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MasterDuke | i just now realized the value inlined into MVMP6bigintBody is only 32bits (i'm assuming because we have 64bits to work with, and that's the largest single type less than 64) | 02:47 | |
and then the other 32bits is used as a flag | 02:48 | ||
would it be worth the trouble to break it down further, e.g., make it a 32bit + 16bit value and a 16bit flag? | 02:49 | ||
so we get more possible values inlined, but the code the get/set them is more complex | 02:50 | ||
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brrt | good * #moarvm | 06:06 | |
MasterDuke: i feel like, ironically, there is not going to be a lot of values that are between 2^32-1 and 2^48-1 that are actually going to be used | 06:16 | ||
so you'd a huge amount of complexity for relatively little benefit | 06:17 | ||
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samcv | good * brrt | 07:50 | |
brrt | good hi samcv | 07:52 | |
samcv | :-) | ||
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brrt | i was writing up the documentation for the register allocator recently. did you know i implemented two versions before the current one? | 07:57 | |
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samcv | no i didn't | 08:09 | |
did those help you write the current iteration? | |||
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brrt | i guess, ultimatley, yes | 08:25 | |
i learned a bunch of things | |||
for one thing, the current viteration assigns registers to instructions at the same time that it allocates the register for the value | |||
that way, any instruction always has the allocated register for the values it uses; if we need to spill a register, we split the live range of that value into 'atomic' units | 08:26 | ||
for which we allocate a new register once they become live | 08:27 | ||
(atomic meaning, they can't be 'split' themselves, because they are started directly before the using instruction, so it never makes sense to spill them) | |||
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samcv | ah i see | 08:43 | |
in general things get better as you redesign them :) | |||
brrt | yes :-) | 08:44 | |
samcv | i know i had many different iterations of my collation algorithm. some things you only learn when implementing really. but as long as you make progress that is what counts. though it is frustrating things not working as you'd want at first | ||
"making sure the values goes in the right place" as it were. i think you said similar to something like that a few months ago | 08:45 | ||
the first collation iteration was simplistic and couldn't handle sequences. but was helpful as it let me lay the foundations for how we would configure sort order and how it'd relate to the keys. the 1? 2nd iteration of the full type implementation. wow it like *mostly* worked but the code scared me | 08:46 | ||
way too many branches that made it hard to follow, and i thought prone to programming errors as i could hardly tell which place it went except for having put a ridiculous amount of logging in | 08:47 | ||
never have i used so many printf's :) as it's a pretty complicated thing. it'd dump the stack at the end. i'd be like. wait. why isn't that right... | |||
and gdb was rarely helpful except in rare cases | |||
and then i rewrote it again, and that time it was much simpler, but my test failures shot wayyyy up. then went down again and it stayed much neater | 08:49 | ||
i mean it's still a lot of moving parts but i can describe what all the code does and why it's there :) | |||
brrt | hehe, that's pretty much how i feel about the register allocator as well | 08:55 | |
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jnthn | MasterDuke: The 32-bit limit isn't primarily about storage, but about calculation: as most operations on 2 32-bit values won't overflow a 64-bit integer, we can do them in at 64-bit width and then see if the result needs to be promoted to a bigint or not. There's no portable way to do overflow detection based on flags, which is what'd limit some other strategy here. | 09:04 | |
samcv++ brrt++ # not settling on the first design, but hunting down a better one | 09:06 | ||
samcv | jnthn, i wanted to have our prepend detection in the normalizer instruct the synthetic creation if it needed to do extra checks, but that would have involved tons of code everywhere... so we have one property check for each synthetic being created so that's not too bad | 09:09 | |
may eventually have some MVM_MIN_PREPEND and MVM_MAX_PREPEND so we can do some bound checks before checking the property. or even since the number of them isn't that much i don't know it could be faster to check bounds and if they match check against the like 10 that exist with some if conditionals | 09:10 | ||
not totally sure. but i went the way of doing that for the uca checks, where it checks if something is in a certain block or not. though haven't yet optimized it at all to do a bounds check before checking more heavily. in any case it doesn't seem to slow it down much. wonder if compiler does optimizations like that? if none of the conditionals checks have side effects | 09:12 | ||
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samcv | well it only does that for things that don't return a value for the MVM collation values | 09:13 | |
jnthn | C compilers do all kinds of smarts. :) | 09:14 | |
samcv | oh i can also fix casechanges too | 09:15 | |
nine | I notice how amazing they are every time I need to run a --debug moar ;) | ||
samcv | m: "\c[arabic number sign]a".uc.say | ||
camelia | a | ||
Geth | MoarVM: f8a639e205 | (Samantha McVey)++ | 3 files Fix ignoremark with Prepend characters and ordbaseat op Previously ordbaseat would return the first codepoint in the Synthetic instead of the correct base character. Now, when we add a Synthetic, we check if the first codepoint is Prepend, and if so we keep going until we find the last Prepend character. This builds on the recent change so that synthetics are a single array instead of storing the base codepoint separately (3bd371f1). |
09:16 | |
MoarVM: db3102c452 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/nfg.c For degenerate Synth's with Prepend and Extend set base cp to 1st cp If we have a degenerate that starts with Prepend and follows with Extend, this commit sets it so that its base character will be the first one, instead of the one following the last Prepend. I also set up a cache so we don't have to repeatedly get the property values repeatedly in case the user has the same codepoint repeating a large number of times. ... (9 more lines) |
samcv | is it at all beneficial jnthn to declare something const if you don't need the value to stay the same between invocations | 10:03 | |
i see that in some places of the code. i mean for variables inside of functions | 10:04 | ||
jnthn | It may in some cases let the optimizer do a better job, but to me `const` everywhere quickly becomes a lot of clutter. | 10:14 | |
Modern compilers are good at alias analysis, so can figure out a lot of "what might change", "what won't change", etc. | |||
Especially on local variables | 10:15 | ||
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MasterDuke | i've updated gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/9bd82...0210817b32 with a diff of what my MVM_fixed_size_realloc(_at_safepoint)? looks like now. anybody have comments? | 11:08 | |
lizmat | samcv: is it correct there are no roast tests yet for .collate ? | 11:09 | |
timotimo | it's just missing support for the fsa debug mode | ||
MasterDuke | yeah, i haven't looked at what the other function do with that yet | 11:10 | |
samcv | lizmat, well i just got it merged in (the full thing) but there will be shortly | ||
uhm but it's still under use experimental though. not sure what the policy is for that lizmat | |||
lizmat | samcv: is there a reason we have a method collate in List that is identical to the one in Any ? | ||
MasterDuke | timotimo: but it looks reasonable otherwise? | 11:11 | |
lizmat | good question: we have tests for pack/unpack in roast, but I guess that's a historical artefact | ||
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samcv | maybe we need an experimental folder? until it graduates? dunno | 11:12 | |
i could put it in there. or in rakudo | 11:13 | ||
or just put it under the proper S or whatever | |||
the only thing possibly not stable might be $*COLLATION. otherwise it's ready for use | |||
i forget what TimToady mentioned we might want to change for that eventually | 11:14 | ||
he had some comments on that | |||
lizmat | I was thinking that .collate should allow named params, like :!secondary, :!tertiary, which would then set $*COLLATION in that scope | ||
samcv | i could hide accesing $*COLLATION elements with experimental? | 11:15 | |
hm | |||
yeah that sounds like a good idea | |||
but yeah the reason tit was in both files is because i had planned on making the list one have more in it so it'd be faster than calling sort with a different sub | 11:16 | ||
we would get the value of $*COLLATION and save it in a variable as a native int and have some raw unicmp function that has extra arguments for options | 11:17 | ||
lizmat, how do you feel about me removing experimental from .collate? | |||
lizmat | I would be ok with it | 11:18 | |
samcv | ok cool | 11:19 | |
i'll keep $*COLLATION experimental though. but let the function work without exp | |||
timotimo | MasterDuke: i think it looks okay. worst case, you'll find out when you use it in MVMArray and valgrind or asan complain :) | 11:20 | |
lizmat | m: use experimental :collation; say "Ə" unicmp "E" # samcv: what would needed to have that say Same ? | 11:21 | |
camelia | More | ||
lizmat | if ever ? | 11:22 | |
brrt | jnhtn: i'm sometimes using const to declare that stuff can live in the rodata section of the process and be shared and stuff | ||
jnthn ^ | |||
i read that this was important somewhere on the internets so i believed it | 11:23 | ||
but that's for staticly compiled data though | |||
MasterDuke | timotimo: heh, you mean getting some C code to compile doesn't guarantee it'll work perfectly? then why would anyone use such a language?! | 11:24 | |
samcv | m: for <PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY> { my $a = "Ə"; say $a, ' ', $a.uniprop("MVM_COLLATION_$_") } | ||
camelia | Ə 7460 Ə 33 Ə 9 |
samcv | m: for <PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY> { my $a = "E"; say $a, ' ', $a.uniprop("MVM_COLLATION_$_") } | 11:25 | |
camelia | E 7441 E 33 E 9 |
samcv | well you'd have to disable primary and disable quaternary | ||
quat breaks ties by cp | |||
timotimo | MasterDuke: feel free to rewrite moarvm completely in rust or something :) | ||
samcv | MasterDuke, hush! if it compiles it works! | 11:26 | |
Skarsnik | hm do you think I can get a moarvm function addr in NC (rakudo side)? | 11:28 | |
jnthn | brrt: Yes, my answer was about local variables | 11:30 | |
MasterDuke | ha. i have a friend who's always going on about how much he loves Rust. i'm happy people are using it for critical stuff, i don't have any particular interest though | 11:31 | |
jnthn | Skarsnik: Probably doing the usual trick of "load a symbol in this process" would work | ||
I think just `is native` or `is native(Nil)` or some such | |||
lunch & | 11:32 | ||
Skarsnik | Yeah but I want the addr of a function to pass it as a pointer (in a cstruct) to pass it to C code | 11:33 | |
like give Moar alloc and free function to a lib x) | |||
timotimo | might be able to use cglobal with int64 for that | 11:34 | |
Skarsnik | Oh right cglobal give a symbol addr? | ||
jnthn really hopes code doing that won't make it into the module ecosystem | 11:35 | ||
timotimo | oh, addr | ||
d'oh, it wouldn't do that | |||
it'd give you the first 64 bits of the function instead | 11:36 | ||
well, you can still nativecall into dlsym itself | |||
Skarsnik | m: use NativeCall; my $mv_free := cglobal('MVM_free', size_t, '') | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
Skarsnik | m: use NativeCall; my $mv_free := cglobal('MVM_free', size_t, ''); say $mv_free; | ||
camelia | Cannot unbox a type object (NativeCall::Types::size_t) to a str. in block at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 517 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Skarsnik | what | ||
timotimo | it returned a null for you | 11:37 | |
Skarsnik | Oh yeah, I don't like these unbox error x) | ||
it's MVM_Free ? | 11:38 | ||
timotimo | no, MVM_free | ||
Skarsnik | m: use NativeCall; my $mv_free := cglobal('', 'MVM_free', size_t); say $mv_free; | ||
camelia | Must specify something as a path: did you mean '.' for the current directory? in sub guess_library_name at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 231 in block at /home/camelia… |
Skarsnik | m: use NativeCall; my $mv_free := cglobal(Any, 'MVM_free', size_t); say $mv_free; | ||
camelia | Cannot locate symbol 'MVM_free' in native library '' in block at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 517 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Skarsnik | m: use NativeCall; my $errno := cglobal(Any, 'errno', int32); say $errno; | 11:40 | |
camelia | 0 | ||
Skarsnik | hm it's weird it can't find a symbol of libmoar | 11:41 | |
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MasterDuke | brrt: there are definitely deminishing returns, but just `perl6 -e ''` makes 4 calls to MVM_bigint_to_str with an actually-big int (plus 46 more with an actually-small int). and the value returned by nqp::objectid would fit in 2^48-1 | 12:01 | |
but jnthn++ pointed out it would be pretty difficult to implement | 12:02 | ||
nine | MasterDuke: 50 calls doesn't sound like all that much? | 12:03 | |
brrt | hmmm | 12:04 | |
MasterDuke | to do nothing? | ||
brrt | i think i see where you are going | ||
MasterDuke | i don't think it's the single most expensive function you can call in moarvm or anything like that, i was just hoping it was one of the easier ones to optimize | 12:05 | |
brrt | we could, with aggressive memory management, make those objectids reliably fit in 48 bits | 12:06 | |
stressing reliable :-) | |||
MasterDuke | i noticed a heaptrack report for a test script said MVM_bigint_to_str was one of the top causes of temporary allocations | ||
nine | Taking a step back, there's actually nothing _requiring_ an objectid to be a pointer, is there? | ||
brrt | nine: no | 12:07 | |
we could have atomic sequence numbers | |||
or | |||
thread-local sequence numbers | |||
nine | Was just gonna suggest the latter :) | ||
brrt | with, say, the upper 16 bits for the thread that allocated it, and the lower 48 for the sequence number itself | ||
if someone ever runs out of one of those, well, i think we should say we are succesful | 12:08 | ||
nine | Or just give each thread a range of 24 bits or so and have it allocate a new block of numbers when it runs out. Only block allocation would have to lock something or use atomics. | 12:09 | |
But I guess we're a long way from nqp::objectid becoming a bottleneck :) | 12:10 | ||
[Coke] | (experimental) isn't the forthcoming 6.d a good point to make things not experimental? | 12:11 | |
(samcv jnthn lizmat ^^) | 12:12 | ||
also mebbe zoffix | |||
MasterDuke | nine: nqp::objectid (and MVM_bigint_to_str) definitely aren't bottlenecks, but a lot of the times i ask about such things it's because they look like something simple enough i might be able to work on them | 12:14 | |
lizmat | well, if 2017.10 is going to be 6.d, then just after the release of 2017.09 would be the right time, no ? | ||
[Coke] | ... it is? | 12:15 | |
I didn't realize we were committed to that timing. If so, then sure, though, yes. | |||
lizmat | well, I dunno, I think we all agree we want 6.d rather sooner than later | ||
and no, no formal commitment has been made... I'm just putting a bit of pressure on it here :-) | 12:16 | ||
[Coke] | I haven't seen any work on roast cleanup. is the plan to take 'whatever's in master' ? | ||
anyway, if it's tied to a spec bump, +1 from me. | 12:17 | ||
jnthn | Well, in good news for 6.d I do now have some resources to try and carry the non-blocking await a bit further forward | 12:28 | |
Together with making the scheduler smarter | |||
[Coke] | \o/ | 12:29 | |
jnthn | I'd really, really like to see .hyper and .race sorted out this side of 6.d also | 12:32 | |
timotimo | <3 | 12:34 | |
Skarsnik | nine, maybe we can start a NC apiv2 or whatever it can be called x) | ||
MasterDuke | (.hyper, .race).race(*++) | 12:40 | |
is there any reason not to use the FSA for (nearly) everything in VMArray.c? is that what jnthn means here? irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2017-09-11#i_15146218 | 12:53 | ||
timotimo | when we already easily have the current allocation size on hand it's probably good to use the FSA | 12:54 | |
otherwise, don't | |||
is my approximation | |||
MasterDuke | hm. definitely not quite fully understanding what he meant/is involved with using FSA. can i keep the existing functionality pretty much identical, just swapping in FSA functions, and then implement what he said? | 12:59 | |
jnthn | MasterDuke: Approximately yes | 13:00 | |
But | |||
You need a flag bit somewhere (perhaps in the object header) | |||
That indicates whether or not the FSA is being used | |||
Since sometimes we populate a buffer from memory we were given by, say, libuv | |||
And we have to do a normal MVM_free of it in that case | 13:01 | ||
I'd kinda like to switch all of those cases to MultiDimArray in the future | |||
MasterDuke | ah, was trying to figure out why that flag was needed | ||
jnthn | And have them fixed size and immutable | ||
But that's a bigger step | |||
MasterDuke | so what would need to be changed to read that flag? | 13:03 | |
jnthn | Everything that might allocate/free the buffer | 13:04 | |
MasterDuke | done by implementing the check in VMArray's gc_free? | 13:05 | |
jnthn | There it'd be needed | ||
But also in the resize operation | |||
MasterDuke | and copy_to i assume? | 13:06 | |
jnthn | Well, there we have a choice | ||
We could always use the FSA in the destination array | |||
And we don't touch the source array | |||
Just read it | |||
MasterDuke | right | ||
jnthn | And the flag won't be copied automatically | ||
So I don't know that needs to check/set it | 13:07 | ||
MasterDuke | cool. many thanks, everyone here is very helpful | 13:08 | |
jnthn | From memory, unshift may also need a look | ||
Maybe or maybe not splice, but I think splice isn't yet optimized enough to need it | 13:09 | ||
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Geth | MoarVM: 49b90b99db | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/nfg.c Fix case change when base cp isn't the first cp in synthetic Now the base codepoint will change case even if there are Prepend codepoints in front of it. Now updated to use our updated Synthetic representation. |
16:00 | |
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