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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Zoffix Perl 6 Advent Calendar 2018 Call for Authors: 11:21
dogbert17 ZOFFLOP: t/spec/MISC/bug-coverage-stress-6.d.t - Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4 - continuationinvoke expects an MVMContinuation 13:58
in block at SETTING::src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm6 line 153 in block at SETTING::src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm6 line 242 in block at SETTING::src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm6 line 241 in method run-one at SETTING::src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm6 line 236 in block at SETTING::src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm6 line 278 14:00
brrt \o 15:06
dogbert17 o/ 15:10
timotimo oh, huh, we have functions starting in MVM_profile_ and MVM_profiler_ 15:13
brrt ohai dogbert17, timotimo 15:43
timotimo hai there
brrt I take it the fateful commits with the asyncsocket thing were reverted
it's a shame, I would've happily debugged that
timotimo we can still unrevert it for some debugging joy :) 15:44
dogbert17 it'll probably be reverted ahain before long :-) 15:53
the flapper above is probably not JIT related but could perhaps be something for jnthn 15:55
Geth MoarVM: cd4f98aff4 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 4 files
split "cleared bytes" into managed/unmanaged

since the unmanaged bytes amount is sometimes so gigantic, that the profiler accidentally underflows "cleared bytes" into the negative.
timotimo ^- that was actually an entire entry in my list of deliverables :)
nine I wonder what disadvantages would be there for doubling the interning arity limit? 20:03
dogbert17 looking a bit at the SEGV mentioned by XLiff and SqrtNegInf 20:04
with no flags the example ( SEGV's but with the JIT off I get 20:05
This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Mu 20:06
in sub crc32 at /home/dogbert/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/B11DB940E55C33C6937C1A1A778565879AE880A0 (String::CRC32) line 51
as written in the gist
the SEGV is like this: #0 0x00007f8ab1ce83a6 in MVM_repr_at_pos_i (tc=0x1b27a50, obj=0x0, idx=-4294967273) at src/6model/reprconv.c:97 20:07
97 if (REPR(obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_VMArray) {
jnthn nine: Probably a drop-in-the-ocean amount of extra memory use (I think the array of interns is allocated as a fixed size) 20:12
timotimo - moarperf fun 20:28
tadzik mmm
.oO( wets the appetite )
timo: yeah, you do need to label your axes :-) 20:39
timotimo: hmmm.. on second thought, I'm not sure I'm following 20:40
timotimo yeah, i do :) 20:41
and i just did
nine Considering how much of spesh's magic depends on callsite interning, I'd argue for setting the limit not too low artificially 20:44
lizmat timotimo: I would s/Timing/Spent and put the "after prev" values into a new column called "Idle" 21:05
and remove the word "spent" on each line
dogbert17 looks as if the SEGV I blabbered about an hour ago is caused by 21:20
lizmat timotimo: ^^^ 21:26
timotimo oh? crap? 21:29
dogbert17 it's a large change, could it just be a tiny mistake ... 21:33
timotimo could you put a default: MVM_panic(1, "oh no"); into that switch/case? 21:54
though it wouldn't get past that "if" if it didn't take one of the branches 21:55
dogbert17 timotimo: the MVM_panic wasn't called 22:38