travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Jonathan Worthington 'Ensure ->caller/->static_info can't get outdated 00:23
Zoffix just the bump syncage issue 00:31
travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Merge pull request #726 from jsimonet/patch-1 02:08
ugexe has async io been left out because of tuits or design? the libuv plumbing seems easy enough, but api wise doesn't seem like it would be as simple as syncsocket/asyncsocket split 04:31
Geth MoarVM: jsimonet++ created pull request #727:
timotimo well, it was certainly night … 05:52
yoleaux 02:09Z <MasterDuke> timotimo: i've got a question about multis and find_best_dispatchee here, with some relevant info here
timotimo MasterDuke: i have no intuition about find_best_dispatchee :( 05:54
brrt good * #moarvm 06:15
timotimo hey brrt
top of the morning to you 06:16
brrt yes, you too
timotimo i just investigated a fun bug, where the Proxy returned by a SetHash's assignment gets returned from a lock.protect block and sunk outside of it, causing multiple threads to concurrently look at a given key and segfault 06:17
concurrently with the given key being deleted
brrt that's 06:18
for the record, i still blame the Container abstraction for 90% of what's wrong with perl6
timotimo really? containers are really powerful, though 06:19
or would you rather we had implemented explicit references instead?
brrt i dunno. maybe 06:20
yes 06:21
something being powerful is never by itself a proper reason to support it
random gotos to memory locations are also powerfull
brrt oh, timotimo++ on the performance analysis tooling grang 06:23
timotimo thanks
how cool is it that uthash already has a size parameter ready for all its uthash_free calls 06:36
brrt i don't know how cool that is 06:37
timotimo it's rather cool if you want to replace its use of malloc with fixed size allocator calls 06:41
brrt i see
is the FSA multi-threaded 06:42
timotimo yep 06:43
that's not the important part, though
we use the "free at safepoint" mechanism to make that if other threads were looking at the hash at the same time they still have memory they're allowed to do whatever they want with 06:44
the fsa takes "size, pointer", uthash has it "pointer, size" %)
i have no good reason to work on this, i should get started on my grant instead %) 06:47
brrt i should be working on so many things 06:49
timotimo hey look every perl6 run now gives a big "free: invalid pointer" right away 06:51
brrt progress? 06:54
timotimo no more crashes 06:58
the crash in the example program is now no longer reliable 06:59
oh, no, it totally still is
well, all of the work i've done right now will be required when somebody wants to fix this for real 07:00
might as well push it upstream
er, into the git repo i mean 07:01
Geth MoarVM/mvmhash_use_fsa: 0908c9a4c7 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 8 files
use the FSA for MVMHash and friends

it's supposed to make concurrent hash accesses not as crashy by using the "free at safepoint" mechanism, but more changes are needed to make it any safer than it was before.
This commit creates a bunch of versions of the HASH_ functions that end in _FSA and take a tc argument and then use the fixed sized versions of alloc and free.
brrt sounds like progress yes 07:29
timotimo oh, only now do i notice that in my grant proposal there were … that got turned into … 07:30
good job, movable type
brrt i don't think i've read your grant proposal yet 07:35
timotimo - that's the url
"â—‹ GC explorer" - the hell is this? 07:36
dang, the indentation also got messed up a little
timotimo wow, perl6 -e 'say "hi"' is really consistent when run under callgrind 07:53
that's nice to see
(only with spesh disabled, of course)
445,654,044 Ir with hashes using malloc/free, 445,301,169 Ir with hashes using the FSA 07:54
doesn't blow me away, but could be a nice saving perhaps? 07:55
69097 average maxresidentk (range 68832..69420) with fsa 07:57
69152 average maxresidentk (range 68904..69364) with malloc/free 07:58
ran it 9 times each
looking at the file i sent over to [Coke] for the grant application i can see 1) it's my fault the … got messed up, 2) it's not my fault the indentation levels got messed up 08:09
timotimo i can hardly believe our ref-indexes and ref-tos arrays need to hold 64bit ints, since they are indices to other arrays and if we have more than can be addressed with 32bit we're potentially screwed :) 09:45
Geth MoarVM: ed7831dee7 | (Julien Simonet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/jit/

This -> ""
MoarVM: b2ea17d7d8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/jit/
Merge pull request #727 from jsimonet/patch-2

timotimo i think the heap analyzer could really benefit from splice on same-typed native arrays being faster 10:28
timotimo or i should forget about splitting the work there and then not have to splice data 10:32
and for some reason memory usage keeps growing even though it *should* only be working inside super fast C code 10:33
timotimo oh! 10:39
it's not using nqp::splice, it's doing a straight-up loop with push and pop 10:40
i thought .splice was a kick-ass optimization, but it turns out .append is much directer 10:42
about 800 megs maxresidentk now 10:43
the before-measurement is not going so well ... 8.5 gigs already 10:49
so yeah, i know who the winner is
huh, i wonder if the *@ in the signature for splice is problematic here 10:50
12 gigs, wow 10:52
MFW OO::Monitors dies with an "invalid BUILDALL plan" 11:15
installing it, that is 11:16
oh, no, it was installed - perhaps with an older version - and testing a cro component broke
when i'm splicing a few million elements from one array into another ... maybe it should do a gc sync point every now and then %) 11:34
dang, it's not using the impl i wrote for my native int arrays .. 11:50
jnthn We should try and memcpy in splice when we determine that we can do so 11:58
yoleaux 02:09Z <MasterDuke> jnthn: i've got a question about multis and find_best_dispatchee here, with some relevant info here
timotimo yup, i just implemented that
jnthn ah, nice
timotimo what worries me is that this doesn't even go into splice at all: 11:59
m: my int @a = 1, 2, 3; my int @b = 9, 9, 9; @a.append(@b)
camelia ( no output )
timotimo m: my int @a = 1, 2, 3; my int @b = 9, 9, 9; @a.append(@b); say @a
camelia 1 2 3 9 9 9
jnthn Maybe .append isn't yet implemented in terms of splice?
timotimo there's a candidate for intarray that would accept a intarray @b in there
that would use splice
it just doesn't get taken
jnthn intarray @b would be an array of intarry
timotimo oh, yes 12:00
it's intarray:D: int @other
i blame the *@ and **@ candidates i guess?
jnthn Maybe but slurpy should be less specific
timotimo s: (my int @), "append", \(my int @) 12:02
SourceBaby timotimo, Sauce is at
timotimo that is indeed the one that runs nqp::splice ... ?!
hom. now it does use it. i wonder how i measured it wrong before? 12:04
ah, of course 12:09
m: multi doit(int @foo) { say "native int array" }; multi doit(@other) { say "other" }; doit(my int @); doit(my int32 @)
camelia native int array
timotimo it's because it's not an int64 one but a int32 one 12:10
hm, so ... i could also implement a memcpy-based version for object arrays. i'll just have to go through the array another time to make sure everything's barriered correctly 12:12
but if the array itself is in the nursery still, i don't have to barrier, right?
Ambiguous call to 'append'; these signatures all match: 12:13
:(array::intarray:D $: array::intarray:D $values, *%_)
:(array::intarray:D $: @values, *%_)
that's not a fix :|
timotimo tries out "is default" 12:15
hm, not yet available at that point, it seems 12:16
or there's some other reason it explodes with "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)" 12:17
Zoffix timotimo: if the file you're editing above this line, then yes, that'd be the reason. 12:19
(`is default` uses `does` op from that file) 12:20
timotimo ooooh!
yes, that would explain it
adding one candidate for each int kind we have ... not so great, but works 12:22
Zoffix m: multi x(Int) { say "here" }; multi x(Int) { say "there" }; BEGIN &x.candidates[1].^mixin: role { method default(--> True) { } }; x 42
camelia there
Zoffix m: multi x(Int) { say "here" }; multi x(Int) { say "there" }; BEGIN &x.candidates[0].^mixin: role { method default(--> True) { } }; x 42 12:23
camelia here
Zoffix :)
timotimo cool. doing a whole bunch of memcpys now where the arrays are object arrays 12:27
perl6 -e '' does it 49 times for a total of 215 elements 12:29
ah, it's not only about generational barriers, it's also about SC write barriers
so this code would crash and burn if that has to happen but doesn't
ah, ASSIGN_REF is really only about gen2 stuff, and if the root object is not in gen2 it's completely bypassed 12:34
timotimo 403,273,321 vs 403,285,477 is what difference memcpy for object vmarrays brings for perl6 -e '' 12:53
hardly something to write home about, but it's nice to know it impacts it at least a tiny bit 12:54
Geth MoarVM: b9d3f6da34 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/6model/reprs/VMArray.c
a fast path for VMArray splice using memcpy

happens when both vmarrays are of the same slot type. also works with objects, but only if the array isn't in the old generation, because otherwise we'd have to go through all pointers and write-barrier them.
timotimo bbl 13:06
timotimo mhh, had some noms 13:56
jnthn No time to read this at the moment but looks owrth a look: 14:48
ugexe jnthn: is async filesystem io not in moarvm because its not a high priority, or because it wouldn't be useful enough to warrant the complexity? 15:50
jnthn ugexe: A bit of both and also a question of whether there's a win in doing it in the VM (more) 16:04
jnthn ugexe: In terms of priority: async sockets are really useful 'cus you tend to be juggling dozens of sockets and latencies are quite high, and async procs because you can't sanely collect stdout and stderr without some kind of async. File access has a bunch less latency. 16:06
moritz ... unless you deal with slow NFS shares :/
jnthn Well, there is that 16:07
Beyond that, I recall reading that libuv actually uses a thread pool behind the scenes to manage outstanding file I/O requests
I don't know if that means that it just has threads doing "normal" blocking I/O, but if that's all it's doing, then we have a perfectly fine threadpool at Perl 6 level 16:08
So stick a `start` before your I/O code and all's well
I guess the other piece in this is that sockets and procs more naturally lend themselves to async handling, in that you want to react when something arrives. Files are usually processed as fast as we can grab the data and do stuff with it. 16:11
jnthn Yeah, here's the quote I was thinking of, it's top of the doc: "The libuv filesystem operations are different from socket operations. Socket operations use the non-blocking operations provided by the operating system. Filesystem operations use blocking functions internally, but invoke these functions in a thread pool and notify watchers registered with the event loop when application interaction is required." 16:13
So that suggests there's no win from more complexity in the VM 16:14
When we can do the same just fine at Perl 6 level
ugexe i wonder if that is due to difficulty in providing it cross platform, since I thought windows has decent async file system IO
jnthn Maybe, dunno 16:17
Maybe it's also a case of "possible but nobody wanted it enough"
Are you asking out of curoisity, or out of having a use case? :) 16:18
ugexe curiosity mostly. having been digging around libuv IO stuff I started wondering how useful async mkdir could possibly be 16:20
timotimo jnthn: cro is *really* unhappy with me using start it looks like 16:21
jnthn ugexe: Probably more useful when you're in Node.js and have a single thread 16:22
timotimo: Huh?
timotimo: It already runs every request handler inside of a start
timotimo should i be seeing output if i put a "start { say 'hi' }" after the $http.start (in the single page app example) 16:23
jnthn I'd expect so
timotimo it's unreliable at best 16:24
jnthn Are you running it under `cro run`?
timotimo i am
jnthn 'cus we don't have a way to allocate a ptty yet
So output gets held back by buffering
'cus the Proc::Async that runs it has an output pipe
timotimo oh, that's a good hint
jnthn I've been wondering what to do about that 16:25
timotimo got an idea yet for "cro trace is nice, but not if you have bundled javascript to serve"? :)
[Coke] (ptty) hey, did you hear about the weird terminal state I got in using proc::async to run ssh -t? :)
jnthn No 16:27
timotimo: I was just going to truncate it after a certain number of bytes :)
timotimo that should work well
jnthn timotimo: It's an easy patch, I'd think
[Coke]: fwiw, there's an SSH::LibSSH module :)