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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke jnthn, timotimo: ah ha! the SEGV when profiling does happen even without my patch! 00:21
ugexe unix,win: add uv_gettimeofday() #2221 01:26
seems like that aught to be useful for something 01:27
lizmat jnthn: seems like Range.clamp could be a useful addition: 09:50
AlexDaniel lizmat: perhaps start an issue on 12:10
lizmat: IIRC it's not just clamp, there are several mathy things missing
so it would be great to have a bunch of them added in v6.e in a coherent way 12:11
lizmat seems like you have a better idea as to what needs to be added :-)
AlexDaniel not from the top of my head 12:12
but we should start a list
I can file an issue though…
lizmat ++AlexDaniel :-) 12:13
AlexDaniel I have to run now, but that's a start: 12:17
brrt ohai #moarvm 14:47
mgoebel: I think you reached out to me on email, correct? 14:49
mgoebel brrt: Yes! I'm the student that reached out with interest about the GSoC project. 14:53
brrt cool 14:56
so, are there any questions you have so far, anything I can clarify? 14:57
have you gotten so far as to get rakudo perl6 working on your machine?
mgoebel Yes, I downloaded and installed it a couple months ago, but don't have the latest version and am working on updating that now. 15:00
mgoebel I'm an undergraduate computer science senior at Georgia Tech. I did an Advanced OS course and a Compilers & Interpreters course last spring which were super hard but a ton of fun, but it was definitely just the tip of the iceberg and there's a lot I don't know. I'm most comfortable in C and I don't have a lot of experience with Perl, though I'm working on picking it up. 15:03
brrt Cool. 15:04
mgoebel Are there any write-ups (maybe on the compiler or related things) that might help me tackle the initial learning curve that you could point me towards?
brrt Well, not everybody here has a lot of experience with perl5, so that's hardly a requirement
On the rakudo compiler, there's been a bunch of slides 15:05
I can find them
but to be honest jnthn knows a lot more about those
I'm mostly the JIT guy around here
mgoebel: 15:06
this should give you some insight into how things work together
but it is kind of old and doesn't talk a lot about MoarVM internals
we have a docs folder, and istr that samcv was at some point busy making online documentation
ggoebel jnthn: is there a link to an index of your papers?
brrt ggoebel: there's that 15:07
mgoebel brrt: Thanks! I'll start with that and work from there. 15:08
brrt great
so I should stress, regarding the linking idea; I looked into this and it seemed doable, but it's not a predetermined path 15:09
and there is at least one complexity still, which is that we use dynamic linking to load some extra, rakudo specific code in the VM (so called extops)
now.... extops are somewhat deprecated, but they're not gone yet 15:10
samcv brrt, istr?
brrt 'I seem to recall'
I recall seeing a documentation website that you built ... times ago
samcv yeah 15:12
well. that i got like part way done. i thought istr was some op :)
brrt hehe
samcv and i didn't remember one called istr() :-)
brrt could've been
mgoebel: obviously we have the docs/ directory as well, but I don't think there's much relevant to this case 15:13
samcv brrt, i found malloc_trim() interesting. i had no clue that existed
brrt samcv: I think that was actually MasterDuke's suggestion; neither did I, btw
samcv This function is automatically called by free(3) in certain 15:14
M_TRIM_THRESHOLD default is 128*1024. but somehow 15:16
maybe it just doesn't always get triggered
samcv interestingly there's the MALLOC_TRIM_THRESHOLD_ ENV var which can change the default M_TRIM_THRESHOLD 15:19
i go from 8.7 max to 6.3 with my script that cats a linux iso 5 times doing malloc_trim(128*1024); 15:30
mgoebel brrt: Good to know, I'll keep an eye out for other ways of doing it as well 15:32
I'll work through the rakudo and nqp course and look through the slides and will likely have a lot of questions after that
brrt later 15:35
samcv: that's a fairly big difference 15:36
lizmat wonders if is something for brrt or jnthn 16:58
Geth MoarVM: samcv++ created pull request #1072:
Ask malloc to free kernel pages on GC collection
Geth MoarVM/master: 9 commits pushed by (Patrick Sebastian Zimmermann)++, (Patrick Böker)++, (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 19:36
timotimo cool! 20:01