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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke timotimo: did that patch you made to optimize invoking .Str/.Num/.Int get merged already? 01:03
timotimo looks like it hasn't been merged 01:29
MasterDuke k. just wanted to make sure i didn't need to update some of the comments that mention those in my PR 01:33
timotimo: btw, think any of the stuff currently commented out here could be uncommented? 01:40
timotimo could be attempted 01:43
MasterDuke oh, and any idea why we don't have a branch for num here?
timotimo not sure 01:44
MasterDuke hm, maybe i'll try those things after that PR is merged
timotimo the PR could surely go into postrelease-opts soon 01:45
i'll go have a sleep. seeya! 01:48
MasterDuke later... 01:54
nine Was the plan not at some point to create release branches and keep master open for development at all times? 07:51
brrt plan, never executed 08:05
good * nine
nine Good morning! 08:13
nwc10 good *, #moarvm 08:19
jnthn Good morning o/ 09:57
nwc10 \o 09:58
jnthn Currently playing with some patches that has us explicitly label types that could be the target of a mixin 10:12
The idea being that if we specialize on a P6opaque-based type without that set, then we know it will not have any real_data pointer 10:13
And so can have ~4 instructions (including a conditional move) off every attribute read/write 10:14
Geth MoarVM/postrelease-opts: b51bb13296 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 8 files
Add a newmixintype op

A form of `newtype` that sets a flag saying that this type can be the target of a mixin. Added as a new op used at type creation time so that we can easily reason about a type always having that property for its lifetime, rather than any timing worries about it being set later. This alone doesn't do anything useful; the useful part will be when we start ... (5 more lines)
brrt oh hey, geth is back again 10:55
jnthn Urgh, I wonder why changing it to use the simpler ops is so explosive... 11:11
Anyway, on one benchmark that does run, just some of them getting rewritten to the simpler form seems to be worth a few percent. 11:29
lizmat jnthn: you are aware of the recent changes in test-t and make spectest performance ? 11:33
I can sorta understand the make spectest changes 11:34
nwc10 jnthn: ASAN is extremely exited by origin/postrelease-opts
lizmat but the test-t changes feel worrisome (which I see myself as well)
jnthn lizmat: Yes, aware; the spectest one isn't a big surprise, the test-t one somewhat is, though
lizmat: Don't panic.
lizmat I'm not, just wanted to make sure you're aware 11:35
jnthn OK, good.
nwc10 jnthn: it can't even bootstrap NQP
(in spesh)
jnthn nwc10: huh, interesting
lizmat FWIW, a --profile on the test-t doesn't have anything that jumps out
jnthn nwc10: Builds quite happily here; I'll valgrind it
nwc10 jnthn: this might correlate with "Urgh, I wonder why changing it to use the simpler ops is so explosive..." 11:36
jnthn Well, that was in the immediate becuase I screwed up in the JIT... :) 11:39
Geth MoarVM/postrelease-opts: e41e355e71 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 7 files
Add vivifying non-p6o object ops

Which we'll be able to use to produce simpler code for attribute access to non-mixin types.
jnthn m: say 11533654155 / 11794375512 11:51
camelia 0.97789443309
jnthn m: say 11533654155 R- 11794375512 11:52
camelia 260721357
jnthn That's probably worth continuing with, especially as it'll only become more of a factor with time... 11:57
Geth MoarVM/postrelease-opts: 01e1902c9b | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
Fix a use-after-free
jnthn nwc10++ for reporting
Unfortunately, that isn't The Cause of the instability I was looking for 11:58
ah, but I might see what that is 11:59
jnthn oh wow, it looks like there was a longstanding bug in sp_get_o in the interp and a different one in its JIT... 12:12
Geth MoarVM/postrelease-opts: 78e8a60275 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/interp.c
Correct interp implementation of sp_get_o

It was failing to deference the target address it calculated.
MoarVM/postrelease-opts: c5e432653a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc
Make JIT of sp_get_o match the interp

That is, add the NULL -> VMNull mapping logic in there.
jnthn Lunch now
jnthn Yes, and with those, my local patch set for attr access speedups passes spectest 13:13
It fails a couple of NQP tests (the tests need adaptation) and also I probably need to rebootstrap JVM; I'll clean that lot up in the future. 13:14
Geth MoarVM/postrelease-opts: c5f47fba7c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c
Require rebless target type is a mixin type

Testing this branch going forward requires the identify-mixin-types branches in both NQP and Rakudo.
MoarVM/postrelease-opts: 0cc8b2b8c5 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c
Produce simpler attribute access instructions

Only for object type attributes so far. When we know the target type is not a mixin type, we can go directly for the attributes, rather than needing to do the real_data dance, which saves four instructions per attribute access.
timotimo cool. what kind of type won't allow mixed in? 19:27
just roles? 19:28
this ought to also make P6opaque "as cheap as" CStruct "for real" :D 19:36
jnthn timotimo: Well, only if we pre-initialize the attrs so we don't gotta null check 'em all, but then we need a new solution to nqp::attrinitted 22:23
japhb jnthn: Are those null checks or VMNull checks? 22:25
jnthn japhb: Really null checks. We use (C) NULL as a "this attribute was never touched" sentinel.
japhb: Which seemed clever when everything else was to blame for being slow, and seems annoying now we're getting down to "how many CPU cycles can I make attribute access" :)
(Of course, I want the answer to be "1 if you already have the object in a CPU register") 22:26
Geth MoarVM: apapas++ created pull request #1054:
use _wopen on windows