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Geth MoarVM: a9267cb67f | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/core/interp.c
don't allow low-level null from getdynlex
timotimo ^- RT #132300 12:11
synopsebot RT#132300 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132300 [SEGV] say nqp::getlexdyn('&DEPRECATED')
jnthn timotimo++ 12:12
timotimo i'm going to check the other functions of that type, too
there's one that explicitly stores NULL if the result from the function in question was null
jnthn Stores NULL in a register? 12:13
We should never do that
timotimo m: use nqp; say nqp::getlexrel(nqp::ctx(), "nope") 12:14
camelia (signal SEGV)
timotimo m: use nqp; say nqp::getlexreldyn(nqp::ctx(), "nope")
camelia (signal SEGV)
12:16 rba joined
Geth MoarVM: 650e7976f0 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/core/interp.c
no bare null from getlexrel or getlexreldyn either
timotimo they could need changes in the jit, too, though
interestingly, only getlexdyn has that problem 12:18
nice. the only two usages of getdynlex check the result for null anyway, so we can just as well move the check to the func that does the work 12:21
Geth MoarVM: 676723d736 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
move null check into getdynlex func for benefit of jit

the return value was already checked for null by every user except the jit, so just have the function do it.
MasterDuke btw, this is the link i was looking for earlier www.moarvm.org/measurements/perl6-bench/ 12:29
timotimo hasn't run in ages
MasterDuke there was a period where new files weren't being produced at all. they are now, but are empty 12:30
dogbert17 stumbles on a SEGV /o\
or more specifically asan barfage, i.e. no SEGV 12:31
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timotimo wat, accessing a destroyed threadcontext? 12:32
MasterDuke where do the process that creates those benchmarks live?
timotimo that's japhb's perl6-bench 12:33
jnthn It was just a cron job running perl6-bench and sticking the results somewhere 12:34
Not sure what broke it 12:35
MasterDuke where's the cron job?
timotimo jnthn's system
dogbert17 timotimo: if it's any clue the barfage disappears if I refrain from setting MVM_GC_DEBUG=2 12:36
timotimo i wonder why it'd die checking a register assignment, but not actually use whatever's in that?
dogbert17 tries with MVM_GC_DEBUG=1 12:37
with MVM_GC_DEBUG set to 1 it fails even earlier ! 12:39
ok 12 - Threads got different IDs
#0 0xb55d379a in bind_pos /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/nqp/MoarVM/src/6model/reprs/VMArray.c:387
#1 0xb55bb140 in MVM_repr_bind_pos_o /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/nqp/MoarVM/src/6model/reprconv.c:232
#2 0xb57646a0 in MVM_spesh_stats_cleanup /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/nqp/MoarVM/src/spesh/stats.c:645
#3 0xb575c317 in worker /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/nqp/MoarVM/src/spesh/worker.c:13
timotimo what :) 12:40
dogbert17 bizarre, with MVM_GC_DEBUG=0 the problems disappear 12:41
MasterDuke didn't jnthn fix some bug in debug code recently? 12:42
dogbert17 I think so yes
MasterDuke wonder if the problem is actually in MVM_GC_DEBUG!=0 code 12:43
dogbert17 that would be my noobish guesss
guess this should be reported 12:45
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dogbert17 I am running with a very small nursery, i.e. 32768 * 2 12:46
ok, reported as github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/728 13:00
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dogbert17 tries to repair a broken Roland TR-707 instead & 13:03
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japhb notices he's been flagged ... 18:16
What's up with perl6-bench?
timotimo just that we used to have daily results up on moarvm.org, but that has stopped at some point 18:17
japhb Huh. Bitrot? I haven't patched it in quite a while, I suppose it could have fallen prey to a deprecation or so. 18:18
timotimo i'd expect it's something not quite right with jnthn's setup 18:20
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samcv timotimo, do you know how long testing takes to run? 18:45
timotimo you mean spectests? 18:50
samcv the things you are citing. perl6-bench 18:54
timotimo oh
ironically, the faster your code is, the longer it'll take in total :P 18:55
i haven't run it in a long time
it starts with a tiny piece of work and increases the workload until a threshold is reached
perl6-bench has this nice tool that builds versions of rakudo and perl5 and it's all batch-friendly 18:57
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MasterDuke jnthn: is there an easy way to know if a method gets inlined? 22:42
jnthn MasterDuke: --profile 22:52
MasterDuke `In total, 5316427 call frames were entered and exited by the profiled code. Inlining eliminated the need to create 34691 call frames (that's 0.65%).` 22:58
so i doubt it for the method i'm interested in, but i don't see specific information about inlining in the Routines tab 23:00
jnthn It's in the call stack tab iirc 23:01
So really it tells you about whether it was inlined at a particular callsite 23:02
MasterDuke ah, so it is. `Calls (Inlined) NaN + (NaN%) `
jnthn o.O 23:07
Sleep time o/
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