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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke doh. if i put that large file in the right directory structure it does precompile 05:21
rfold nine: you mentioned using start instead of Thread.start, what's the difference that causes one to work and not the other? 08:31
nine rfold: Thread.start starts a genuinely new thread for the sole purpose of running the block you pass it. After that the thread is stopped again and garbage collected. start { } schedules the block on the thread pool. The thread pool's threads are retained and re-used. 08:37
rfold Thanks. Should this be documented in perl6/doc?
nine rfold: I'd say so, yes
brrt \o 10:09
timotimo o/ 10:10
brrt timotimo: I might as well get started with the devirtualization today... 10:17
timotimo ooooh 10:18
Geth MoarVM/jit-expr-float: 7548d02d7b | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc
[JIT] Handle NaN in FP branching comparisons

Adds branches checking for parity flag, because the carry flag is also set when the result of comparison is unordered (i.e. one operand is a NaN value).
The reason I never saw them in C compiler output is that the C compiler just reorders the comparison, so it can always use the is-greater comparison result ('ja' jump). That might be an interesting optimization for us as well.
MoarVM/jit-expr-float: 29 commits pushed by (Bart Wiegmans)++