samcv timotimo, 01:28
timotimo samcv: i hope it was you who made this :) 05:50
yoleaux 02:39Z <MasterDuke_> timotimo: i'm trying to work on RT #118555 (typed optional array parameters not working), but have hit a roadblock. some comments here: . any suggestions?
synopsebot6 Link:
samcv made what?
Nuclear::Blackmail_aka_9PM_BST.p6 ?
timotimo no, the meme image with the high fives :) 05:53
samcv oh yes 05:55
i made it
uh timotimo link me to it again please 05:56
samcv i should save it so i don't lose it 05:57
hahaha. yes :)
brrt pair programming ???? 05:58
samcv i saw that picture and it reminded me about the high five thing. so i had to make a macro
it was on a page as the image as a critism of hype based development or something
people using the 'newest' and coolest JS frameworks for no good reason other than someone online said it was good on hackernews 05:59
here it is
timotimo the hype about hype driven development is already over, isn't it? 06:01
like, it was totally hype like five years ago
samcv i dunno
timotimo now it's just a lukewarm sensation
samcv now it's just normal hype?
not hype about hype? is a realtime socket implementation
nobody use brains to think about this. but it sounds cool everybody use it
timotimo well, it's certainly not worse than all the other realtime socket implementations the javascriptosphere has to offer 06:02
samcv idk if there's any others that claim to be realtime 06:04
oh nvm found one
i think 'live' is a better word for what they mean 06:05
or asynchronous live sockets 06:07
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idk i don't have the heart
i already bugged one framework
timotimo did they actually respond? i haven't looked at the pr in a few days
brrt indeed, what is a realtime socket? :-o 06:08
samcv here found it in my history 06:09
even my not totally fake screenshot attachment knows it's not acutually realtime XD 06:12
timotimo it's like going to a restaurant and ordering the "kosher burger" and it turns out it's a beef burger with bacon and egg on it 06:16
"you're overreacting. of course everybody knows we don't make kosher burgers here!"
samcv lol.
apparently i can never trust any javascript framework anymore 06:17
since that guy says you can't trust any claims they make
I think you are overreacting, this is JS, nothing is serious here. It's all based on hype and buzz.
timotimo oh, i can't wait to see things the javascript community presents as "security" 06:19
samcv oh god i have 168 PR open 06:20
timotimo well, the password isn't in plain text, it's actually in a string inside a javascript object that's inside another javascript object. you don't think anybody can read javascript datastructures out of the RAM, do you?
samcv so many emails
at least i can type 'NOT spdx' and have it show the other ones. cool 06:21
timotimo "object inside of object is actually *two* layers of security right there 06:22
" sorry i didn't mean to not close those quotation marks 06:24
samcv argh looking again at github PR i did to try and add Pod6 as a language 06:25
so they don't think there's enough pod6 type files to bother adding it
so 851 results that are .pod that are per6 pod 06:26
timotimo is that really much? like, we live in a big data world now
samcv and 1,133 that are .pod6;type=Code
in dec 12 it was 53 repositories among 31 users 06:27
at least that's what they argued 06:28
timotimo i don't write pod6 :|
samcv i write my .pm6 files with pod6
people would write pod6 much more if github supported in like perl 5 pod
and rendered it 06:29
idk maybe we need to tell everybody to add .pod6 files to their repos XD
then go back and ask again
brrt lol samcv 09:51
samcv idk it could work 09:54
we have 900 modules. gotta see how many unique users though
apparently they think the number of unique users that use something is most importent
brrt don't they have like a syntax rendering library? you could always code a renderer yourself and PR it 09:56
samcv we have atom-language-perl6 which is what perl6 things use
and i did have a PR to use the same thing as perl6 files are highlighted with
but apparently not enough people use pod6
so they won't add it
even though perl6 is already added
because reasons 09:57
brrt, though i got them to add in .XCompose file highlighting :\ i made a highlighter for it 10:01
and there were enough different users that had XCompose files that they were like ok fine
not even a language even. just a config filx XD
brrt hmmm
samcv they do look nicer with highlighting now tho :D 10:02
brrt what's the saying again about metrics becoming targets?
samcv or we convinced someone who works at github to say yes
brrt do we know anybody who works at github
samcv tell me the saying
brrt 10:03
samcv good thing these XCompose files get highlighting! how could we live without that! too bad pod6 is not important enough
brrt As soon as a metric becomes a target, it ceases to be a useful metric
do we have a pod6 syntax highligher?
samcv yes.
brrt that's the same thing?
samcv yes it highlights pod
brrt hmmm
samcv it doesn't render as html though. which would be the ideal
brrt nods 10:04
samcv i just wanted them to have it highlighted and have .pod files that were perl6 pod and not perl 5 pod
to not explode the perl 5 pod html renderer
which they currently do. but. not enough different users and repositories... or something. that have .pod files that are perl 6
samcv or .pod6 files. or both combined or idk anymore 10:05
i even coded a thing to detect pod5 vs pod6 for them even
their classifier or whatever they call it.
brrt hmm, that kind of sucks, indeed 10:25
samcv night o/ 11:10
brrt sleep well 11:11
samcv looks like i got a segfault 22:23
gonna see if i can repeat and and if so build debug moar and get a backtrace
Geth MoarVM: e5b527edbb | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/ops.c
Rename h_vars to H_vars to make haystack vars distinguishable from n_vars

We use n_graphs and h_graphs or n_cps etc. in many places. h and n are not super easy to distinguish. Go with convention of using a capital H for any uses of haystack and lowercase n for needle.
This makes it much easier to visually scan code and know which object is which and the likely relative sizes each may be.
samcv not a ton of info 22:28