samcv does that work for you guys? 00:00
ugh starting to drive myself crazy with trying to debug collation 01:37
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Geth MoarVM/collation-arrays: 79 commits pushed by (Daniel Green)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++, (Samantha McVey)++, (Stefan Seifert)++, MasterDuke17++, (Steve Mynott)++, lizmat++, (Lucas Buchala)++, (Timo Paulssen)++
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MasterDuke is there a potential bug here? 18:23
i is an MVMint32, but an MVMString's num_graphs is an MVMuint32 18:24
geekosaur there's so many such mismatches in the string/char code in moarvm that I have to assume it's de facto safe 18:34
you mostly can't trigger the edge conditions anyway :)
MasterDuke i think `perl6 -e 'my $a = "a" x 2**32-1; say $a.chars; my $b = $a.substr(1); say $b.chars'` will trigger it, but it needs 17gb ram (hence my question in #perl6) 18:39
samcv MasterDuke, ideally we will use collapse_strands() instead of repeating the word inside all the different functions that need to collapse strands 20:20
so looks like that is a place we can remove that code and just call collapse_strands() 20:21
Geth MoarVM/collation-arrays: 201720a973 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/unicode_ops.c
Generate collation values for Tangut, Nushu, and Unified_Ideograph's

Add one to each of the collation values so each of them match
Update some comments and fix a (maybe) bug in value separators
samcv MasterDuke, i'm working on making it so that and collapse_strands can both share the same loop 21:55
since all they do is iterate a grapheme iterator until the end. even though one is copying the whole string and one a substring 21:56
Geth MoarVM: 1e92fc9689 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/ops.c
Refactor code into iterate_gi_into_string() to reduce code duplication

Move the code from collapse_strands() into iterate_gi_into_string(). This allows us to use it in MVM_string_substring() and both reduce code duplication and also use more optimized code.
22:42 travis-ci joined
travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Samantha McVey 'Refactor code into iterate_gi_into_string() to reduce code duplication 22:42
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samcv oops i broke everything 22:42
Geth MoarVM: 1c23d9b703 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/ops.c
Move collapse_strands() after iterate_gi_into_string()
23:05 travis-ci joined
travis-ci MoarVM build passed. Samantha McVey 'Move collapse_strands() after iterate_gi_into_string()' 23:05
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samcv \o/ now passing tests 1 through 18888 with my collation_arrays branch 23:27
(unicode collation test)
ok out of all the tests (190,412 total tests) failing only 699 now \o/ 23:30