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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo anybody want to look more closely into the libtommath changes to make moar compatible with the upcoming release? 11:21
Geth MoarVM: f7204a3ee5 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/math/bigintops.c
Fix Name Collision With Existing LibTomMath Function

fixes #1032
lizmat .tell jnthn found the place to get my %s is Set[Int] to work: 11:38
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
lizmat timotimo: looked at it, didn't see anything weird except of course the conflict (s_foo... vs MVM_foo... identifiers) 11:40
no idea how to fix that
timotimo looked at what? 11:41
what are s_foo? 11:42
lizmat the conflicts in the PR 11:43
timotimo oh, that one
since we're blocking a libtommath release and they're hoping to get into the latest debian freeze, i'd say we should unblock their process ASAP 11:50
brrt I haven't looked at it timotimo 12:13
timotimo: I can rebase and merge it if you want 12:15
nwc10 good *, #moarvm 12:16
brrt ohai nwc10
nwc10 jnthn: is your tea input back up to pressure?
timotimo - i wrote a comment on one of the issues, of which there are three :P 12:43
jnthn nwc10: Yes; it was fixed early this morning. Although the coffee machine still had water in its tank, so bootstrap wasn't threatened either way... :-) 13:00
yoleaux 14 Jan 2019 22:45Z <lizmat> jnthn: I created the candidate to handle "my %s is Set[Int]", but I have **no** clue as to how to get the parameterized set into position
11:38Z <lizmat> jnthn: found the place to get my %s is Set[Int] to work:
nwc10 hurrah for offline storage - water that's not in the cloud. 13:01
nine Water that's not in the cloud.....wait... 13:05
nwc10 I left out some implementation details about the bit between the cloud and the tap - exercise to the reader to fill in the bits about reservoirs, water treatment plants, pumping stations, whatever. 13:06
lizmat don't forget the rivers! :-) 13:12
jnthn Given you're not allowed to sell fish caught in the Vltava, I think I *will* forget that river when it comes to sourcing my drinking water :P 13:13
lizmat isn't that not more about preservation than health ? 13:17
brrt`` dunno, czech republic has been heavy-industry champion of central europe for a long time 13:18
lizmat true, but so has the Ruhrgebiet. But if you go there now, you'd be amazed how much it has changed since the 60-80s 13:24
anyways, it's all water under the bridge :-)
nwc10 lizmat: I did forget them. And the pipes. Lots of tubes. 13:26
nine Wow, that's surprising. Apparently there is no way at all to interrogate a perl6 process about the --libpath options in use. They are handled by MoarVM internally only. 13:39
brrt that may be an omisssion 13:46
lizmat nine: also not part of nqp::getcurhllsym('$COMPILER_CONFIG') ? 13:49
jnthn Probably nobody ever needed it (yet :))
lizmat m: use nqp; dd nqp::getcurhllsym(q/$COMPILER_CONFIG/)<libdir> 13:50
camelia "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share"
lizmat I guess that's not it ? 13:51
nine There are so many libs and directories. The libdir from compiler config is something else again.
lizmat but I guess it should be in there: nqp::getcurhllsym(q/$COMPILER_CONFIG/) 13:52
nine Everything surrounding library paths has a very ad-hoc feeling to it. Which is probably how it came to be :)
nine@beta:~> perl6 -e 'use nqp; say nqp::getcurhllsym(q/$COMPILER_CONFIG/)<libdir>' 13:53
lizmat: ^^^
nine@beta:~> nqp --show-config | grep nqp::libdir
lizmat urgh
timotimo libtommath has merged their side of the change related to the random number generator 16:47
and i've copy-pasted the necessary changes from pull request M#1034 into the source and i'll commit it soon 16:51
samcv i have now found an apartment in amsterdam. still so much left to do 16:52
Geth MoarVM: eccbc8541b | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/math/bigintops.c
Make MoarVM Compatible With Old & New LibTomMath

  Thanks to @czurnieden for the implementation and
making us aware of this issue.
Closes #1034
jnthn samcv: That sounds like a very useful thing to have got done, at least. :-) 16:56
samcv yes! found a nice 3 bedroom with balconies on both sides of the apartment. Amsterdam Oost 16:56
and my stuff by ship has been delayed until feb 22. so i need to decide what to do regarding that 16:57
samcv i brought a bed in my shipping container. so. maybe i will just buy one and put the one i have in the guest room. i don't know 16:59
jnthn That's certainly less that convenient. 17:02
brrt samcv++ that's quickly done 17:03
samcv the first apartment i was at today. no elevator and 5th floor. stairs were about 45 degree angle in slope 17:08
very nice apartment and lots of space. but it's not a walk. it's a climb
timotimo has not-so-fond memories of his own apartment search 17:09
brrt hehe 17:10
timotimo when you said you found one, i thought you had perhaps already signed a contract; are there many other people interested in that particular apartment?
brrt well, you have no reason to complain. I live in arnhem, I have to climb 60 meters every time I head to the city and back
samcv ah. well i got confirmation and sent my passport job contract etc
samcv there was another person who wanted it. but they had no sent in all the required details. now i must wire some money and then sign the contract on the 22 17:11
timotimo brrt: you're saying it's a climb both ways? :P
samcv but it is mine
provided i do what i just mentioned
now i need to do all furniture, light fixtures and washer and dryer. internet connection. probbaly many other things. but glad i found this place with the help of the relocation service 17:12
brrt hehe, that was ambiguous grammatically
samcv i believe they said it was barred to students. as it has 3 bedrooms there would be very many people probably :) 17:13
thinking of having a guest room, an office and then master bedroom
brrt is a little jealous 17:14
timotimo hello a little jealous, i'm timo
samcv it's a little less m² than some other i saw, but the balconies, being on the 1st floor with storage area in basement, plus quiet street but a major shop street close by
only one i saw out of the 5 i saw today i was like. ok this could be it
timotimo how's the distribution of electrical sockets? in my apartment it's rather terrible 17:15
samcv it was just renovated and now is A energy. so insulation and thick windows, wood floors. lots of sockets and lan
timotimo nice 17:16
samcv 1450 a month, so not bad for what it is
brrt \o 20:38
so, minor issue of the day
the 'rax' register is unallocatable by the register allocator 20:39
.oO( bRAXit )
brrt brcxit
brbxit - which is nonvolatile
ehm. It is the 'spare register' for the JIT compiler....
Anyway, minor issue resolved; I need to start storing that spare register 20:40
rather than leaving it implicit