 I've not even seen the error message "runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct MVMSTable'" before
jnthn o.O
dogbert17 but oftentimes it does start enough threads 19:46
jnthn Too bad it doesn't have more info....
timotimo that might just be diagnostics that asan didn't know how to output before?
jnthn dogbert17: Yeah, it almost always does, I forget what was special about this case
nwc10 it's still gcc 4.9 from May 2014 19:47
dogbert17 hmmgdb doesn't want to play ball either 19:49
[Coke] wondered for a second if hmmgdb was a special build. :) 19:54
dogbert17 jnthn, FWIW strace write stuff like this when the program hangs 'futex(0xa9ab618, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)'
jnthn Yeah, I think I hunted that one down far enough that I realized I'd leave it until I got to giving the scheduler a larger overhaul 19:57
It just doesn't shart enough threads 19:58
And there's no monitoring thing to detect lack of progress and make adjustments
dogbert17 thx for the explanation, I'll look for something more interesting then and leave the bug to the overhaul 20:00
btw, any ideas how to get further with the harness6 problems? 20:01
jnthn Not really, though it appears we have 3 distinct problems at this point 20:02
dogbert17 my own attempts have failed miserably :)
jnthn One in spesh that nwc10 just caught in ASAN, one involving an over-shared deocder or something that appears to be that at least (this one is likely the most tractable to solve), and then the one that shows up when we GC a corrupt P6bigint 20:03
dogbert17 I believe that you mentioned code that would stress the decoder paths. What would such code look like? 20:04
or might there be a specific spectest file which inadvertently stresses it 20:05
jnthn Just doing a load of Proc::Async processes concurrently in a loop should do it
Like spawn 10 procs taht will produce a bunch of output, tap them in character mode (the default), let them all exit, repeat.
dogbert17 interesting 20:06
jnthn That's basically what harness6 is doing at the end of the day ;) 20:07
Spawning 10 test files
And reading their outputs
Where 10 is actually TEST_JOBS 20:08
Which is 8 for me
dogbert17 ok, I'll see what I can do ...
jnthn Cool, thanks
dogbert17 jnthn: do you mean code like this, but with more procs? 20:12
jnthn Yeah :) 20:16
walk; bbiab 20:17
dogbert17 jnthn, it works 21:27
jnthn Works as it reproduces the bug? :) 21:29
Or works as in doesn't reproduce the bug?
dogbert17 yes, after a while :) reproed 21:30
jnthn hah, nice!
timotimo jnthn: did you have an opinion on whether isbig_I should be used to check for specific bounds?
dogbert17 do you see anything here 21:31
jnthn No; what's the 0xb7fdccb0 that all the rest are in? Presumably shifting concblockingqueue? 21:34
dogbert17 I can't 'bt' those 21:35
jnthn odd
dogbert17 well, at least I have some crappy code if anyone else want to give it a go :) 21:36
this is what I get: 21:37
(gdb) t 2
[Switching to thread 2 (Thread 0xb59a2b40 (LWP 12881))]
timotimo we might be able to figure out where those code segments are from /proc/self/maps or something?
dogbert17 #0 0xb7fdccb0 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'> Cannot access memory at address 0x2903:
jnthn What if you type frame 1, frame 2, etc? 21:40
dogbert17 will try 21:41
jnthn Something very odd is going on, anyway 21:42
dogbert17 indeed, could be something with my installation which makes gdb miserable
jnthn Anyway, I'll certainly have a crack at reproducing this locally with your repro code :) 21:43
Tomorrow or Wednesday :)
dogbert17 coool 21:44
I'll update my gist
will give ASAN a go, perhaps things are horribly corrupted