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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
sena_kun 11:31
Altai-man_ [RELEASE NOTE] It seems we have a blocker, better to wait with MoarVM release until it'll be confirmed it is not a MoarVM issue. 11:36
Altai-man_ [RELEASE NOTE] A moarvm release can be done. 12:04
...or not 12:05
lizmat are native nums in MoarVM local, or done by libtommath ? 12:08
MasterDuke local. they're just doubles 12:09
lizmat hhmmm
so it could be a compiler issue on Win ?
as in C compiler issue ?
MasterDuke could be 12:10
Geth MoarVM: ed404f5444 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | tools/release
release tool: write the commit's subjects into ChangeLog
Geth MoarVM: dd20883c34 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 3 files
Align MVM_args_get_required_pos_num with what the JIT actually expects

The point of splitting MVM_args_get_pos_num into required and optional versions was to have the one for required args return a plain result instead of a struct, since conventions for returning structs are platform dependent and not very well specified. We were actually lucky that taking the result from RV in the JIT worked anyway.
lizmat nine++ 13:57
jnthn That's a good find 14:00
nine dumarchie++ noticed a discrepancy in interp.c 14:03
Altai-man_ if is resolved, we can close it 15:49
who can pack a moarvm release?
Geth MoarVM: 41eacf6ad5 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Log latest commit to ChangeLog
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1243:
Doing an mp_clear after a failed mp_init is UB