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MasterDuke_ timotimo: i thought this looked interesting: ourmachinery.com/post/virtual-memory-tricks/ 02:13
particularly the idea to use a virtual memory allocator to help debugging
think that's something moarvm could use? 02:14
timotimo reminds me a bit of libefence 02:21
MasterDuke_ isn't that a bit annoying to use? 02:31
timotimo don't think so? 02:38
don't you literally just LD_PRELOAD it?
i'm going to sleep! seeya :) 02:41
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brrt good * #moarvm 07:05
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samcv good * brrt 07:10
brrt ohai samcv 07:11
what's up
samcv not much. trying to fix some sprintf things in nqp 07:14
really odd. %d returns the number with padding from the method in the grammar but %b doesn't. and that's odd 07:15
since i'm not sure where it's adding the padding on. and as a result it returns 0000-1000 for negative numbers if you use padding 07:16
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bartolin samcv: I'm not sure if it is relevant, but I started a branch back in 2015 where I tried to improve the padding for %b. I didn't follow up, though ... github.com/perl6/nqp/tree/sprintf 09:54
samcv heh. and the test fixes i just made independently. will look at it though :) 09:55
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brrt i've been trying to put large constants (i.e. pointers) in a separate table 09:59
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brrt hmm, question 10:21
nm, answer 10:22
i'm wondering whether i should split a large constants table from the constant pointers
the only purpose i can find for that would be to have large constants bigger than 8 bytes 10:28
samcv brrt: what are these constants used for and how often are they used 10:29
brrt the current use is to have pointers 10:30
so 8 bytes on x86-64
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samcv uh oh 10:30
Error in `/home/samantha/perl6/bin/moar': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007f7fbc0fe920 ***
never gotten this before... 10:31
brrt absolute power corrupts
samcv double power corrupts absolutely? 10:32
idk sounded better in my head
backtrace is here gist.github.com/b0f777b4c21ddea542...a93396019a 10:33
looks like it happening during bind_key 10:34
and i'm getting a failure in IO-Socket-Async.t 10:36
Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4 (and for 6 too) then too few positionals passed
let me try a make realclean
nope still failingā€¦ 10:37
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dogbert17 I haven't seen this before: MoarVM panic: non-AsyncTask fetched from eventloop active work list 13:43
timotimo but it doesn't output what it is? that's a simple fix, just put the debug name (MVM_6model_get_debug_name(tc, whatever)) 13:45
dogbert17 I'll see if I can repro it under gdb, all I have so far is that it happened while running test 62 in t/spec/S17-supply/syntax.t 13:47
that test has the following text 'CLOSE phaser sees correct outer scope' 13:48
[Coke] didn't jnthn -just- touch that? 13:49
timotimo yeah 13:50
gist.github.com/timo/f9fd9cf97f99d...2eded46972 - dogbert17 13:54
dogbert17 sigh, while running it in gdb I got a SEGV while running test 68 13:55
jnthn Yes, I fixed that issue yesterday and added the test
dogbert17 timotimo: thanks, I'll add it
here's the SEGV, while running test 68, gist.github.com/dogbert17/178c6c6c...075d9ac17c does anything stand out? 13:57
timotimo you surely got jnthn's latest moarvm commit as well? 13:58
oh, not a moarvm commit
dogbert17 ... built on MoarVM version 2017.10-57-gd257df23 13:59
btw, both problems turned up while the system was under som stress 14:00
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dogbert17 trying timotimo's clever patch 14:05
and the result is: MoarVM panic: non-AsyncTask fetched from eventloop active work list: was VMNull 14:06
timotimo that's the most boring way to have that happen 14:07
dogbert17 :) 14:08
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dogbert17 jnthn, timotimo: what about this gist.github.com/dogbert17/71d071ab...67d6b4bd0f 14:11
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dogbert17 seems as if that test can fail in a few different ways, i.e. 'MoarVM panic: non-AsyncTask fetched from eventloop active work list' or 'MoarVM panic: use of invalid eventloop work item index -1' or SEGV at 15:16
0xb7bb9b49 in setup_work (tc=0xb36eb448) at src/io/eventloop.c:15
15 MVMConcBlockingQueue *queue = (MVMConcBlockingQueue *)tc->instance->event_loop_todo_queue; 15:17
dogbert17 continues his ramblings 15:31
it turns out that valgrind has some comments wrt this test: gist.github.com/dogbert17/3a7a6dba...47a5a7e49c 15:33
timotimo that last one looks a bit like a missing MVMROOT 15:45
dogbert17 yeah, perhaps that one is the root :) of all problems above 15:49
but how do you find them
timotimo gc torture can help narrow it down 15:50
dogbert17 I can try that
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dogbert17 the first invalid read is very consistent, shows up every time 15:55
Geth MoarVM: d38519364e | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMIter.c
Don't segfault when MVM_iter on type object
dogbert17 timotimo: did you find something? 16:07
timotimo no, that's unrelated 16:11
dogbert17 timotimo++ anyway :) 16:12
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ugexe what is MoarVM/lib/MAST/Ops.p6 for? it says at the top that tools/update_ops.p6 updates it but that doesn't seem to be the case (so maybe Ops.nqp took its place?) 18:04
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ugexe also whats the best way to build a rakudo against a moarvm with a new op? usually I build rakudo at its latest commit and edit MoarVM files inside there (doing a `make install` will put everything in the proper spot). but trying to build nqp i'm now getting "operand type 32 does not match register type 56" despite what I thought was thorough make cleans 18:10
[Coke] ugexe: you can explicitly configure it with --gen-moar=master or --gen-moar=<sha1>
then you don't have to do any of the edits yourself.
ugexe the edits are source code edits... i do wants those :) 18:11
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jnthn ugexe: You'll have to rebuild Rakudo too if you add new ops 20:49
ugexe if I put the op to the bottom of oplist it works, but if i put it in the middle (grouped with getpid) it doesn't
should i be trying to group it like that?
jnthn The docs at the top of the oplist file explain where to add them 20:50
ugexe yeah i guess thats better instructions than git history heh 20:51
jnthn Don't write docs, and everyone asks for the docs. Do write docs, and nobody reads the docs. :P 20:52
nine doesn't see himself as nobody. Well not all the time anyway ;) 20:53
jnthn :-) 20:55
Usually the size of the "everybody" asking for docs is 1 or 2 people also ;) 20:56
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nine jnthn: that's a bug, isn't it? github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...late.c#L73 20:57
jnthn ooh 20:59
Yes, it should be append_to->next = ann;
nine And append_to may even be NULL
So if (append_to) append_to->next = ann; else prev->annotations = ann; 21:00
jnthn That also
nine Kinda ironic to see such complex machinery working but finding the bug in code for appending to a linked list. Which is literally a data structures 101 beginner exercise :D 21:01
Nicely demonstrates how we're all human I guess :) 21:02
jnthn Indeed. Also why code review is a really good idea. 21:03
nine Unfortunately it doesn't bring me closer to why removing a useless goto carrying a DEOPT_INLINE annotation causes breakage when that annotation is never used anywhere 21:08
jnthn Does the annotation get moved? 21:09
The inline annotations are really important
nine Now that the bug is fixed, yes. But it shouldn't make a difference. Not a single code path that checks for that annotation is actually hit even when the goto's still there.
jnthn Hmm 21:10
timotimo isn't it still used in the code gen to build the handler/uninline table?
nine The case MVM_SPESH_ANN_DEOPT_INLINE: in src/spesh/codegen.c:116 never gets triggered in the test case 21:11
The only logical conclusion I can see is that it's not the DEOPT_INLINE annotation that's important, but the goto itself. The annotation is just the last thing that would keep the goto from getting eliminated. 21:18
So something seems to be depending on an inlined basic block always being entered through a goto. 21:19
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jnthn nine: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...opt.c#L118 22:40
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Geth MoarVM: ugexe++ created pull request #747:
Put op in same order relative to oplist
MoarVM: ugexe++ created pull request #748:
Add getppid op
.oO( But is PR 747 jumbo? :) )
23:36 Ven joined
jnthn ugexe: fwiw, I'm in favor of #747 for the same of humans; I suspect compilers are smart enough (and I think somebody here measured that in the past). 23:36
*the sake of 23:37
ugexe that was just a cut and paste from the comments/docs... now I have an excuse for not reading them 23:40
jnthn ;) 23:41
Geth MoarVM: 1a8664b2dc | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/interp.c
Put op in same order relative to oplist

The ops should be in the same order here as in the oplist file, so the compiler can can optimize the switch properly.
MoarVM: 2ca7e8587b | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/interp.c
Merge pull request #747 from ugexe/patch-3

Put op in same order relative to oplist
jnthn Aww. So I merged that and now 748 has a conflict.
Which was, I guess predictable.
ugexe heh yeah i figured
i forced pushed the merge conflict fix to my branch 23:49
jnthn Cool. I'm off to rest now; I'll look at it in the morning :-) 23:50
ugexe see ya later 23:51