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samcv good * everybody 07:05
07:12 domidumont joined
lizmat samcv o/ 07:49
08:11 zakharyas joined
samcv hi :) 08:15
moritz ho 08:33
08:41 robertle joined
lizmat jnthn: trying to grok the performance of 1.contains versus "1".contains versus 1.Str.contains 08:44
what I see is that "add_to_cache" is being called for every call to Cool.contains 08:45
(line 2481 in BOOTSTRAP)
and that can only happen if @possibles == 1 && pure_type_result
so why does it think it can cache, but doesn't cache ? 08:46
afk for a few hours& 08:50
jnthn lizmat: Wasn't that the flattening args thing? 09:17
Zoffix Yes 10:19
<jnthn> It'd be better named try_add_to_cache :) irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_15279031
The 1.contains goes through .contains: |c call which isn't getting cached 10:26
ilmari keeps getting confused between samcv here and smcv on another channel 10:29
lizmat Zoffix: indeed 10:30
jnthn: is there a reason Channel uses classes / nqp::istype for CLOSE/FAIL, rather than using an Mu.new and nqp::eqaddr ? 11:37
actually, only for CLOSE 11:43
jnthn FAIL 'cus we have to transmit the exception 12:05
CLOSE for uniformity with FAIL :)
It could be a constant
Could eqaddr on the type object too :) 12:06
lizmat ah, yes 12:09
lemme try
dogbert2 jnthn: didn't you fix github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/721 and github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/724 a few days ago? 12:11
jnthn dogbert2: I believe so 12:13
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timotimo jnthn: would merging spesh_faster_shutdown be fine for inclusion in our upcoming release? 15:08
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jnthn timotimo: Does it actually help? 15:10
For true global destruction we'd need to do something more sophisticated I think (not that --full-cleanup works in general anyway) 15:11
timotimo it does
jnthn And for normal exit...we don't tend to have any foreground threads, so the exit goes pretty fast anyway?
timotimo before i added that the time for perl6 -e '' was mostly 0.1, afterwards it was mostly 0.09
i'm not actually sure why it helps :) 15:15
can't really callgrind it
that's also why i asked for others to test it 15:16
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timotimo with the lack of testing and measurement i'd be totally fine with not getting this in the release 16:52
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timotimo jnthn: it'd be cool if we could get a Promise constructor for "already kept/broken" conditions into this release 17:58
oops, ww 17:59
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brrt good * #moarvm 20:19
my double-load-copy-replacement code is broken somehow :-(
luckily the optimizer isn't merged yet 20:22
jnthn suggests merging after the weekend release ;) 20:37
AlexDaniel` by the way, who is doing the moarvm release this time? 20:43
jnthn again? I have a feeling that someone else was volunteering 20:44
but I don't really remember now
jnthn I think samcv++ volunteered
AlexDaniel`: Do we have any outstanding blockers you're aware of? 20:51
AlexDaniel` jnthn: no
jnthn Alright. I'm heading away for some vacation on Sunday.
AlexDaniel` jnthn: brrt++ fixed the JIT issue and that's all I know right now
jnthn Great. :) brrt++
I'll probably have a few hours tomorrow if there's anything. Don't plan to do anything drastic, will write some tests for the stuff I did today though 20:52
AlexDaniel` OK. jnthn++ 20:53
.tell samcv irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2017-10-19#i_15327049
yoleaux AlexDaniel`: I'll pass your message to samcv.
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