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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo > top objects by size 01:39
Parameter 1,834,232 bytes 01:40
<anon MVMStaticFrameSpesh> 1,232,880 bytes
<anon MVMSpeshLog> 786,592 bytes
Method 753,920 bytes
by count:
<anon MVMStaticFrameSpesh> 4,242
(there is only a single MVMSpeshLog it seems like) 01:41
it does have a whole crapton of references in it 01:42
MasterDuke it would be nice if --full-cleanup didn't segv 02:15
samcv MasterDuke, yeah i used heaptrack to profile 06:33
any tips are welcome
samcv puts on a cup of tea 06:35
nine timotimo: are you still confused about the size/flags arg? The 2 lowest bits are about endianness. The next 2 bits are the log2 of the size in bytes, i.e. 0 -> 1 byte, 1 -> 2 bytes -> 2 -> 4 bytes, 3 -> 8 bytes 11:55
timotimo nine: ok, but why does it decide whether to shift by 1 or 2 to get the size? 11:57
nine timotimo: just noticed that and testing the fix 12:08
Geth MoarVM: 81284a077a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/jit/graph.c
Remove leftover bootstrap workaround - difference in readint's flags field

When implementing endian switching for (read|write)u?int I discovered that I needed 2 bits for encoding endianness information. To get through NQP's bootstrap I temorarily took an unset endianness flat to signify the old 1 bit interpretation of the flags field. Apparently I forgot to remove the workaround in readuint's JIT implementation.
Many thanks to timotimo++ for the discovery!
nine timotimo: there you go :) Sorry for the confusion
timotimo \o/
gzip allows storing an arbitrary null-terminated string in each block's header 12:28
and with FULL_FLUSH, a new block can be decompressed on its own without accessing earlier blocks 12:29
ebay engineers have figured out that the extra space needed for indices into the blocks in every block's comment isn't too big
and having these indices allows splitting gzipped files across multiple computation nodes 12:30
it'd be cool if the heap snapshot files wouldn't easily balloon up past gigabytes
gzip almost gets the file size down to 1/10 12:33
even with -1 this one file goes from 115 megs to 23; whatever the default flag was got it down to 19 12:34
i can't help but feel i can squeeze a bit more out of the format i already have 12:43
looking at it through xxd shows a whole lot of zeroes
timotimo anyway, i investigated why sometimes there's objects without a name in the heap snapshot and it was a simple fix, yay 13:12
oh, collectables aren't even variable-sized, only references are 13:28
though i think references tend to be a few times as big in total
cool. about 30% of all refs have only the cindex field set at all (with descr and kind both being 0) and out of those, 25% fit the cindex value into 16bit 14:36
timotimo i'd really like for the heap snapshots to become about 50% smaller still ... but i don't think i can get that very easily 18:09
so maybe using zlib would be smarter 18:35
only for writing out until the user wants to access it? 18:38
MasterDuke timotimo: or zstd perhaps? 18:48
timotimo MasterDuke: is zstd a cheap dependency? 19:38
MasterDuke timotimo: dunno 19:45
timotimo zlib is, like, everywhere 20:02