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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth MoarVM: caf7e4ff2c | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc
Fix jump condition in JIT compiled getcodename

We check the code object's MVM_CF_TYPE_OBJECT flag. If the flag is 0 (the object is concrete), the test assembly instruction will set the zero flag to 1. So we need to jump over the throw_adhoc if the zero flag is set, not when it's 0.
Fixes GH #1027
MoarVM: c9cd9880f3 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc
Fix JIT compiled getcodename not always dieing on type objects

In cases where we do get a code object, we never checked if the code object is concrete because we immediately jumped to the success branch. Invert the logic and jump directly to throwing the exception instead to give the other check an opportunity to fail.
Fixes "no Segfault when creating a Sub object with .bless and trying to say it" in t/spec/S06-other/misc.t failing due to no exception being thrown.
nine Turns out, we had got two bugs for the price of one...
timotimo whoops 13:14
dogbert17 nine++ (bughunting) 13:19
timotimo nine: if you use R#1027 or M#1027 synopsebot will immediately understand and post the link 13:20
synopsebot R#1027 [closed]: Change atpos of @!named_names to atpos_s
M#1027 [closed]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] SEGV when running MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 ./perl6 t/spec/S32-list/sort.t
timotimo though we can totally put in intelligence for GH #1027 in a line starting with "MoarVM" or whatever repo
dogbert17 hmm, what's up with the atrocious parse times 13:23
nine Now we're back to the same old MVM_SPESH_NODELAY spectest failures, which btw. should have become much easier to fix with brrt++'s rework of how the JIT finds the (inlined) frames we're in 13:23
timotimo is everybody getting that now, huh?
dogbert17 timotimo: e.g. it takes 22s to parse the htmlify program from the docs repo ... 13:25
timotimo don't forget parsing also contains module loading time
could that be the case here, too?
dogbert17 true, but it's the same time if I run it several times
timotimo OK 13:26
well, that's not so good, then
would you be able to test against other recent versions of rakudo+everything?
dogbert17 sure, for comparison, parse time on 2018.10 is 2.3s
timotimo whoa 13:27
dogbert17 almost as if precomp has been turned off
timotimo i think 2018.11 already had the new compiler backend, right?
jnthn nine: I think probably the spesh frame walker that I built can be used to walk stack traces too
yoleaux 08:06Z <jmerelo> jnthn: I've edited it a bit to add a "Continue reading" button and avoid ragged lines in item list. Please check that it's OK, and also if there's somethign similar out there.
timotimo jnthn: i saw an "out" where an "our" was meant in your post, but was too tired to fix it myself
dogbert17: you could try turning on RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG to see if it does any precomp loading 13:28
dogbert17 cool, will try ...
nine jnthn: definitely yes! 13:29
timotimo we're not doing that yet? oh
jnthn Nope, nobody got around to it, I guess :) 13:30
dogbert17 timotimo: it's not precomp
nine Classic case of "all the hard work is done and the rest seems to trivial to bother" ;) 13:32
dogbert17 for each module the program needs it logs '1 RMD: Attempting to load 'Perl6::TypeGraph::Viz' - 1 RMD: Late loading 'Perl6::TypeGraph::Viz'
for each module, after having written 'Late loading ' everyting seems to hang sor a sec or two. Nor so on 2018.10
s/sor/for/ and s/Nor/Not/ 13:33
nine There's even my backtrace_uninline branch which despite being out of date clearly shows the places that need modification 13:34
Geth MoarVM/backtrace_uninline: e25e99cec7 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files
nine dogbert17: but are there "RMD: Loading precompiled" lines for those modules? 13:37
dogbert17 checks
hmm, there's some precomp stuff there I think: 13:41
at least the parse problem isn't present in 2018.12, it must have appeared in a later commit 13:49
timotimo fascinating 13:50
i mean, cur-candidates is new in 2018.12, isn't it?
dogbert17 yes
timotimo so that could be it? 13:51
dogbert17 yup
nine dogbert17: your gist looks good. Stage parse takes just 2 seconds here though
dogbert17 nine: it takes 22s for me with 'Rakudo version 2018.12-37-g45a945b built on MoarVM version 2018.12' 13:54
nine This is Rakudo version 2018.12-38-gc07cfe7af built on MoarVM version 2018.12-3-gc9cd9880f
dogbert17 rebuilds
nah, doesn't help, what the .... 14:00
nine You're not running a debug build, are you?
timotimo well, debug would be fine, just not with --optimize= 14:03
dogbert17 nine: no I don't :-) 14:06
for fun I ran with strace enabled. On 2018.10 the strace output is 9262 lines of which 6556 are stat calls 14:09
on master the strace output is 533892 lines of which 452260 are stat calls 14:10
note that my 'precomp' directories contains lots of old files
timotimo so maybe cur-candidates doesn't handle too many stale precomp files as well as the previous versions? 14:12
dogbert17 I fixed it by wiping my /home/dogbert/repos/doc/lib/Pod/precompiled directory, hooray 14:14
nine That's certainly something we should look into 14:15
dogbert17 in the strace output for master 371322 line made references to that directory 14:16
perhaps it might also explain lizmat's 'bad' spectest times 14:18
nine dogbert17: can you profile the slow version? 14:21
376statement 14:25
gen/moar/Perl6-Grammar.nqp:9350.0949% jit1,054276,701,161,105,583.44ms / 1,547.66ms
262,524,820,783.29ms / 1.47ms per entry
timotimo: ^^^
timotimo that's what output looks like when a program uses "exit"
:( 14:26
dogbert17 nine: would that still be useful now that I've wiped all the precomp files? 14:31
I'll give it a shot anyway 14:33
nine Would have been more useful with those files. No backup I guess? 14:35
timotimo just build a few random rakudo versions and run a few random programs on top of the program in question or so :)
nine dogbert17: I don't even have a lib/Pod/precompiled in my doc repo? 14:38
dogbert17 nine: perhaps you've never actually run htmlify to completion? 14:50
I just ean it but ... MoarVM panic: Internal error: zeroed target thread ID in work pass ... sigh 14:52
dogbert17 can't seem to press the correct keys, grrr 14:53
nine dogbert17: indeed I haven't: Failed to get the directory contents of '/home/nine/install/doc/build/Programs': Failed to open dir: 2
dogbert17 interesting 14:54
before my run crashed it managed to create a bunch of files in lib/Pod/precompiled and after that parse times have risen from 2.5s (empty dir) to 5.8s (som files in dir) 14:55
timotimo hm. that's probably not "too many open files"? 15:00
dogbert17 unfortunately the profile looks a bit strange/busted, i.e. 'Inclusive time' says Inf or NaN and 'Exclusive time' says 11.11% or 0% for all entries
timotimo: should the profiler pick up what happens in the Parse stage? 15:01
nine dogbert17: I think the explanation is simple. 15:02
CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem reads the whole directory to compute the sha1 hash. While it skips hidden directories (and thus .precomp), it will recurse into precompiled/ 15:03
dogbert17 nine: but is that a new feature? 15:05
I mean, 2018.10 was fast even though the directory contained a gazillion files
nine Could be that some caching doesn't work as well anymore 15:06
nine Ah, yes, !distribution doesn't cache its result. So we're recursing over and over again. 15:07
dogbert17 I'll continue experimenting, after arming myself with some coffee. Perhaps perf can find something of interest. 15:08
nine dogbert17: just add some caching to 15:09
nine Yeah, this patch seems to help: 15:14
Need to go now, so if someone wants to test/commit this, please feel free 15:15
dogbert17 nine++, I'll take a look
timotimo dogbert17: only with --profile-stage=compile 15:33
or something?
maybe just --profile-compile
dogbert17 timotimo: aha, so that was my stupid mistake 15:43
dogbert17 nine: your patch fixes the parse speed problem and passes spectest except for t/spec/integration/precompiled.t which fails 15:54
dunno, if it's the test itself which is broken 15:58
guess I'll have to leave it until nine or ugexe shows up 16:04
my spectest times improved by ~10% with this patch :) 16:05