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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt good * #moarvm 11:54
nwc10 good *, brrt 12:12
brrt so, the HN discussion on my post was fruitful in that it gave me this link: 12:24
which ehm, describes an IR that is very much like mine
masak great minds think alike 12:28
brrt I'd say we read the same source :-D 12:38
brrt ohai #moarvm 20:11
timotimo ohai brrt 20:12
brrt ohai timotimo
I have been thinking and pondering and doing more thinking
Which is dangerous 20:13
But here's my idea.
timotimo i've been paralyzed by my next task on the heap snapshot profiler - which should be a trivial thing to just code up, but my brain is being a donkey
so i started a blog post
brrt oh, I listen
and maybe I can help
timotimo i listen, too, though
brrt Ok! 20:14
what if I change the expression IR
timotimo would you say the design of the data structure has ... exp IR ed?
brrt from a DAG, value based, unordered structure, to an instruction-based structure
underlying data structure can stay mostly the same, I think. Maybe slightly simplified
we do most of the conversion in the perl template precompiler 20:15
... or maybe not, maybe at runtime
we get real basic blocks... and we can make low-level blocks over more than one basic block 20:16
timotimo ah, that's probably important :) 20:17
low-level blocks would be the kind where we have conditions inside expr templates right now, right?
and the real basic blocks are the bbs we have in spesh already? 20:18
brrt yeah 20:23
and it'd all be the same
timotimo so they could even overlap?
or if there's a block over more than one bb it'd just be a merged bb? or split at different points? 20:24
brrt I lost connection for a second 20:33
No, I really just mean that an entire MoarVM routine could be in a single IR structure
rather than one tree per basic block as is the case now
timotimo oh, ok
well, it does sound like a rosy future 20:37
brrt hehe :-) 20:38
it sounds like a bunch of work.... but nothing that can't be managed
it sounds like converging with what guile scheme also does
timotimo but of course we can't just steal half of that, huh? 20:44
brrt if only 20:53
guile has its compiler written in scheme iirc
timotimo isn't scheme one of the easiest languages to implement? :D 20:54
maybe forth could be easier?
brrt forth would be easier. But scheme is fairly simple 20:56
oh, I see your point :-D
yeah, well, if there's no GSoC student interested in the spesh/jit testing tool, I'll be writing it myself
(and it would, in a way, be a scheme) 20:57
or almost-a-scheme 20:58
timotimo there'll have to be a pun on that for the name 21:01
now how do i visualize my data format ... 21:03
the graphviz approach i tried wasn't really satisfactory
brrt graphviz didn't work? 21:05
discord6 <timotimo> 21:06
<timotimo> i'm not too happy with the look 21:07
brrt oh, I kind of like it 21:10
timotimo i'm considering maybe taking a screenshot (or even html dump) of a hex editor and coloring it in or something
brrt I'm slowly coming around to appreciating rust 21:14
masak it's nice to see you talking about converging on Scheme 21:16
I think I understand the context, but even without it, I'm just a fan of the idea ;)
brrt :-)
I guess what happens is that in both our case and in their case, we're moving slowly from a high-level language with polymorphic primitives, via a low-level language to assembly 21:19
timotimo masak: got a hot tip on how to visualize the interior design of a file format?
masak something like a collapsible hierarchy with hyperlinks in it? 21:22
which file format are we talking about? moarvm bytecode?
timotimo nah, the new heap snapshot format 21:33
it should be more like a diagram of how the format is designed rather than an actual file that you can scroll through 21:34
brrt I don't mind ascii graphs for that purpopse 22:02
timotimo i wonder what blind people would prefer in this case
an html table would let them
probably let them* navigate cell-to-cell comfortably
but a braille display might be better with an ascii diagram? 22:03
annoyingly, my browser recently crashed, and ghost hadn't saved a draft since i started the latest paragraph 22:08
brrt :-( 22:21
I don't think a braille display would work well with ascii. But I don't know
timotimo since i'm randomly fascinated by blind computer usage, i should get a braille display. except those things are incredibly expensive 22:27
brrt moar blog: 22:52
about how LuaJIT's register allocation algorithm is cool
and how we should totally steal that
timotimo: they are
I once had a program called 'zoomtext' 22:53
This was paid for me by.... some government agency
It was *ridiculously* expensive
fortunately zooming is built-in on most platforms now
timotimo oh lord 23:25
what exactly did it do?! just hook into every kind of program and turn font sizes up?