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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Kaiepi can someone review ? 16:29
lizmat not me :-( 16:32
Geth MoarVM: 8d0b50d3f5 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc
Fix JIT compiled native calls returning unsigned char|short with high bit set

For some unknown reason byte or word sized unsigned values can get sign extended into rax, so we need to mask those high bits before pushing the register onto the stack.
nine I find it kinda surprising that this issue hasn't cropped up before. 19:58
japhb If the unsigned char/short was only treated as opaque data, not as something to do math/logic with, then it may be sign extended on read and masked/truncated on write, and no one would notice. 20:27
dogbert17 nine: still around? 20:39
nine yes 20:40
dogbert17 I believe that you can close M#763
synopsebot M#763 [open]: JIT of NativeCall breaks some return values on Mac OS X
nine dogbert17: oh, indeed! 20:44
dogbert17 nice 20:45
AlexDaniel well, ok, I mean… I need moarvm tars and I guess I'll have to wait for samcv :) 21:53